Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: saderguy on June 10, 2008, 01:38:16 am
What is the easiest method of creating a cylinder with a whole through its center? (like a pipe) :-[
2 easy ways:
Create the cylinder
convert it to mesh
delete the top and bottom faces
use the shell tool to give width
Create the cylinder
convert to mesh
use the inset face tool on the top and bottom face at the same time
press '=' to bridge the two faces.
Of Course! I should have known - I knew that it was something obvious that I just couldn't think of - this is the reason the post is called "stupid question" Thanks! ;D
Create an N-gon, 16 plus sides.
Create another N-gon, concentric with the first.
Select both, and Build>Join Splines, then Build>Fill
Extrude perpendicular to the plane of the N-gons.
(BTW, not a stupid question at all)
Saderguy: I've been using anim8or for five years and learned two new techniques thanks to your "stupid question." Thanks for asking it, and thanks to those who answered.