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Messages - Norm24df5

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Texture not appearing on OBJ
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:23:05 am »
   I mainly use Anim8tor for checking my painted cars for Nascar 09, in which I import the OBJ file of the car and import the paint for the car in the materials tab. I recently had to do a system recovery on my computer and all before that, it worked well, but after the system recovery, i reinstalled Anim8tor and I imported the OBJ file and the paint and it worked normally once, and after that, whenever i would start it up, only a white screen appeared so I updated my graphics drivers thinking that it was the solution.
    After, I was able to start it up every time, and It would always import the OBJ file, but when i tried to put in the paint in the materials tab, i clicked apply, and nothing happened. I kept uninstalling and reinstalling the program with no luck. It has been driving me crazy for the past few days, so if anybody can tell me a solution, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

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