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Messages - Radst3r

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Animating Text Like the "Paramount Pictures" logo
« on: December 08, 2009, 11:28:21 am »
Hi everyone!

I have been using Anim8or for about five years now. I use this fantastic app mainly to animate my karate organization's logo in 3D (it really impresses the crowds at our functions! ;D)

This year, I wanted to animate the text around the logo in a similar fashion to how the stars in the Paramount Pictures logo come in.
Here's a still shot of my karate organization's logo:

What I want to do is get the text in 3D (I know how to make text 3D in Anim8or) to "fly in" like the stars in the Paramount Pictures logo from the left of the screen, up and wrap around the graphic in the circle, creating the image above. So, essentially, I want each letter in the text to perform the action of the stars in the P.P logo.

(Here's a YouTube link to the Paramount Pictures logo:
) <-- What I'm wanting to do happens at about 00:09 seconds in the clip.

Problem is, I have no clue how to do this... I was thinking of using morph targets, but I'm not to sure how I'd be able to do so...

If anyone can please help me out... Thank you in advance!  :)

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