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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Messages - bystander

Pages: [1]
I went through lesson 1 of the eggplant. Too many new things to learn. A smaller first lesson would be better and would not drive away people who find this complicated. I will manage but I feel it is heavy. I also don't have so much time, so it would be better to put the lessons in smaller bits for people like me and many others.

The first tutorial in the beginners section here is a tutorial on modeling a flower.  Tutorials will be your best friend for creating things right now and they should help you so that these things aren't so difficult.

Also, try searching google first.  I searched for "anim8or flower tutorial" and found that tutorial.

This would have been very nice because I had an idea of animating a flower with flapping wings. I had difficulties running the video file after unzipping. It said some component was missing, but didn't tell me which one. I tried this on an old Windows NT 4. Should I do it on Windows XP or do you think the problem is somewhere else?

Have you tried some tutorials? The eggplant tutorial (click here) would help you a lot with your flower model...

Quote from: bystander
I also can't figure out how to select one modifier and one object before I can apply that modifier. When I have only one object, I could do Select All.

You can use all 3 mouse buttons to select, add to selection and deselect; explanation in the manual:
You can also use the Drag-select tool for multiple selections (read the common button meanings)

Good luck...

No, I had not seen the tutorial, but saw it today. I think this tutorial explains quite nicely. I haven't had the time to try it myself, but hope to do it this Saturday.

I have read the manual for a long time and played with Anim8or but find it difficult to create even a simple object. I will very much appreciate if someone can help me show how to create a simple flower - a stem (created from a modified cylinder?), and a few petals. May be one or two antennae coming out from the centre.

I also can't figure out how to select one modifier and one object before I can apply that modifier. When I have only one object, I could do Select All.

Thanks very much.

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