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Messages - jhamecher

Pages: [1]
Well we are two programmers from germany and we are missing the known short-cut ctrl+s for saving. Of course the short-cut is used, but maybe it is possible to change it.

Here the question: Is there someone else who is interessted in changing the short-cut?

Answers were very nice  ;D Thank you

General Anim8or Forum / Shortcut for saving!
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:07:12 am »
Hello to the community,

well in the last weeks i designed many modells, with the current version of anim8or. But the biggest problem is, the i do not have a shortcut to save them.

Sometimes anim8or crashes and so i have to rebuild all the last actions.

The "normal" shortcut ctrl+s is used, but maybe can you change it to save, or give us another one.

That would be very nice, thanks.


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