Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: 5L1D3R on June 24, 2008, 01:47:08 pm
How difficult would it be to implement an autobackup feature? Those of us who forget to save before a test render would greatly appreciate it. ;D ...especially when we get the dreaded "Anim8or has encountered a problem and needs to close" :(
This will be in the next preview update :)
Thanks Steve
YES!!!!! No More models lost because of my own stupidity!!!
You have my eternal gratitude, Steve!
another cool tool (wings 3d has this) would be to have anim8or automatically save your file every 10 minutes.
though it would be useful if you could save it as a new file eg. you make a file called thisisafile.an8 10 minutes later anim8or makes a new updated file called thisisafile01.an8 then thisisafile02.an8
mcheccyb that is a neat idea but if you work on something for 2 hours straight you will have alot of files on the same thing and that would take up unneeded space
The incremental backup would be more useful if you could specify triggers for the backup, like major modifications or after the scene or object has changed by a certain percentage I usually only need 2 versions of any model I am working on. I work until I am satisfied with the overall model, then create a second file and start experimenting. I only overwrite the original file when I reach a point where I am satisfied with the overall progress and don't need to do any major reversion. Rarely do I need more than 2 files
i save my files manually like that, it really helps in the long run.
What I've added is a user settable period for backing up your project (to a different file name so it doesn't clobber what you specifically saved). I still need to test it and add detection code so Anim8or automatically know when there is a saved file. etc.
thanks steve, that will really be helpful. ;D