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Messages - irunmywebpage

Pages: [1]
No I tried an image map on a 256X256X256 cube initially. This looked like it worked but when I started to animate it the images stayed fixed and only the cube shape rotated.

I'm wondering now if I should recreate an ordinary 256X256X256 and try and put a seperate image on all 6 sides as a texture but i'm thinking is it possible to put a single image as a texture on ONE side of the cube?

I first tried to use an image map texture but thta not what I needed. Then I built an image cube as an object but when I went into figure mode and added the image cube object to a figure (Single bone) all I could see was a black cube.

What happenned to the images I associated with the image object I could see in "object mode"?


Pages: [1]