Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: PLanAhead on July 01, 2008, 10:22:17 pm
My cousin got me into watching this cartoon recently (its pretty good)
Anyways as an excersize I deceded to model the head of Aang the main character. Next thing I knew I was working on the body.
crits welcome
Not bad, the arm looks a bit bumpy, might just be the view.
I've seen that show, up to most of the second season
i have not watched so i cant tell you how accurate the model is but it looks great to me :)
Good job so far. I like the head, you got it pretty close to the way it looks in the cartoon. The palm of the hand looks strange to me. Move those points around so it gives the bottom side of the palm a more 'fleshy' look like the top. Also the 'toon' rendering effect dosen't look right, colors are good but the black outline isn't working right. Other than that I like it! Keep it going. This'll look great when it's finished!
I don't know the cartoon but your character has a lovely face, really nice.
It looks very acurrate to the show. Ive seen it and it is a great show. But theres a great positive to this and that is you dont have to worry about the hair :D. Unless if you model any of the other charaters.