« on: October 03, 2023, 02:37:13 pm »
Currently I'm trying to create a model that utilizes both a sphere where only the back faces are visible via a two sided material where the front is entirely transparent and the back isn't, and some other objects with ART raytracer attributes. Unfortunately I've run into a problem where the back faces of the sphere aren't visible in the ART raytracer renderer, and of course the attributes don't work in the scanline renderer.
Is there a solution to this problem? I feel like there should be some workaround here, but I've been unsuccessful in finding one so far. I don't necessarily need to use a two sided material, I just need to find a way to have it so that only the back faces of the sphere are visible in the ART raytracer, such that an object inside of it is visible, but not an object behind it.