Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: PLanAhead on July 17, 2008, 11:38:50 am
I use this for everything, from listening to music at work, watching movies, to showing off my work done in Anim8or. It was an excellent investment so I only figured it appropriate to make a model of it.
It took about a week to make (2 hours of so a day)
Nice, you even got China written in!
But the lens flare messes up the picture.
Typing China was the easy part.
Do you think I should scale back the lense flare or drop it all together?
I personally think you should drop it.
You might want to think about changing the background picture on the screen as makes it hard to read the text (mainly the top part, where it's white like the text).
I see what you mean. Its the image on my actual Zune so I used it but I guess if I were making an advertisement it would make more sense to be able to see the text.
I think it is a combination of that and the EV map I used on the glass.
I'll tone it back and experiment with other images.
Thanks for the crits
Man this site is dead right now. ??? >:(
Anytime, the whole dead site thing is probably that no-ones got anything good to say...
The whole internet has gone dead right now. I can say that i used to be constantly posting to try keep up with some forums, but now i just sit for ages, strumming at my guitar, thinking about where my 50mb of lost data has gone...
Its ok Devil... Your data has gone to ... a better place...
PlanAhead: do you know what you just said, Devil ... Better place? :D
devilGames: have you tried recovering it or searching your HD for it? (Probably)