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Messages - crazymario

Pages: [1]
I've found that running vista w/out all the effects does make it a bit more scary, but it's worth it.
People don't realize so much power is put into graphics and shadows for each windows.
Well, it's  working fine for me now. I can even use Aero!

Yay! I finally got it to work! I happen to have ANOTHER monitor! I ran Anim8or on that monitor instead of my laptop's screen, and it worked! :)
Actually, I already thought of doing this a long time ago, but I wanted to use it a last resort...
So, now to mess around and figure out how to work the thing.

I have 1 whole gig of RAM. That's 2 times as much as 512 MB, so I'm good! maybe...

Man, that looked scary!!! Ok, THAT didn't work either.
Ok, in the device manager under Display Adapters, it says I have:
Mobile Intel 945GM Express Chipset Family...

Hmm... It works, until try to do something, then the same thing happens. Thanks, anyway!

General Anim8or Forum / Help in Vista, tryed everything!(I think...)
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:49:52 pm »
Hey, I'm new here.
I just can't figure out how to get Anim8or to run on Vista!
1. I looked at the "Vista Problems" page and:
   a. I have the latest driver for my card (Intel, and I'm not mistaking it for the CPU).
   b. I tryed all pretty much all combinations of compatibility modes and options.
2. I have looked all over the forums.
So, whenever I open Anim8or, the window looks messed up! Observe:

Any suggestions?

Pages: [1]