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Messages - flipper

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Anim8or Forum / Need a walkthrough on some basics.
« on: February 07, 2012, 04:19:42 pm »
Taken a long hiatus and have forgotten most of what I learned.

So for starters......

I have a model that is boned, skinned and animated.
I have almost the perfect camera angle (using a modified ortho view) and perfect lighting. (will address this in a different post)
I have added textures. (will address this in a different post)
All is well for the most part. I export 32 frames and select 8, rotate figure 45 degrees, repeat.
So now I have that figure walking. So far so good.
Now I go back and create a new sequence of my figure just standing (1 frame)
I import the figure/sequence into the scene and get rid of the the old figure/sequence.
Issue is that the new sequence looks nothing like the Sequence I made......
What steps am I doing wrong.
I could start from scratch but:
a) I don't know how to determine the size of my figure in the original and match it in the new version
b) I don't know how to determine my view setup since it is a modified ortho view.

General Anim8or Forum / math help for setting up camera angles
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:54:59 pm »
I have some questions about setting up a camera angel for an isometric view.
This view differs slightly form the built in ortho view. and once I get the camera settings I will be able to rotate the camera to different perspectives (easier than rotaing the scene and the light) I do have to match things that are existing.

So what I have: object h High
Camera tilted down 55 degrees
camera set at 100(x-axis) z(z) 100 (y-axis)
FOV set to 45 degrees

does anyone know of a good way (mathematically) of determining the height of the camera?

with the camera set at 100(x) 100(y) the camera is set as a distance of 141 away. a^2+b^2=c^2

Tan(90-55) =h/141
h=67 high but that doesn't work unless I want his feet. what am I missing????
I realize I need to compensate for the height, but not sure how to do that

General Anim8or Forum / Re: need a tip on skinning
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:35:27 pm »
thanks guys, since I am still new I used an existing textured wire frame




Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: History Lesson
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:22:51 pm »
Very cool.....
Only thing I might suggest is speeding up the into text

General Anim8or Forum / need a tip on skinning
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:42:27 pm »
Applying bone weights and running into a delima.
How can you apply the weights areas such as the inside of the thighs and armpits?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:30:02 pm »
thanks for all of the help.

Sometimes it is hard to convey exactly what you want when you are still not versed in the verbage. What makes perfect sense to me looks like complete gibberish to others and vice versa.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:13:42 pm »
I used the mesh on the ground and that seems to work well enough.
I have a guy walking,
It will be for a game and the end result picture will be 32X64 so details are not very important. you can see my attempt here:[/youtube]&feature=player_profilepage]http://www.

What I wanted to do was create a background that will be easily selectable and removable so that way only the character will be left.

the movie is actually rendered as individual pictures, and the back ground will be alpha (100% transpararent/ 0% opaque)
hope this all make sense.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 27, 2011, 03:32:34 pm »
my problem is that this is all new to me :)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 27, 2011, 01:22:57 pm »
Sorry about the confusion.
 Hopefully this will clear things up:
I want an image of the guy walking. Nothing else, no ground, no background, not nothing :)
I can't find a way of doing that, so I wanted to just set the ground to a particular color so that way I can select and delete it later.
Issue I forsee by making a mesh and laying it on the ground is that it will be affected by the light, and may (I have yet to try it)  hinder the selection of said color due to shadow/shading.

You mentioned scaling the ground.......
Can it be scaled to nothing?
I will play with the Alpha mask properties and see if that helps int he "removal process". Unfortunately, that will be a two step process for each image and with +200 images will take quite a bit of time.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:48:26 pm »
Hopefully last question:

take a "movie" from an ortho perspective. (I am forgoing using the camera at the moment.)
I am seeing the ground.
Using enviromental Parameters I have Background set to the desired color and I have ground grid turned off.
Unfortunately, I can not get the desired color on the ground.
Absolute desired affect is to alpha mask everything except sequence with a choosable color.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:33:55 pm »
Next question:
How do I lower the frame sequence from 2 seconds to 1 second?
Puting 24 into the Frames in Sequence paremeter gives me an error.....

NVM. Value has to be higher than current frame

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:24:28 pm »
I am in Sequence mode.....
WOW fast reply!!!!!

OK found it.
Insert ;D

General Anim8or Forum / Key poses...Walk cycle part 1
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:20:52 pm »
First off I am opening a new thread rather than continuing off old for better "searching". If I should continue old thread then just let me know and move this there.

I am working on my first walk cycle. ;D

I think I screwed up :-\

I started Keying in frame 0 then I did frame 4 then frame 8 then fram 12 so far.

It seems a bit fast.
I like the positions but would like them spread out a tad.
Is there a way of copying frames to another frame? and then deleting key frames that I no longer want? ???
If I am able to copy a frame, then should I copy frame 0 into last frame? or just let the last key frame loop to frame 0?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: looking at downloaded model again.
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:19:05 am »
Ohh sweet.!!!!
I have boned and skinned....
Next step will be to do some simple animations.(first attempt) never got far enough to get teh save as part :)

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