« on: May 30, 2017, 04:38:27 pm »
Hi Guys,
Anim8or 1.0, v3.0
Thanks in advance for any tips here. I have a high end anatomical model of teeth and gums, exported from Blender in .obj format with the UV maps included in JPG format. I'm experiencing continuous crashing once the texture maps are assigned in materials in Anim8or. I've been using the model without maps for quite some time and never had a freeze or issue, but once I started assigning the UV maps, started getting constant crashes. I'm using Ambient, Diffuse, Specular, Normal and Environmental maps on each tooth, each object sharing the one "Teeth" material. The UV maps are showing on the model correctly and the Art Ray render looks good, however I'm experiencing random crashes, a lot. I went back to square one and imported just one object and went step by step and assigned UV maps one at a time. The crashing absolutely starts once I load the UV maps and assign to the object. I've done the usual bug eliminations, restarting, shutting down other programs, trying different versions of 1.0 release, poking around with different user settings in Anim8or, checked the JPG images, etc.
Now, there are big maps being assigned at 4096 x 4096 and some others are 2048 x 2048 and I suspect this is the culprit. The environmental map is a box map I created myself at 1180x1180. Here are the crash events in order of frequency:
navigating and selecting a JPG when assigning a map in the Material Editor
attempting to swap out one map for another map in Material Editor (this action causes a freeze 100 percent of time)
rotating an object in the scene editor
rendering image from scene editor
manipulating objects in object mode
Anim8or crashes on startup (continues to do so w/start in previous OFF)
Any recommendations on improving the stability that does not involve redoing the UV maps? I need to keep the original texture maps at 4096 as there are multiple meshes to each JPG and resolution would suffer with smaller map.
Asus G551JW Laptop
Windows 10 with auto updates on
Intel i7, 2.6 Ghz 4 core
16 Gb RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M 2047MB
1TB Cyclone SSD internal, w/ system software and programs
1TB 7200 HD internal, scratch and storage
External USB Drive, backup