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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Tohron on June 12, 2008, 12:12:55 am

Title: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: Tohron on June 12, 2008, 12:12:55 am
I prefer to do modeling operations using a different modeling tool, and then import the resulting objects into Anim8or as .obj files.  However, a problem I've encountered is that Anim8or does not know how to apply image textures to these objects - when I try, it seems to apply just a single random color from the image.  Does anyone know how to display these textures for imported objects?

Also, while talking about textures - is there a way to apply an image texture as a pattern - a.k.a, have multiple versions of the image covering the object to which it is applied?

Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: thehalflifedude on June 12, 2008, 12:29:49 am
i have no idea why anim8or doesn't load the texture for the obj files, but you can fix this by using 3ds instead of obj, but you'll have to put the texture in the same folder as the 3ds model, or you can just reload the textures in the material editor.
Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: thehalflifedude on June 12, 2008, 12:32:46 am
one more thing i must warn you about, if you have 2 things in the same object, like a sphere and a box, it will merge the 2 models into one, it won't move them, it will just merge them, so if you select the sphere, it will select both the sphere and box, if you select the box, it will select the box and the sphere too Ect.

EDIT: woopsie daisie, should've just edited my other post, hehe ;D
Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: hihosilver on June 12, 2008, 04:09:22 am
The .obj file should keep the UV coordinates from Anim8or.  So if you UV map a model then save it and import into anim8or you should be fine.  Perhaps it's the program you're exporting from?
The only way to apply a texture pattern is to create the pattern yourself, well, unless you're using the internal Anim8or UV mapping.  It would be really nice to have an option for a repeating pattern though.
thehalflifedude:  Luckily you can detach the objects very easily.  Select a face of one of the objects that's been merged and press 'c' (Edit>Select>Connected) then press 'shift + d' (Edit>Detach faces).
Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: Jeff2207 on June 12, 2008, 06:52:08 am
What version of Anim8or are you using?  You need version 0.96 to be able to load .obj .mtl files.
Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: thehalflifedude on June 12, 2008, 07:48:03 pm
hihosilver, the problem is that it won't load the TEXTURES, not the UV COURDS...
Title: Re: Texture Mapping for imported .obj objects?
Post by: hihosilver on June 12, 2008, 09:33:47 pm
Ok, so basically all you need to do is create a new material yourself and you're golden?