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Messages - Aksaunders

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Re: Noob to Anim8or looking for some help
« on: July 21, 2009, 03:10:05 pm »
Indian8tor, thank you for responding.  My son is 5 years old.  The team he plays on has boys from ages 5-7 so the cartoon render that I am hoping to make would need only to look like a boy in that age group.  What I mean is no super defined muscles or anything like that.  Basically, it would be a render of him wearing a Indianapolis Colts jersey, black shorts, black cleats, white socks, and a red flag belt.  If you could point me in the right direction and assist me would be great.  i have attached a picture of my son if it helps.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Noob to Anim8or looking for some help
« on: July 21, 2009, 08:21:08 am »
Thanks for responding so quickly.  I am looking only to make a cartoon style rendering of the picture model.  It does not have to look exactly like my boy as it will be on the video of each kid on the football team.  Thanks for the advice.  I will keep everyone informed about progress. 

General Anim8or Forum / Noob to Anim8or looking for some help
« on: July 21, 2009, 05:08:25 am »
Hi everyone.  As you can see this is my first post in an Anim8or forum as I just discovered this product. I am currently deployed to Iraq and spend what free time I have working on projects like a family website or making vacation videos.  Right now, I am working on something that my wife volunteered me for and was wondering if anyone could either lend some assistance or point me in the right direction for a good tutorial to do what I want.  Sheila, my wife, told the parents on my son's flag football team that I would make highlight videos for each of them.  What I would like to do is make an animation which shows a player modeled after my son that is standing with his arms extended and holding a football in one hand.  He will be wearing the team's uniform which is a jersey, shorts, white socks, black cleats, and a red flag belt.  The model will rotate as if there is a camera panning around him.  I would like the animation to be around 6 seconds long and loopable if possible.  Thanks for any help or guidance that you an provide.  PS.  I have finished the eggplant tutorial and working on the little red walking bird tutorial.

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