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Messages - bernacj21

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Re: What I'd like to see
« on: May 31, 2010, 04:33:17 am »
I feel most of these features are already there in anim8or, of course if you mean muscle influence and bone influence while rigging an object/figure.

However, if you want something like muscle rigging or facial rigging feature then I feel there is a long way to go for anim8or to have these.  Who knows Steve may already be working on something like this for the next versions.  Lets hope for the best.

I would also like to mention, as Johnar has pointed out, that if you use morph targets then you can use graph editor in scene mode to have the desired expression/expressions for an object/figure.

Yeah, that is right. Let's just hope for the best. That if something like muscle rigging or facial rigging feature, I think that is good for animation. That would be an exciting one.

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