Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: G3 on July 13, 2008, 03:21:59 am

Title: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 13, 2008, 03:21:59 am
i have made a huge sized animation, but soon as i tryied to render it, it keep on crashing down after just one frame have rendered. it does rendered well without the antialised check. strangly , it rarely occurs with on by on rendering. i have tried every version for it  but nothing have succeded. :(

PS : those thing have done with scanline renderer, and i didn't try other renderer because the art raytrace took solong time even without antialised.

PS2 : I have just failed to render just one frame even with the minimum size  of the image. some frame is not able to render with antialised checked.

PS3 : It have rarely occured even without shadows and textures on

here is the movie before i get the error,

                                        'AREA52 wrote'
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Tanzim on July 13, 2008, 05:31:42 am
It might be that your system is overloaded, too many programs running or not enough power.
Alternately it could be that the video codec your using is corrupt, or are you rendering uncompressed?
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 13, 2008, 05:55:05 am
i tryied without explorer running , well every time i do that in that way before i sleep.

and what do you mean by uncompressed?  and codec might not be a problem  because the normal image cause the same result.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: headwax on July 13, 2008, 07:44:15 am
Hmm, my system does the same thing. Never did in the past. Now crashes after x amount of frames. Roygee traced his problem down to overheating. I use my laptop to render now.

My suggestion is to download Enditall. It will shutdown most applications in the background including your virus proggy, so maybe disconnect from the internet first?>??

Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 13, 2008, 08:08:23 am
Im already managing that with  task manager  and still it doesn't give the right reason, why is certain frame causes error  and some other frame don'.t
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Steve on July 13, 2008, 06:15:00 pm
Nice video, G3!

I suspect that you are running out of memory or some other resource when it crashes.  Is your disk light on while it's rendereing?  Have you tried increasing the size of your virtual memory?  What version of Windows do you have and how much physical memory is in your system?  What size images are you rendering?

Also, try rendering from just the single frame that crashes as an AA movie.  Add try a different codec.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 13, 2008, 09:55:19 pm
I have 1.00GB ram
I assume it might be happened from lack of physical memory ,since we got only 9.09GB . but i emphasize that even with the minimum size tiny image, it caused error. and i didn't use the codec at all,  since  single frame rendering have same result.

Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: RudySchneider on July 13, 2008, 11:43:27 pm
I NEVER render out an entire animation!  I always render out a series of individual JPEG images, then use VirtualDub to merge them into a final animation.  I do this for numerous reasons:
1.  Rendering direct to animation takes much more memory.
2.  If your computer crashes, you haven't lost anything!  You just start up again from the last frame rendered.
3.  You can easily make minor adjustments to frames and just re-render those, instead of the whole thing.
4.  You can post-process individual or multiple frames before merging into an animation.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 14, 2008, 07:31:54 am
If the anim8or  crashs on certain frame every time , then that way also doesn't give the clue.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: RudySchneider on July 14, 2008, 06:04:32 pm
If the anim8or  crashs on certain frame every time , then that way also doesn't give the clue.

Except you stated in your very first post that "strangly , it rarely occurs with on by on rendering."  So now you're saying it always crashes on a particular frame?  What happens if you try to render the next frame?  Have you tried some partial debugging, like deleting hi-polygon elements one by one?
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Steve on July 14, 2008, 06:29:22 pm
G#, please answer my other questions:   In particular, what size image are you rendering?
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 14, 2008, 09:04:54 pm
Steve, as i said even minimum size cause an error, most general use is 600X338 but it's least also didn't work. but rarely some frame got out in minimum size rendering and it stuck when the size was 400X150

Rudy, i have tried that some, but i can't guess out what is the real problem because they are not exactly occurs if something is deleted or remain
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 15, 2008, 01:54:37 am
Ok,  i found that it quite works well without shadow on
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Raxx on July 15, 2008, 11:38:09 pm
Well, you could try increasing your virtual memory (, though usually you'd get a warning before it'd drive anim8or into error.

If you've only got a 9gb hdd, you may need to make some more free space for your virtual memory to function least 10% of the total harddrive capacity.

How about giving us your complete computer specs? CPU, RAM, HDD, GFX Card, OS, etc. You can also share your project files with Steve so that he can look into it more deeply.

A good way of troubleshooting is to keep the original elements and settings in one anim8or file, find a certain frame that crashes Anim8or every time, and then try deleting a small portion of it (like a texture), re-render and see if it crashes. If it's a system performance thing rather than something application-specific, you can track it by going to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Performance, and play with watching the graph for various portions of the system to see what's getting hit hard while you're rendering.

Excellent animation so far.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Thanos on July 16, 2008, 04:02:54 am
I think that windows Vista kills all programs that do not respond within 10 sec. If you have a processor with 2 cores, try enabling Multithreading, it might solve the problem.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Tanzim on July 16, 2008, 05:58:18 am
Actually Thanos, Steve already said that you don't need multiple processor cores to enable multithreading.
G3, does the same thing happen on other computers?
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: G3 on July 16, 2008, 10:31:05 am
Window XP home edition K
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
 T7200    @ 2.00GHz
2.00GHz, 1.00GB RAM

Lap top

I have never tried that on other computers, since it is huge work so takes long time.

and it's XP

RAXX, I gave it a maximum value, but didn't help.
Title: Re: Keep on Crashing with antialised checked
Post by: Goran_m_pg on July 28, 2008, 01:41:58 pm
I had the same problem...