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Messages - Paul T.

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Operations on Z axis not working
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:46:23 pm »
I am unable to move objects,points or edges along the Z axis while in Object mode. eg. In Top view with the object is selected (blue) and the X & Z axis enabled using the Move tool I can move the object left and right but NOT towards the bottom of the viewing window in the direction of the blue arrow. Also in Scene Mode, I am attempting to animate the object moving it along a path. Using the Key Point Editor I can move the object in an x and y direction the by entering values in the appropriate field but values entered in the z field have no effect.
Viewing the animation in Font view or any. A get-around of moving the object forward in side view did not work.
Its like the Z axis is locked off. Please help.

Pages: [1]