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Messages - JBTascam

Pages: [1]
Finished Works and Works in Progress / USS Americana Forever - Final Cut
« on: January 09, 2008, 07:14:56 pm »
Well, it took forever, and I even uncovered a real "bug" in anim8or (not just one of those "learn to use the program" bugs!)

Here's the final cut (for now) of the USS Americana recruiting video I've been working on!

Given that I'm getting about 1 minute a year done on rendering, look for my full-length feature film sometime in 2177!

ASL Scripts / My Only ASL Script Complaint
« on: December 20, 2007, 02:07:14 pm »
Ok, maybe it's 2 complaints.

1)  I can't declare a static "local" variable that "remembers" it's value frame to frame.  This hasn't been a big deal, just makes for some interesting code when I use the "frame" number to key off frame specific events.

2) I can't declare a static "global" variable (again, that remembers it's value frame to frame).

Since "animated gifs" are not an option in the system, I've been using "frame#" to sequentially display textured tiles.  Since I sometimes want to display several different copies of these animations, I'm doing a lot of "hand editing" of the file.  Being able to have variables for the "first frame" and let each subsequent tile reference that would be great!

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