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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Messages - Rayneslayer

Pages: [1]
Okay, thats perfectly clear, and I got it to work, but not how I want. Right now, the values are exactly as you said, they're been copied, so my limbs are doing the same thing at the same time.

What I need is for them to alternate, like legs do in a walking sequence. How do I do that?

Thanks very much

crap, whatever response I wrote never got on here...

anyhow, I asked for you to be more specific, because I tried that, but I didn't work, although I probably didn't do the right thing  because the description wasn't to clear :/

thanks for trying, can you be clearer? XD

Again I'm having issues with the vagueness of the otherwise great basic walk tutorial. I moved on to making my own figures and animations, but it says in the walk tutorial that

"In the case of a walk, it's even simpler.  Since both legs move the same, just out of sync by 50%, you only have to animate one half of they cycle, then copy the animation to the other half."

It galls me when he says "you'll only have to..." cuz he never tells me how >.>

Anyways, I have an arm animation that I want to copy to the other side so they'll alternate, like a walk sequence, but neither the manual nor the tutorial says anything about how to do it.

If you know, could you tell me how, please?


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question with basic walk tutorial.
« on: February 05, 2009, 08:26:43 am »
oh ok, that helps, then.

Before I got an answer, I just went ahead and did it anyhow, and it turned out alright anyhow...I think...

General Anim8or Forum / Question with basic walk tutorial.
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:59:17 am »
So I've followed the basic walk sequence tutorial, and everything was great and clear and all that, but suddenly, the author becomes vague and I lose him!!!

He says "Now comes a bit of work.  Move to each of the next 3 poses.  Advance the frame number by 4 each time, and position your skeleton to match.  Then make 5 more key poses after that, this time with the left and right legs in the other's position.  When you're done you'll have a complete walk cycle."

Sorry, but he's being incredibly vague by saying "move to each of the next three poses..." What next three poses?? There are only like two further up the page, and it doesn't make sense.

Then he says "position you skeleton to match". . . match what??

So can anyone clarify on this vague writing? It would've been better if the author didn't somehow assume I now knew what I was doing, because I don't! I have two slots of poses, a split second of a walk.  What now?


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