Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Jolly Roger on June 09, 2008, 02:56:20 pm
The example c export plugin script writes the name of the texture to file but don't include it's extension (jpg, gif, bmp).
How would I go about getting the full filename of a texture?
From the script spec:
Texture Type
struct texture {
string name; // texture’s name
int Marked; // Marked flag, 1 or 0
const int CubeMap; // 1 if a Cube Map, else 0
int InvertImage; // invert image flag, 1 or 0
string GetFileName(void);
string GetCubeMapFileName(int face);
int SetFileName(string name);
int SetCubeMapFileName(string name, int face);
He's probably using the name member.
Try the "string GetFileName(void)" one.You should get the extension
and the directory also if my memory doesn't fail me.
That's correct. The name field is the testure's name as used within Anim8or. The GetFileName() function returns the file name.
Thanks for your help.
I've tried tinkering with the code but I can't seem to get it to work. Although I'm no stranger to programming I know next to nothing about c.
I'd be grateful for a snippet of code to show me how to do this.
I've finally worked it out. :)
This seems to do the trick:
$name[1] = $tex[1].GetFileName();
$name[2] = $tex[1].name +"."+$name[1].GetExt;
$output.print("TextureFilename {\n");
$output.print("\"%s\";\n", $name[2]);