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Messages - Sunflash

Pages: [1]
Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: New Idea, New Team
« on: April 29, 2008, 06:01:35 pm »
Hey guys, you do know that even though the renders may look great in Anim8or, when you place them into a gaming engine, they will be rendered differently. For instance, all the ray tracing won't work. Thats something specific to Anim8ors rendering process. All the cool effects have to be created with the programming language/game engine. ANd most game engines don't allow special effects like this stuff, so you usually have to get into programming. Your best bet is to switch over to shaders. ENTIRELY for all your effects (refraction, bumpmap, reflection, water freshnel, sun bloom). But I don't think Anim8or supports shaders, so you won't be able to see them in the rendering process.

But yeah, in mainstream games these days, all the cool water effects, suns brightness, and other stuff is controlled with shaders. So although your models/scenes may look great, you gotta remember that you won't be playing the game within anim8or, but another engine. It's easier to choose the models around the engine, instead of the engine around the models.

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