Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: RnDr FOX on May 31, 2008, 06:50:41 pm
I need you opinion on something. Which one of these blocks looks the best. I just want to know what you think because I think I am on to something and after you all vote I will tell you the point of this topic. They are all the same texture and bumpmap except on each block I did something different to it's texture but they all have the same texture pattern. So which one do you think looks the best there is no right or wrong answer, I just want to know what you think.
Which looks the best?
- The first one
- The second one
- The third one
- I don't know they all look pretty good to me
i may need glasses cause i cant see the difference.
but the 3. one seems to have more depth for some reason :S
the third one looks slightly bolder (as in the colours are more saturated, the lines are blacker, etc). at least i think so. not sure if that's a good thing or not, it depends what effect you're aiming for.
i'm now very curious to find out what you're up to here, foxy!
- colclough
Well I am glad that you two are curious about this. The secret to it is not all that great and you may be a little disappointed when I tell you but I found this to be very interesting when I discovered it. So all I can say is that I hope you enjoy the surprise and I really hope you will learn something new.
sounds interesting ^^
when will you reveal the "big secret" ? when you are sure everybody in the whole forum voted? :P
Ill reveal it when a few more people guess (maybe 3 or 4)
i am pretty exited and still got the feeling that i will be disapointed when you reveal what it is -_-
but lets see :P
Third for me as well, I think it has a higher ambient/diffuse value.
I was going to say third as well (to me the lines look straighter more than anything), but then I think I worked out the secret. I'll try not to spoil though.
It is amazing that we all picked the same one though.
My official vote will be they all look similar
Nr. 3 looks sharpest but my preference goes to nr. 2
now! enough voted!
i am retardet -_- :P
I have to assume its a "left brain, right brain" thing, 'cos I can't pick a difference between them. To my eye, they are all identical, and I cannot pick a preference.
I am not sure, but the second one looks a tiny bit darker if you ask me, number three does look a bit sharp but I vote number 2
Hmmmm....They all look the same to me Foxy. I'll go middle of the road and say number 2 is my fave.
third one a bit more depth/definition
OK, OK I now you all want to know the secret but before I tell you I need to give you a background on why I am doing this. Also this is really good if you have a slow computer like me so if you have a good computer this won't help you as much but those who have a slow one I hope this helps you out a bunch.
When I was working on my Saloon I noticed that it would take an extremely long time to load. The reason why is that I had about 7 textures (Got them from CG textures) that were 1.3 megabytes big and bumpmaps that were about the same which would equal to about 18.2 megabytes. It would take about 25 minutes to load my Saloon which was a pain. So then I was on a quest to figure out how to compress the textures but still make them look good and I finally found out.
You may find the secret disappointing as I have mentioned before so please don't get mad at me if you already knew this or it was a waste of your time and ect. With that said here is the secret.
As you may have noticed that most of you had chosen the 2nd one or the third one which made me really happy. What I do is load the texture in Gimp and I change the quality to about 80% to 70% from the original 100%. As you can tell it barely change the image so here are the numbers.
- 1st one - 100% quality
- 2nd one - 80% quality
- 3rd one - 70% quality
Now you may think ok what is the point of changing the quality when I want the best of the best.
My answer is you can still have a good texture by lowering the quality while at the same time lowering the file size which also lowering the loading time.
All the textures are the same its just that I changed the quality on each one.
Here are some more numbers
- 1st one - 1.33 megabytes
- 2nd one - 970 kilobytes
- 3rd one - 730 kilobytes
Sorry for the long post and I hope you all learned something new ;D
Fox. you don't have a slow computer, you are just feeding it more than it needs for the same or even a better result.
My chair is textured with a 186 Kb image (
Bigger is not always better :)
Fox, I must say, my idea for the secret was very different. No offense to you, but I also think I am correct in my secret :P
Look at the filenames of the images you posted: they are all exactly the same image
heh, did you link us to the wrong pictures? :P
Actually Dosser, it's all one picture, i just had a look (at the code). There is only one picture, which means that RnDr Fox has made a picture, with a grey background, and stuck the 3 pictures on it
Dosser, RnDr FOX only posted one image containing three different renders. (sorry, posted at the same time as devilGames)
As for textures, it only makes sense. Afterall, if you compare the size you're rendering at, to the size of the texture, you shouldn't see any real comparable difference. Textures from CG textures are gigantic. If you don't size them down (at least in anim8or) it will take a very long time to load. Sometimes I like the preserve the textures quality when creating a texture, such as for my mascot, though I kept that as a high quality photoshop file, then I save it as a much smaller .jpg.
ahh, that makes much more sense :D
It is amazing though, in 3D modelling. A relatively poor model, combined with a relatively poor texture can look remarkably good.
Yea what silver said is correct I made three cubes and put the three different textures on them, it is all one render. Don't worry I am not trying to trick you all or anything, I just discovered something that I thought was incredible and I wanted to share it.
Silver- the pics are still ok quality, as you said there is not much notable difference and all Gimp does (as far as I can see) is make the texture a little bit lighter as you decrease the quality
It turns out that the bumpmaps where actually 13+ megabytes (dump bitmap) so I converted them to .jpg and lowered the quality a little bit (if you thought it was hard to tell the difference before wait till you see the compressed bumpmaps)
Also before I compressed the textures and bumpmaps it took anim8or about 25 minutes to load the file on my computer now it only takes 6 minutes ;D
Gimp? Well that explains it then, I would never notice the level of quality
They all look just about the same to me although 1 and 2 seem a little warped.
I can see where most people are coming from with this: The third one is bolder. I guess whether you should use it depends on the project. :)