Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: PLanAhead on July 01, 2008, 10:29:19 pm
I've made some updates
More detail to the model.
Lense flare effect as model passes the sun.
Suspension on the car and dust trail (Terranim8or)
Impact when robot lands in the dirt.
very nice: how did you do the transformation itself?
A criticism: it looks very professional and all. However, it looks like the huge lens flare when it passes the sun covers up the major transformation. Perhaps that was intended, and it does look good, just that it would be nice to see the actual transformation take place.
Thank you
Its actually 3 seperate figures.
More detail and image of the bone structure here
As well as the animation without the lenseflare and up close:
If I ever get around to it I have a story that will involve another car/robot and more transformations.
But who knows if I will pursue it.
That looks like a great improvement. The additional effects with the dirt look great.
Here are my crits as always ;)
First, the suspension is great, but I think it could move a lot quicker. It seems too slow right now, and it should jerk up and down very very quickly instead of smoothly (the point is that it's bumpy ;).)
Next, when he lands with the nice crouch, the way he stands up isn't that good. He seems to slide when he does that. His feet slide under his body when he stands. As always though, the actual transformation looks great. Perhaps some slow-motion in there would look cool (that's just me though, I always think slow motion is epic).
Great job so far. I really love this animation.
I love it! I love the transformation (hence Transformer revisited). I love the suspension and the part when the camera goes past the sun and the lights shining in our faces :)
Yeah, its kind of like he is a gymnast and didn't quite stick the landing. BUT he is a 5 ton robot and shouldn't need to hop.
I have been meaning to extend the landing. Make him pause for a bit more and rise more slowly for dramatic effect.
I took your advice on the sun so it's not SO washed out but the camera is pointing directly at the sun. Also the low quality of the You Tube video (even with high quality setting on) looks washed out compared to the original.
I need to get some webspace to store higher quality video.
>:( I just noticed the wing and the wheel overlap when he lands (doh) ::)
Anyways I've been working on a chase scene and its set up right now but is way too short.
If anyone is really interested I suppose I could post the model so they could see how I transformed it.
PS anyone know a good way to do a skybox (panoramic backgrounds don't work when you go vertical.
If it's ok with you could you email me the model so I can see how you transformed it please. View my profile to see my email address
It's in the mail.
Reply if you have any questions.
If enough people ask maybe I'll make a tutorial :)
very nice, has a lot of polish to the animation! the landing does seem to need a little bit more work, but i'm not complaining :)
First, a tutorial would be awesome, I'm sure everyone agrees, and it could probably teach others tricks or at least general methods of how things work. It seems people are afraid sometimes to come up with their own methods.
For a skybox, go into anim8or, in scene mode go "settings>environment" then check the "cubemap texture" option, load your texture (6 image files) to create the skybox, and you should be good!
i think a tutorial would be totally cool! ;)
yeah, I'd definitely be interested in trying a tutorial on this (or reading about it).
I agree with most here. A tutorial would be ace! :-) And thanks for the file :)
OK, I just saw it and ..........WOW!! That really is good. I love the transformation and the poses, I even like the lens flare, my only crit is the jump. The physics don't feel right to me. It seems like he wasn't moving fast enough to jump that high. I think if there was some way to add motion blur to the background or some foreground objects moving by really fast that would have givin the illusion of more speed. But really man, that is great work. Keep it up!
Well, you could have half a sphere that's blue and have some planes with clout trans maps on em....
That's how they did it in Halo 3, and that looks pretty good.