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Messages - ludablay

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Help - Anim8or Loader
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:42:43 am »
Hello everybody, i'm a final year student developing a facility management software as my project work. i'm using anim8or for a building's structure and linking it to an interface using java3d and hooking it up to an oracle database. so far i've linked to the database, started the GUI with java and modelled part of the building in java.

the problem though is, i can't quite find a good loader to get the .an8 file into the java so that i can interact with it and have a stand-alone application, i've tried a couple of loaders and some can only rotate or only view. i've even exported as a .3ds file to try a 3ds-loader but that was not good either.

any suggestions, i really need this. thanks.

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