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Messages - Sirren

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Re: Anti-Aliasing with Jagged external edge
« on: March 24, 2008, 07:13:40 am »
Hello there folks, and hallo there Wild_Qwerty.
Well, let's go with some order...
One thing you didn't point out: Fo2 creatures need to cast a shadow, so you need a floor to cast it upon... That floor is rendered with the creature and this means that the alpha cahnnel trick does not work (no, shadows are not rendered when cast on a completely clear foor).
We discussed this topic for a while on the BGE forum. I think a similar trick could work:
Render your animations to BMP with a higer resolution than you need
Batch convert them to a format which supports transparency
Select your background by colour and cut it off
Invert your selection and resize your image.
I only did it a bunch of times to put new trees for my mod and it worked.
Personally I firmly refused to do it for a 600+ animation frames creature (which is roughly the minimum). A sprite usable by the player is some 4,5 K frames, so please evaluate you odds.
By the way, you showed an interesting silohuette here... What kind of character is it?
See you

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