Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on July 05, 2008, 02:56:45 pm
It seems that something very bizarre has occurred.
Someone has redirected the domain name of to
The staff at AnimAnon does not fully understand what has brought about this event, but please know that we do not desire sort of forum wars.
We have always wanted a friendly, positive exerience for any members of the the anim8or communities at large.
Please contact me directly if you wish to discuss this issue and help sort it out - .
~Your friends at
I redirected org. The guys at cg-nation are moving towards a more general site while animanon is still focused on anim8or. I know the guys at cg-nation will have a great site as they have some great people working on it. But org was always to be an anim8or site.
I am currently on an extended vacation with my family for a few weeks. Once I return I will get in touch with the animanon guys. Having cashed out on the business I spent a decade building I now have plenty of time on my hands to do stuff.
hey rounder, I see your point, and you do of course have the right to do whatever you want to with the .org address, but for the simple purpose of ease simplicity and continuity, do you not think that it would be a good idea to leave the .org address pointing at the anim8or fourm UNTIL the new sight is fully opened.
At the current time, the forums are still almost fully anim8or, I see no need to change just yet.
Not meaning to offend or anything, i just feel your timing is a little strange...
AnimAnon is and will always be a site committed to Anim8or and New anim8or users.
We will maintain our independence and hope all in the anim8or community will find time to visit us from time to time.
Animanon was set up originally for new users and primarily Animating with Anim8or. We will continue to do so, Strengthened with The issues of Dotan8 we hope to bring those users more information on how to use anim8or software to its full potential.
Guys, I'd be happy to put whatever links are useful in the menu. They don't have to be 100% Anim8or, but they need to have value for Anim8or users.
And, please, no forum wars!
Rounder, next time I would appreciate it if you weren't so rash on the decision. Especially without any notice. The redirection has confused a lot of people, and caused some anger as well, and there's no need for that. I can see how it makes sense to redirect things, but how about easing it in? As An8kid said, it's still a full-on site, we're still easing in.
With your rash redirection, many people may even leave the .org site because they'll have no idea what happened to it. I would greatly appreciate it if we could discuss this, you can pm me on the .org forum, or as you seem to think of it now, the cg-nation forum or email me at
I may pm you as well, but the confusion of this rash decision is in no way needed. If this was just gone about in a more professional way, I feel the outcome could be much better without any bad feelings between users. I'm really disappointed at this point, and it's hard for me to keep back some feelings of anger. So I would appreciate it if we could work this out in some way.
Edit: No worries about forum wars Steve. Both forums respect each other, even though some views differ slightly. We try best to keep a very friendly relationship, so there should be no worries there.