Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on June 04, 2008, 05:08:22 pm
Hi.. i design somes mitologic creatures in low poligon count for a game.. and there is..
modeled and textured in anim8or, rigg and animation in milkshape
1. Basilisco (live under your house and eat your life energy)
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2.- Cuchivilú: Destroy webs of colonies and eats all fish in the coast..
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3. Bastago: his screeam make people crazy..
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4. Brujo : witch they vomit her intestines and tranform in a bird.. for destroy him, you need find hidden inetstines and burn them...
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5. El Malo: Clasic evil lizzar, in all cultures have one...
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In works..
Pincoya: beatyfull woman of the see (Is not a mermaid)
Pincoy: her lover
El Cuero: Eats childs in the coast.
bye.. ;)
WOW :o nice modeling!!!! great imagination!
indeed very nice models! but the texture is just absolutely lovely! it makes it look like 1000 times higher quality! did you make it in photoshop?
thanks.. the textures i made in sketchdraw only whit my mouse.. i no have a digital table :O( i no use external textures...
nice modeling!, you know how to wisely use your polygons, nice textures too :P!
Could you tell us a bit of the game :D?
-wena neodelito ;D yo soy de Concepción jojoa xD! tus modelos me recuerdan al juego de cartas Mitos y Leyendas :P, podrias hacerte un Caleuche y un trauco ;D
yes, those are definitely excellent textures: probably the best I've seen. Were they made from scratch, or did you use downloaded images of some sort?
If you made those with sketchdraw, maybe I should check it out. They are simply amazing. I can't imagine making anything that good, at least not quickly.
Nice you of textures with low poly characters.
Though they do look bumpy.
They do look a bit bumpy but I think it's for a kinda style of game, it depends on what type of graphics the creator wants to have. But yeah good imagination and texturing!
"yes, those are definitely excellent textures: probably the best I've seen. Were they made from scratch, or did you use downloaded images of some sort?"
hi man.. i dont use downloaded images.. i made direct in screen. when i finish paint i make de 3d model..
and all this models are "real" mytologic creatures of my islan (i live in Chiloe , ancud city - in CHILE)
Hola pu tio diego.. yo vengo de conce.. y no me atraen mucho esos juegos de naipes. pero si me agradan los diseños que ocupan aunque los realizados por "Salo" son bastante deficientes.. Saludos por alla..
Good work. I am just a begginer and I want help & get freinds. I want to know that every movement in anmation is made by editind frame by frame. Please, please... give me advice.
You have some real talent there.
What are building the game in?
abiy: asking for advice gets you no-where.
First, read the manual if you intend to use this program, search the forum (or Google) and see other peoples works for inspiration as well as how they accomplished something, and finally post your work, that's the only way people can give you advice, through criticism.