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Messages - nalds

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Re: Help in exporting in 3DS
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:02:41 am »
Ok, I've solved my own problem. Im trying to use a GIF texture, so I convert it to jpg and it now worked fine.

General Anim8or Forum / Help in exporting in 3DS
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:45:12 am »

If anyone could help me correctly on how to export a model made with anim8or with textures in 3DS format?  ???

I've been tinkering some settings that might get it to work but when I tried loading the exported file on some 3DS viewers,
it only loads up the mesh. Tried also opening the 3ds file in a text editor to see if the resource texture is
included and yes, no problems at all.

What I've done successfully is importing a 3ds file that I downloaded on the web and exporting it in 3ds again, then loading it to the viewer. this works.

Appreciate any help. Thanks  :)

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