Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: spicy on May 31, 2008, 01:08:09 pm

Title: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on May 31, 2008, 01:08:09 pm
Hello fellow anim8ors! It's me spicy, over the last few months I have been thinking about a anim8or project that I wanted to create and have others involved in it to. Its a space series (As you might of guessed) 15 minute long for each episode, now you might think why am i bothering to do a project that will take ages to do (Thats the fun part!), it will take a long time to do and I understand that you may think whats the point in helping becuase you are unsure weather the creator will not just back out of the project, I promise you I will not (You have my word). I tried to start another project (Ages ago) called the Half Life Funny Movie, I did stop that project because of people's lack of intrest, copy right and bieng a bit of a newb (Asking people to do that and this). Well I must start off a fresh start, anyone that is intrested in this project let me know right away and I shall send you a PDF file containing all the info you shall need the plot, art, effects, roles and side stories. The reason I am not putting the PDF file on this topic is becuase I don't want to spoil the story for fellow anim8ors. many other people that you may know on the this forum have agreed to help me (Thankyou). I myself are going to model, get the art from my lead artist etc... This shall be a great experience for me and you. If you would like to help just PM me or just say on the topic. I hope to look forward to working with some fellow anim8ors
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: craksy on May 31, 2008, 01:36:21 pm
i agree that it would a fun project, and i think it has potential (maybe).
but i think that the "Anim8or the Movie" should be done before starting any other big projects. maybe anim8or studios (isnt it called that? to lazy to check) can take it up as there next project ...
but until then i guess you will just have to make the story :P

Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 01, 2008, 04:16:07 am
spicy- I'm interested, but I have to warn you and everyone that wants to join this: the first episode will take the llllloooonnnnggggggeeeessssssttttttt because that's the one where all the characters will be made, all following episodes will use those characters (so after the first episode, the animators/voiceactors will be doing everything), so if anyone else wants to join, know what your getting yourself into!
...sorry about that but I think that's the NO.1 killer for projects!
craksy- We're going to take awhile (a few years) before we finish the movie and I doubt spicy can wait that long.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Dosser on June 01, 2008, 05:12:22 am
I'm curious, don't know if I want to commit to anything (actually, for the next month or so I won't be able to do anything, for my own projects or others). Could you give us at least a blurb about it, even if not a full script?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 01, 2008, 05:34:38 am
I'll help, if i can... If you send the storyline along to me, and if i see anywhere i can help, i will.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 01, 2008, 09:37:36 am
Well thanks for the post
Tanzim: I understand what your saying and i agree the first episode will be the longest, glad your intrested
craksy: I have already made the story
Dosser: Yes sure. I will tell you abit more
devilGames: Great! I shall send you the PDF as soon as I can, I got exams for the next 2 weeks so I shall try to send you them ASAP
Right here's a little cut on the story, its about a war on a galatic scale set in motion by drifts in the timeline and other "stuff" (Can't say), its set on the Universal Republic Starship Prometheus, a ship set out to explore the outer rim but it soons discovers it has a new purpose...
Hope you like the little cut
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 01, 2008, 10:48:32 am
It sounds interesting and I will give it a shot, yeah I will help just send me the PDF file and I shall be away
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 01, 2008, 11:53:11 am
Hey Wolven anim8or! Thanks, I will send you the PDF File straight away. And guys what are we gonna call ourselves? The anim8or movie project has there own studios "Anim8or Studios". What are we gonna call ourselves, we should vote or decide.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 01, 2008, 12:23:20 pm
well i'm already in as modeller, but i must warn you: that is parttime modeller. i can't commit complete months or weeks to it.

i guess i will be doing some of the ships involved. i could use some concept drawing, cause next weeks i can spare a little more time then usual.

edit: are the logos for the races done yet?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 01, 2008, 06:23:26 pm
Question: Have you got an idea on what the ships and characters are gonna look like? Because, i can do some concepts, and even some test modeling today if you don't. I think i'll do that any way. Also, I think we do need a name, just so we can have a professional looking Opening Scene, and to Unite us.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 02, 2008, 06:10:57 am
First off, what's the series going to be called?
The anim8or movie project has there own studios "Anim8or Studios". What are we gonna call ourselves, we should vote or decide.
Secondly, as for the studio name, technically Anim8or Studios' current project is a movie called "The Anim8or Movie", that doesn't mean they can't have another project being a space series. I personally believe if this was to be done under the Anim8or Studios name, it would be good for the program (Anim8or), the studio (Anim8or Studios) and us as we would look more professional and so would have more viewers. (Of we should think of another name to work under should they reject the 'offer', for them to accept, we'd have to show them the first episode before it's publicly released, and ask weather they agree or not [this has to benefit both parties])
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 02, 2008, 08:43:09 am
Well there have been more posts (YAY!)
Tanzim: I understand where you are coming from, butI would prefer to make my/our own studios, plus I have no idea what the series should be called, if you or anyone else has any suggestions let me know
devilGames: My artist should (I hope, pray to god!) have the art soon, butI suppose you could also make some concept art to
startrekfan001: Great to have you, but if by logo's you mean pictures/conceptart it should be done later (As my artist is concentrating on the ships and weapons at the moment)

To all of you there is some more info I need to tell you, the models for the characters will be made using MakeHuman (What a tr8or I am!), this will make results more faster and efficent though the character models will be edited in anim8or. The last thing, when we are rendering the actaul animation for the space series I will need someone to kindly volentere to use there computer as mine is rubbish, though by Christmas I am getting a new laptop then I will be able to render the animations all by myself. I hope this does not put you off
EDIT: It's my birthday today!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 02, 2008, 09:03:46 am
No, I still want to help you spicy. And I agree it would be better if you had your own studios, as always I am still gonna help you
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 02, 2008, 09:11:51 am
Thanks Wolven anim8or! Still thinking of a name, something creative, effective, professional and something that attracts other people
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on June 02, 2008, 09:17:05 am
as a series title, how about Galactic Fiction?

anyways, happy birthday, spicy ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 02, 2008, 10:39:44 am
thanks thecolclough. Are you still gonna help out though? Thanks for the name suggestion but I am looking for a more serious name
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 02, 2008, 08:34:33 pm
K, i have a name: (It's a FRUIT!)
Blood Orange Studios.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 03, 2008, 05:29:15 am
I like it! Though if there are anymore keep them coming! Just to let you know of the Laptop I want to get
BASE Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T5550 (1.83 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 2 MB L2 cache) edit
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium - English edit
LCD 15.4" Widescreen™ WXGA (1280x800) TFT Display (220nits) with TrueLife™ edit
BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION Biometric Fingerprint Reader with BLACK accent edit
MEMORY 2048MB 667MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM [2x1024] edit
HARD DRIVE 160GB (5400RPM) SATA Hard Drive edit
GRAPHICS CARD NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 8600M GT with 256MB dedicated graphic memory edit

I will probaly get it by Christmas, it sounds good ey?
Anyhow expect the PDF File soon, plus my artist should be finished soon
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Stinky on June 03, 2008, 05:46:43 am
i look forward to seeing the first episode ... good luck guys

and happy belated spicy!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 03, 2008, 05:51:32 am
Thanks Stinky so am I! I hope it's going to be really good! In the first episode I hope to display techniques such as refelctions,wind effects, good landscapes, skin textures, low to mid poly models and good graphic animation, so that it will raise popularity for anim8or as well

and happy belated spicy!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 03, 2008, 06:11:49 am
So spicy, how old are you again?
Anyways, in the love of all quality animations DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get Vista, it is the most pathetic OS I've ever had run on my PC, do you know how much everything sucks on it, stay with XP, or wait until Vienna (but I wouldn't trust that until I've seen what it can do).
<Calms down>
About your MakeHuman characters, see you are a tra8or (but at least you spelt it with an 8 )
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 03, 2008, 06:16:35 am
I am 15 yay!
The only problem is the laptop I want does not have a version for XP and I thought that anim8or worked fine on Vista? I know it has a few problems but can't we go around the problems, other people have vista and say anim8or works fine. Lets just wait and see...
About MakeHuman I hope it does not put you off, I am a tre8or! Tanzim so are you intrested? Do you want me to send you the PDF File?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 03, 2008, 07:52:39 am
why dont ya just hit format C and install XP later on?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Dosser on June 03, 2008, 08:13:11 am
I agree, vista isn't so great. I have seen quite a few bugs in Anim8or: not sure if they are due to Vista or not, but noone else seems to see them but me, so can only assume it is the OSes fault.

Considering how much better the hardware of my new laptop is than my old one (running XP), I don't even want to guess the sort of wasted CPU power Vista gives me :( I also get IE7 crashing a lot (again, I used to run IE6 so not sure if this is explorer or Vista crashing it, but I consider them related problems).

Are you getting it from Dell? Mine's a dell, and I too didn't get an option to have windows XP.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 03, 2008, 03:30:25 pm
Hey dosser. I plan (If I can) to get mine from dell, becasue there is one I would like there. I also heard that IE7 crashes alot because it is unstable and my ICT Teacher confirmed it
EDIT: I have updated the PDF File and added a profile section, looks ace! I thought my first studio name (Contamin8or Studios) and logo, tell me what you think?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 04, 2008, 01:12:15 am
Sorry, anim8or's great and all the good bits and all, but you don't need to copy the 8 in the name... Otherwise, could be a good name. (Contaminator Studios) Stay away from vista. Use XP, Vista is so unstable, it's like they released it for beta testing. Anyway, until that's fixed, stay with an XP. If dell don't give you the choice, you can always install XP onto it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 04, 2008, 05:17:30 am
Yeah I'm in.
Contamin8or... contamin8ing your future, sorry but that's what it makes me think :(
Sorry about my constructive criticizim or constant babbling or whatever it is...
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 04, 2008, 07:29:22 am
contamin8ing your future, sorry but that's what it makes me think

Hey that made me laugh! Right thats settled we need a different name, if anyone has ant more idea let me know. devilGames I prefer to use an 8 in it, it feels more anim8or friendly.

AND I got a new name Reality Studios I think sounds good, and maybe the phrase should be something like "What shall we do today or Anim8ing your furure"?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 04, 2008, 08:44:02 am
What about "Anim8ion NOW!", gives a more Real in Reality feel
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 04, 2008, 08:49:23 am
Sounds ace! I really like it,but I do prefer Anim8ion Studios. Good find Tanzim! No one else is using this name then? And you haven'tcopied it off anyone else? Just checking. I love it! I think we have a studio name winner!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 04, 2008, 12:38:45 pm
AniMo Studios?

combination of Anim8or and Movie.

(animo means something is popular i believe)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: cumesoftware on June 04, 2008, 12:56:51 pm
I would vote for "Anim8ion Studios". It keeps the traditional "8", a Steve's invention.

We could raise a poll.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 04, 2008, 01:02:18 pm
I personally vote Anim8ion Studios, but how do raise a poll? Just vote on this forum? Anyhow soon we should be all modelling! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 04, 2008, 01:20:07 pm
I vote Anim8ion Studios cos it sounds wayyy better than all the other (no offense). I just prefer it. Cant wait to model. :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 04, 2008, 01:54:21 pm
I dont think there is any need of a poll, we all like Anim8ion Studios. And I like it and I want it for all of us. Sorry Startrekfan001 and devilGames but i really like this one

EDIT: Just to let you know I have just sent Tanzim and devilGames the PDF File
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 05, 2008, 01:17:56 am
Cool, i havn't checked my email yet, but good. And i like Anim8ion Studios to. So now we have a Studio Name! Do we have a project name? (Have you named the series) I'll probably find out when i check my email, but anyways...
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 05, 2008, 09:04:20 am
Actaully I have not named the series yet, I am still thinking. i will have to think one up soon!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 05, 2008, 09:18:04 am
Glad that we r gonna stick with Anim8ion Studios! And I got the PDF File you sent me, it is very good and descriptive. It must of taken u a long time to make
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 05, 2008, 07:37:37 pm
I really like it,but I do prefer Anim8ion Studios. Good find Tanzim!
What? I never said anything about Anim8ion Studios I said you might want to work under the Anim8or Studios name (I did think of the name of that though!).
OK, guys you can't/shouldn't use the name Anim8ion Studios (sorry I didn't say earlier) because it sounds too much like Anim8or Studios and may cuase confuion for the audience (Anim8or Studios is copyrighted anyway)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 06, 2008, 03:05:49 am
oh come on....... how about Anim8ion Productions then?  its not necessarily need to be Studios.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 06, 2008, 08:28:55 am
Tanzim I know ANIM8OR STUDIOS is copyrighted but not ANIM8ION STUDIOS. I personally think it sounds totally different. I just love ANIM8ION STUDIOS! I will think on what you said though Tanzim. I have just started to write the script for the first episode (Unexpected Voyage). Just started Scene 4. Where and how much does it cost to get things copyrighted? Where did Anim8or Studios get there studios copyrighted?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 06, 2008, 10:15:14 am
Well, if you really want to use the name go ahead, I remember getting the same response from everyone on how they loved the name Anim8or Studios, they never even started the poll.
Where and how much does it cost to get things copyrighted? Where did Anim8or Studios get there studios copyrighted?
Copyright is the right to copy the intellectual work of someone, basically whoever thought if the idea first is allowed to use it however they like (though that's not always the case), so you might want to check no-ones using it (the name Anim8ion Studios) before you start anything.
Anyways, good luck with the rest of the episode script.
Oh yeah, dibs of Character Setup (rigging).
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 06, 2008, 02:22:00 pm
Well its just that I really wanna use it thats all. What does dibs mean?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 06, 2008, 02:38:54 pm
Well I am glad that we wanna stick with Anim8ion Studios. Hey Tanzim have you read the PDF file spicy sent you yet
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 06, 2008, 11:18:08 pm
Dibs means wanting to do something first or by yourself etc
Yeah I'm still going through it, I currently have a bit of work to do but I'll finished in a day or 2 (I'm not the fastest reader)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 06, 2008, 11:41:45 pm
Wow, do they not use dibs in the uk? Anyways... It's seems you've put allot of effort into this Spicy. I dibs interior construction of a least 1x ship! (More please...)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 07, 2008, 01:33:47 am
I think we should start a new forum dedicated to the space series, to stop us using/wasting anymore of Steve's bandwidth, if this does get going.
I think I've got a name: 'The memoirs of Commodore Matthews' written in some high-tech spacey font.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Deraga on June 07, 2008, 02:48:03 am
First thing you may want to do spicy, is get ur own website so you dont blog down Steve's.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 07, 2008, 06:17:58 am
I agree. Deffinately need own website, maybe with a section only for project members so we can talk about things inside the series without spoiling it for all the tobe viewers
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 07, 2008, 06:57:21 am
Yeah, but who's going to pay for the site, and who here knows HTML
I'd recommend for the forum.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: mcheccyb on June 07, 2008, 07:26:01 am
please don't use anim8ion studios, it is far too like anim8or studios.

people will get confused, think of something else.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 07, 2008, 09:21:26 am
I agree, and I wont use anim8ion studios if it upsets other people, actaully it does sound a bit like anim8or studios. Sorry for the confusion. Glad we still got people intrested, but about making a site. I was going to make a site sometime later this year (I asked my mum and she said she would let me about August Spetember time). And they propably use dibs in the UK, but I wouldn't know about it, similair ones to that is bagsy or shotgun. But yeah, if and when I can I will try to make my own forum for us all. I am really excited! Just to let you know, I have started to model the interior senate room for the Universal Republic and the solar system
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on June 07, 2008, 10:28:46 am
i'm a brit, and i'm familiar with both 'dibs' and 'bagsy', although i haven't come across 'shotgun' being used in that context.

i agree that a separate forum could be a good idea.

i also agree that Anim8ion Studios is too similar to the other group, and therefore too confusing.  how about Wireframe Studios / Wireframe Productions?  just a thought.

i wrote this yesterday on the topic of copyright, but couldn't post it because my internet connection is dodgy, and went down while i was typing:

technically, as soon as you create something, you own the copyright on it (assuming you're not being paid to create it, under a contract which says the rights go to the person paying you).  getting your copyright registered, though, is another thing.  not sure who you go to or how much it costs, but it's probably some government agency.  shouldn't be too hard to find out with a bit of googling.  also, if you put a copy of your work in a sealed envelope, get it date-stamped by the post office, and then don't ever open it, that can be used to prove your copyright ownership if there's ever a dispute.

however, in the case of a name, e.g. Anim8or Studios, you probably mean trademark rather than copyright.  it's a related idea, but it's not quite the same thing.  again, i think you can claim something as a trademark (assuming it's something original, of course) without having to register, but you can protect yourself in the eyes of the law by getting it registered.  i've always assumed that's why some things are marked 'TM', and others '®' - you can only use ® if you've gone to the appropriate government body, and choked up some cash to have your trademark put on the official lists.

legal stuff, eh?  so much trouble... :P

i know other people have said some similar things, but there's my explanation anyway, for what it's worth ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Dosser on June 07, 2008, 10:56:15 am
call me pessimistic / cynical, but shouldn't you get something done before working out what to call yourselves?

A lot of 'big projects' don't finish 'round here. The official Anim8or movie hasn't really gotten anywhere for example (considering how long its been going). I've worked on a few on my own, and really your enthusiasm is at it's greatest early on. Perhaps you should use these early days to go full throttle at the actual modelling, rather than arguing about the name.

Look at it this way: think of it as earning your name. So far, you haven't done anything as a group: so why do you deserve a name yet? While you're modelling: remember that you want to be a member of this unknown group, you want to be known etc. You'll probably come up with the perfect name later anyway.

The point is, it's not a top priority. This project seems a little more realistic than a lot that I've heard about, I'd like to see it finish. but remember, at this point you're not a 'studio' or 'company' because you haven't done anything ;)

(yet :D )
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: mcheccyb on June 07, 2008, 05:11:33 pm
The official Anim8or movie hasn't really gotten anywhere for example

what do you mean?

we have gone on for much longer than any other anim8or project, we have some of the highest quality modelers in the anim8or community.

We have now finished modeling everything for the first scene and lots of stuff for the rest of the movie, we have cast all the voice actors we need for the first scene and we know who is animating it. I don't understand why people assume we are getting no-where.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 07, 2008, 05:30:42 pm
Well, i know HTML. And PERL. And JS. And for those of you who don't know the last two: PERL is a server-side script for things like forums, and JS (Javascript) is a client-side script to make the page look fancier. Dosser, have you got the PDF. If you've read that you'll see a lot of work has already gone into this.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 07, 2008, 05:36:04 pm
Thanks devilGames at least a few people here understand the amount of time and effort I have put in to this project and I know that the name is not important right at the moment (But I considered it). And before you say something Dosser, THINK. Anim8or Studios has put alot of hard work and determination for there project, you going around saying they have done nothing is not going to help. It takes time Dosser for projects to start. But yes I am glad you think this project will get somewhere and it WILL! And there is no arguement about the name
P.S This isn't going to help the thread
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: hihosilver on June 07, 2008, 07:37:25 pm
If you can follow through with this it looks perfect to enter in this contest:,873.0.html (,873.0.html)
There are prizes and publicity and everything.  I say give it a shot!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 08, 2008, 06:28:39 am
I think that we probably won't be able to enter into that, mainly to do with limitations on Team Size to 10. I'm pretty sure this will go over that, but if it doesn't it sounds like a good idea. (I say we, because there isn't a set name yet.) Also, Anim8ion doesn't really sound like Anim8or to me, only the start. But it looks very similar...
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 08, 2008, 06:47:04 am
If we can produce an episode every 3 months, who knows maybe, then again, we're going to have to produce x episodes a year (1 season), that's more often then the competitions take place.

(x= number of episodes, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell anyone yet [of course, members already know])
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 08, 2008, 10:52:10 am
copyright is not something registerable. its simply the fact that you invented a name first. anim8ion studios is usable. it does not looks like anim8or studios any more then mcdonalds sounds like donald duck. no-one ever confuses about that either, right?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 08, 2008, 05:02:30 pm
I don't know what the forum or the studio name will be and Tanzim it's best not to tell everyone how many episodes there are in a season (At least you didn't tell), only the members know. And hiho thanks for the suggestion about the contest but we won't be ready in that time, sorry. But soon we shall be in full swing!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: hihosilver on June 08, 2008, 06:59:45 pm
The first episode could be released for the competition, or at least a version of it.  Right now the team size didn't look anywhere near 10, so I wasn't sure.  Still I encourage you to look into it.  It can also help your productivity to have more challenge!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 09, 2008, 04:59:59 am
That last statement is true. (There are people involved outside anim8or), but personally i doubt that we'll be ready in 3 months. BUT - We could do a short for it, not to much storyline, just enough to get people interested. Then, when we release the first episode, people will have heard of it already! (Just a thought). And, a thought for a studio name: Cr8or Studios. (Seeing you want to stick with an 8.) Spicy, please let me know if you do want me to work on a site for you. (Just the pages, not the actual site) It'll give me something to do for a bit...
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 09, 2008, 08:34:23 am
hello people.After just reading these last few posts I have made the desision of making a trailer for the first episode instead of making a short version of the episode (Like devilGames suggested), just so it gets people intrested. I never thought about a trailer but I think thta will be a good idea. And for the studios name I am not really keen on Cr8or Studios and I have decided we dont have to stick with the 8 if we dont want to. By working on the sit you just mean pages then, will you be using HTML?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 09, 2008, 11:13:31 am
are any sketches/designs done yet? :P still waiting for them....
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 09, 2008, 01:43:12 pm
startrekfan001 yeah I am still waiting for them :( And also not to confuse evryone I am still making the first episode but before I release the first episode I will release a trailer of it to get people intrested. Sorry for the confusion. And devilGames I am also learning HTML, it quite intresting and more easy than I imagined! And Pherhaps me and devilGames will make the site using HTML! Thats if devilGames doesn't mind doing that, because HTML is the way to go!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 10, 2008, 01:21:56 am
I've been using HTML for about 6years, so i also know the more complicated things like JScript. For this, i will mainly be using JScript, PERL and some HTML, but mainly JScript. (Ajax). Yeah, HTML is really easy, what makes web development hard is for things like Forums, animations, games and anything remotely advanced, which is where CSS, JScript and Server-side scripts come into it. Personally, i think we should stick with Anim8ion, at least until another name comes in. Maybe we should do some kind of Poll, where we get several possible names, then get people to vote. Then we'll see if the number of people who like Anim8ion out size the number who don't!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on June 10, 2008, 04:42:53 am
hmm, this sounds fun, but what about the sounds? the voice and everything? are the helpers going to record them and do it? or what? thanks, I might join if I can get all the details straight. but more than likely can't because of being too busy..

thanks in advance for answering my question. :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 10, 2008, 05:04:36 am
3Dgeek11. I have people outside of the anim8or community doing the voices, if you want to join then that would be ace! We need all the help we can get! And devilGames HTML is easy and fun to use but I suppose I will let you do the JS and everything else to it!f you could help as an  modeller, set builder or something that would be great, but not as a voice actor. Plus you will need basic knowledge for anim8or
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 10, 2008, 05:34:48 am
Well, i've started it. Most of the site will be one page. (I can send you what is complete if you want)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 10, 2008, 05:48:54 am
Yeah ok cool. We will need a domain but that will cost unless we can get a free domain and I would like to write some stuf f on the site, such as a brief introduction to the site. We will need a forum on it definatley, how much work have you done on it m8?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 10, 2008, 05:55:08 am
Well, I'm currently working on a sort of engine for it, to make it easier to change without to much work. Right now, it has a menu, updates list, homepage, and i'm just starting the login part. Havn't done to much, bout an hours work
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 10, 2008, 06:17:24 am
Cool! An Engine? Anyhow good work on the site! I am looking forward to it as well as the login part, though you will be able to put in a forum as well will you as well as a gallery?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 10, 2008, 06:21:43 am
Yeah, but i think we should talk about this (the site) outside of anim8or, because it has nothing to do with it. If you just email all the stuff you want in it to me, i'll include it. There want be much i can't include now days.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 10, 2008, 09:15:30 am
Um, maybe we should start building something before we make a whole website full of nothing but what we're about to do.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 10, 2008, 10:43:19 am
Yeah that would make sense first Tanzim, we should be modelling soon. Tanzim how did you create that wind effect on your curtains in an animation you made? And devilGames could you email me the HTML text so I can view it please? And devilGames still continue to make the site. And finally Tanzim we need the site for the forum so we can discuss everything oustide the anim8or community
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on June 11, 2008, 07:07:37 am
Yeah, I guess I'm just getting bored of waiting.
If you read my tutorial (at [very boring, I'll change so it just has pictures]), I basically made a subdivided plane and rigged it, then had the bones make subtle movements for a small draft effect (though I need to perfect my animation skills).
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on June 11, 2008, 09:26:12 am
sorry, spicy.. but I just can't find the time, and it sounds awesome! but I just don't know much about anim8or to make anything useful really.. all the good stuff I've made took like 2 days to make. lol

but If you still need help and I get really good and can find the time, then I'll join. :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 11, 2008, 01:24:36 pm
3D Geek thats fiine glad you like this project we are in anyways. My artist is getting a little bugging and doesnt have the art so it looks like we are gonna have to model ourselves guys, because I want to model! Right startrekan001 if you have any spare time i was wondering if you could model the U.R.S Prometheus (The main ship the story and the crew are stationed on), I would like it to be big and be mid poly if you could, and I would also like it to realistic not proper futuristic like all other space series are, I would like it to be as realistic as the Prometheus you made but of course different looking model (I hope you get what I mean). devilGames if you would be so kind to continue working on the site :). Tanzim expect the "Captain Matthews" model soon form me. i am still modelling the Senate room and neraly finidhed the Solar Systen. I think that covers everyone here, oh and Aaron (DressedForSuccess) seen as you agreed to help me with this project could you build the Kormek Empire's Palace with the garden (that would be lovely and of course when you have enough time, make it look alieny and different if you can). That covers everyone, we should be modelling!:) :) :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 11, 2008, 01:49:19 pm
What about meeeee? I shall start to model a few alien planets is that ok?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 11, 2008, 01:51:29 pm
Sorry Wolven Anim8or I was writing in a rush, sorry I didn't mean to forget you! And thats fine, start to model some planets! The more modelling the better! The dream is becoming a reallity!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 11, 2008, 05:05:40 pm
so i guess my inspiration will be enough?? besides the directions you gave me?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 12, 2008, 09:11:06 am
yes that covers it startrekfan001 I guess that will be enough seen as my artist can't be bothered to hand in his art he has done, inpiration and dircetions is all we have at the moment, just try your best
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 12, 2008, 11:38:19 am
i am very bad at inspiration :-P i think ill go down teh internets and search up some other scifi ships and mix them.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 12, 2008, 12:12:17 pm
Thanks startrekfan001! Also the last update of the PDF is almost finished just to let you know.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 12, 2008, 01:48:41 pm
here's a preview of the design im working on:

( (

it was based on my mom's ironer.

the curved things on the sides are pylons to which i am going to attach the engines.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 12, 2008, 02:06:08 pm
startrekfan001 that looks very good so far though I would class it as a Human Shuttle not the actual U.R.S Prometheus, the design you are working on continue to make it and it will look a really good combat fighter/shuttle. once you have finished that I will explain what I want the U.R.S Prometheus to look like. Really good shuttle/combat fighter, quite impressed! At least modelling has started! :) i can't wait to see it fininshed, by the way if I didn't mention before i didn't want to modle the U.R.S Prometheus just yet (modle that a bit lter and I shall tell you how I would like you to make it :) ). Sorry if I didn't mention that before, keep on the good work and we shall have the first Universal Attack fighter/Shuttle! :) :) :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 12, 2008, 06:08:05 pm
allright :-P now that you mention it, it indeed looks more like a shuttle. i shall make some adjustments to have it some more shuttle feel. thanks for the comments, i will finish this model and wait for the designs of teh prometheus :-)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 13, 2008, 10:50:43 am
Hey startrekfan001 I am sorry if I sound a real crit but I want to make sure everything is perfect, great model though! and thanks for modelling this! :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 13, 2008, 11:33:02 am
i'm glad modelling hs started, i will show you some of my renders soon
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 16, 2008, 11:04:48 am
I have just about finished the script, I will put an extraxt on soon. Hows the ship going
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 16, 2008, 05:29:12 pm
progressing..... i will post an update soon. i redesigned the engines to fit better to a fighter design. rebuilt the entire ship, with teh same main design.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 17, 2008, 06:14:53 am
Ok cool startrekfan001, here is the script for the first scene for the first episode.
Episode One (Unexpected Voyage):
Opening Credits
Scene 1
(Deep Space)
A massive flash erupts for a second, then two ships come into view the U.R.S Andromeda and the U.R.S Saviour (The ships go past the camera, as the camera slowly watches the ships).

(U.R.S Saviours Bridge)
The crew is hard at work on their consoles. Captain Matthews is sat on his chair in the centre of the Bridge browsing his staff at work
Captain Matthews: How soon Lieutenant Clarke?
Lieutenant Clarke: Less than 5 minutes, sir
Captain Matthews: (Curious) Good, is the  U.R.S Andromeda keeping up?
Lieutenant Clarke: It appears so sir
Captain Matthews: Good! The last time they was with another ship their engines cut off and it was a week until they were fixed!
Lieutenant Clarke: It's an old ship sir. My mother served on that ship. I am surprised it hasn't been decommissioned yet (Speaks sad). Sir, the Andromeda is hailing us
Captain Matthews: On Viewer.
The viewer turns on and Captain Jackson (Captain of the U.R.S Andromeda) appears on the screen.
Captain Jackson (On viewer): Captain, the President has given us orders to patrol Alar V and this means leaving you to approach Earth by your self.
Captain Matthews: Don't worry Captain Jackson, the U.R.S Saviour is more than capable of approaching Earth by its self. Safe journeys. Matthews out
The viewer turns off and resumes to looking into space. The U.R.S Andromeda opens a Jump Point and enters it Lieutenant Clarke stares at his console
Lieutenant Clarke: Sir, we are approaching Earth. On viewer
Earth zaps up onto the screen
Captain Matthews: Is the Prometheus there? Well Lieutenant is it? I want a good look of it and a tactical analysis
Then Earth fades on the viewer and the U.R.S Prometheus shows up on the screen
Lieutenant Clarke: Type 6 Battle Cannons, 4 Nuclear Powered Gun Turrets, Alpha 3 Type Engines and Compact Titanium Hull. That is one ship
Captain Matthews stares at the screen
Captain Matthews (Two seconds later): That is one warship. In fact its the best in the fleet, Lieutenant Clarke dock with Space Dock Safari and then meet me on the Prometheus's Bridge, we have work to do.
Captain Matthews leaves scene
Lieutenant Clarke: Docking in 5, 4 ,3 ,2 1. Dock!
(Outside View of the U.R.S Saviour)
The U.R.S Saviour docks with the Space Dock Safari
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 17, 2008, 07:00:18 am
Sounds a good script m8! Can't wait until the new site is opened and the first episode has been realesed
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 17, 2008, 09:05:09 am
heh, first episode released hea? wait another year and a half mate :-)

edit: i just tought of something. how about if we would wait with the human characters (modelling and anim8ing and stuff) until makehuman releases? it will have clothing and hair in it. its indeed not going anywhere fast, but are we?

i'd say we now just focuse on objects. bridge, ships, space animation etc.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: mcheccyb on June 17, 2008, 03:23:32 pm
make human is released?

what do you mean?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 18, 2008, 03:14:10 am
I thought you were gonna keep it secret?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 18, 2008, 04:22:23 am
I thought you were gonna keep it secret?

hey now that you mention it..... hahahahhaa FAIL

here's a description of makehuman: (
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: hihosilver on June 18, 2008, 04:44:17 am
My personal advice is that you don't use makehuman.  Try your own hand at it first.  Of course it wont look as good, but at least you'll actually make it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 18, 2008, 08:25:51 am
No it wasn't a secret, I said earlier that we was going to use MakeHuman and the ONLY raeson I am using it is to make results more faster and effienct thats all. And hihoslilver I understand what your saying and I have modelled my first hand (Ages ago), but I am still going to use MakeHuman. So then what do we think to the script? No one except wolven anim8or has commented on it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: hihosilver on June 18, 2008, 01:44:31 pm
The script looks fine.
The only issue I saw was where you wrote, "Captain Matthews: Good! The last time they was with another ship their engines cut off and it was a week until they were fixed!"
The "was" here should be "were" for proper grammar.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 19, 2008, 01:10:17 am
Good pointer, i noticed that to. And, i was referring to the script. I thought you didn't want people to know about the story line etc.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 19, 2008, 09:09:44 am
O yeah I just noticed that, thanks guys! And it's only the beggining part of the script and does not contain any important parts of the story line, meaning its not an important scene its more like an introduction scene
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on June 19, 2008, 09:32:29 am
regarding the text: i have the idea that spicy is not native english or american, since the text overall is a bit filled with errors. maybe you should assign someone native english to correct all grammar mistakes?

(not wanting to be picky, but if you hear bad grammar in the movie or so, it looks kind of clumpsy)

not me btw :-P i'm dutch, i make just as much mistakes.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 19, 2008, 12:19:58 pm
Your idea is wrong startrekfan001, I am native english and I personally don't see any errors in the text, plus I have also spell checked it and used grammer in word and open office. They say the text is fine. Plus Hihosilver says it looks fine and I am sure he is English or American (Correct me if I am wrong), and bad grammer does make a series/movie look clumsy but it won't happen in my series! If you know/think there are any errors tell me and I shall correct them or explain why it is like that, and your not picky startrekfan001 and I know what you're saying :) .
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 19, 2008, 12:42:14 pm
I am not trying to be funny but the script looking fine to me, I do not see any bad mistakes other than what hiho pointed out  :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on June 19, 2008, 03:33:37 pm
hi all
sorry i've been incommunicado for a bit, i said at the beginning (pm to spicy before this thread was started) that i'd be happy to chip in, and i'm still interested in doing a few bits, but i'm currently focussing most of my anim8or efforts into finishing off a short-film project i've been working on for about 18 months.  hopefully, though, i'll finish that in a few weeks.  meanwhile, i've found an hour or two to spare, and i have been thinking a bit about starship design, i've been working on some extremely simple lowpoly models, really just quick 3-d sketches to show the sort of shapes i was thinking of.  they've got almost no detail, i'm just thinking out loud to myself at the moment, but i'll post a .an8 with some of my ideas, hopefully soon, and if you want to use any of the ships for the various alien races, or something like that, then that's fine with me, and i can redo them with more detail and stuff.

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on June 23, 2008, 02:17:00 am
Quick question spicy, what are you doing for this project. (i.e., other than script writing etc)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 23, 2008, 08:29:28 am
Well I am modelling, writing the script, sorting out other stuff (such as technical terms for the systems on the U.R.S Prometheus) and also sorting out my voice actors. Good news people, I have "some" art from my lead artist and I must say it looks very good! It is an Esmek Large destroyer called the "Bereaver", hopefully I shall have it soon for you guys to model
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on June 26, 2008, 12:24:16 pm
The "Bereaver"? It sounds cool! I have been doing a few planets and I shall post them here as soon as they are done, I hope the shuttle doing cool as well as the website :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 02, 2008, 03:05:38 am
Just checking, is everyone still working on this project? It's gone pretty silent
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 02, 2008, 09:47:21 am
well, i decided i only really liked one of the starship designs i was working on.  it's a 600-metre-long cargo ship, mainly designed for bulk tranfer of raw materials (variants of the class can be adapted for solid ores, liquids, or gases, depending on requirements).  not sure how it would fit in with the story plans; if nothing else, it could just be seen sitting around at a space dock as a background detail.

obviously, this is just a quick, lowpoly sketch model of the class, and if you want then i can make a much more detailed version.

hope you like ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 02, 2008, 11:55:42 am
Good work thecolclough! I love the design and it will fit perfectly for the series! I think thats a good low poly model and it looks cool (Good name too). If you would be so kind, could you maybe make it mid poly with some textures (If you can). And devilGames no I am working my socks off, I will never give up on a big project like this. I am having some problem with the Planets but I will get around it and post the renders here. Hows the website? Plus I shall get the layout done soon (Been busy)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on July 02, 2008, 12:13:22 pm
yea good work! Just a quick question, whens the pdf file finished. i mean the new one
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 02, 2008, 12:20:50 pm
Yeah good question. Its nearly finished now just added the final touches, it has alot more info like ships info, technical meanings, finished map, the full script and race information. startrekfan001 hows the shuttle/fighter?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 02, 2008, 03:36:45 pm
glad you liked the ship, Master Spicy!  i've just finished off that film today, so hopefully i'll have a bit of time to do the midpoly version.

my idea with the name was that the Taurus-57 would be the latest of several variants on the same basic design.  eg. there could have been Taurus-23, Taurus-38, etc... or maybe Taurus is the shipbuilder, and 57 is the actual class identifier.  whatever.  i'll try and find some decent textures for it too ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 02, 2008, 05:11:10 pm
Good thanks thecolclough! I am glad you will have the spare time to do that, I better add your ship to my list of ships for the series! Taurus 57 Cargo Transporter (It sounds cool). My artist is also designing the uniforms for the Universal Republic, I shall keep you posted
-spicy :)
P.S Plus I can imagine the second image the colclough posted having lights at the end of the poles on the ship
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 02, 2008, 05:18:56 pm
Websites good, Home page is just waiting for your input, Forums I'll do once I complete Member's features. Member's home semi/complete. In between waiting for your input. (Havn't asked for this yet so don't worry about it), and finishing setting up features.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 02, 2008, 05:23:20 pm
Good. I am glad that website is progressing good, I shall give you the homepage input as soon as I can :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 02, 2008, 06:46:34 pm
P.S Plus I can imagine the second image the colclough posted having lights at the end of the poles on the ship

sure thing, i'll put some little glowy bits around the trailing equipment in the midpoly version.  and maybe around the engine nacelle too.  after all, what self-respecting spaceship doesn't have any glowy bits?!!  :P 8)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on July 03, 2008, 05:46:39 am
I think it needs windows at the front so the crew can look outside and stuff, and maybe you'd want to round off the front (bullet shape) so it doesn't look like a massive cylinder but instead a well designed aero-dynamic spacecraft.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 03, 2008, 01:50:55 pm
Yes I agree with Tanzim maybe just a few windows. Here i have an unfinished low poly model that will become a Kormek Cruiser (Not yet finished). :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 03, 2008, 02:00:39 pm
tanzim: yes, i was going to put a few windows around the crew area, especially a long 'windscreen' across the front of the bridge.

on the other hand, i like the flat-front design.  i was thinking, since there's no air in space, starships don't really need to be aerodynamic in the same way aircraft do, and since the Taurus-57 is a utilitarian cargo vessel, i thought a more unsophisticated, geometric shape would be more appropriate.  if i'd designed it as a luxury cruiser (hey, maybe there's a passenger-carrying variant of the class?), then i might round off the front, but i prefer the flat-front look for the cargo transporter.

i think it's like the difference between the styling of an old lorry, vs. the styling of a shiny new rolls-royce - the people building lorries are only concerned with getting stuff from A to B, not so much with sleek styling... :P

maybe we should ask Master Spicy what he thinks... ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 03, 2008, 02:06:54 pm
Well my peronal opinion is that I like the way the Tuarus is set out, plus the poles! :) But there is always room for improvement :P
I am glad that you are going to add some windows too, but if thecolclough wants the front the same then it's his call not mine.
Anyhow when I watch commercial programs such as "Star Trek", I see cargo transporters and they look like bulky ugly things, not aerodynamic, but this is my series. It's all up to the colclough...
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on July 03, 2008, 02:13:44 pm
i have got a great idea thecolclough and spicy! how about a large space passenger ship that carries important people to different places, it could be used in the background with the tuarus (i cant model it myself though), but a good modlling idea?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 03, 2008, 02:32:26 pm
Yeah that would be a good idea but, we gotta focus on the big stuff as well. Remember if ANY ONE would like to help just say :) I shall be sending the final update of the PDF File to everyone involved in the project
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 03, 2008, 06:37:32 pm
I shall be sending the final update of the PDF File to everyone involved in the project
i'll look forward to it :)

also: i'll stick with the ugly-bulky-geometric look for the Taurus-57, but i might mess around with a sleeker variant for passenger transport as well.

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on July 04, 2008, 05:24:50 am
I know it's your call, I'm just saying (but forgot to mention), when the cargo ship is to land on a planet, it would need to be aerodynamic (if the planet has an atmosphere), unless of course another ship was to be used for this.
Sorta like a plane taking a whole heap of American packages to Australia and then having domestic planes/trucks taking them to each state/suburb
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 04, 2008, 10:38:15 am
when the cargo ship is to land on a planet, it would need to be aerodynamic (if the planet has an atmosphere), unless of course another ship was to be used for this.
Sorta like a plane taking a whole heap of American packages to Australia and then having domestic planes/trucks taking them to each state/suburb

good point, i hadn't really thought about that.  but then, i never really expected the Taurus to land; i thought it would be more for collecting stuff from asteroid refineries or something, and taking it across the major interstellar distances, but the stuff would be transferred planetside by shorter-range craft.

it's kind of like the planet's gravity working like the gradual slope on a natural beach (as opposed to a man-made dock), a huge oil tanker can't dock anywhere near the land, because the sea just gets too shallow, and you have to use little rowing-boats to get people ashore.  shallow water = gravitational pull (both create an impassable area), taurus = giant tanker thing, short-range transfer craft = rowing boats.

maybe i should stop philosophising about all this, and just get on with modelling the darn thing?!!  ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 04, 2008, 12:52:31 pm
maybe i should stop philosophising about all this, and just get on with modelling the darn thing?!!  ;D
- colclough

(Smiles and then laughs). Just to let you know I have a few more voice actors, all I need now is a girl/woman to play Commander Bourke, buts thats gonna be hard! On the other hand I have created a new logo for Anim8ion Studios and yes thats what I want to call it (I will put it on here shortly). Cant wait for the new mid-poly version of the Taurus!
Title: Re: Space Series - Taurus-57 Midpoly
Post by: thecolclough on July 07, 2008, 07:38:50 am
work in progress on the Taurus-57 midpoly - the back end is still mostly the same, but i've been doing a bit of texture work on the main body, and note the extra detail on the engine nacelle.  there's also some more detail on the top, but you can't see that from this angle, and i'm hoping to improve on it anyway.

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 07, 2008, 11:58:08 am
Good work! :) I love it, the engine is really cool to! Good image there thecolcough. All you need to do is improve the front but good work.

Just to let you all know we will be rendering the series with Scanline because the Ray Tracer just takes to loooong, buts its ace though.
But right, you know when you render an animation it gets a little fuzzy or pixilated when you watch it in Windows Media Player, how do you get rid of these fuzzy-pixilated bits? And how do you attain high quality when viewing an animation in "Full Screen or Full Window"? I want to make sure that I attain the highest quality. Or is there some software you use? Any one know? Its just when you view it in full screen the animation looks really pixilated and its hard to make out everything, like on You-tube anim8or videos. And sometimes you dont have to be in full screen, it still looks low quality and pixilated.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 07, 2008, 12:33:24 pm
i think you mean "improve the back" - that's a rear view i posted.  i'll let you see some other views once i've got more of the remodelling done.

re: image quality... the problem with full-screen viewing is that most computer screens these days are much bigger than any of the normal (ie. non-HD) video sizes.  the most common monitor resolution is 1024x768, my screen is even bigger (1280x1024), and DVD quality is only 720x576.  so, if you expand a DVD to fill your computer monitor, you already have a problemo in terms of fuzziness.  the only way to avoid that is probably to have HD video, which of course takes a lot longer to render, and a lot more disk space.

which leads me to a little question (or several): what video standard are we going to work to?  are we going to do this just for youtube (320x240 pixels - quicker and easier, but limited quality), for DVD (720x576, or 1024x576 if you want widescreen - probably the most practical option in terms of balancing quality against other requirements), or for Blu-Ray (1280x720 or 1920x1080, depending)?  frame rates?  PAL vs NTSC?  whoever renders and edits the episodes is going to need to know.  are you doing that yourself, or is that part getting farmed out to someone else?

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 07, 2008, 01:29:52 pm
So far this is all I know I am not putting these episodes on You-Tube. And I think I shall put the episodes on DVD (1024x576-Widescreen). And the actual animation will be rendered in Widescreen. But thats only my opinion, I might change my mind. And I think I shall render the episode, depends. And I am definatley not going to do Blue-Ray. :)

Oh...And I meant "improve the back"  :P
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on July 07, 2008, 02:13:30 pm
cool ship thecolclough, it looks ace! i like the texture it makes it look ugly and old :)
spicy, sorry for annoying you but when is the pdf file ready. i really wanna see it! :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 07, 2008, 03:03:11 pm
the pdf file shall be ready by thursday :)
I would post the new and improved better image of the Anim8ion Studios Logo but I cannot due to a large file size :(
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on July 07, 2008, 05:49:12 pm
I've been on holiday so sorry for the delay. I started to work on the fighter again today.

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and here's a starchart i've been working on:

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( (

i saw your starchart, and it seemed not to point out in what perspective the milkyway lies. its just a chunk of space with borders. i made a galaxy in photoshop and took your borders to put over it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on July 08, 2008, 01:08:33 am
thecolclough: great texturing, but as spicy said, the front (part without the poles and such) needs to be worked on, and the back needs texturing so it doesn't look like a bunch of poles and boxes (no offense), and as the Taurus-57 is a cargo ship, it's going to need a 'thing' (I forgot the word) from where it can give/receive cargo...
startrekfan001: looking a bit simple, see what it looks like with weapons, though I like the glow, are those lights?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on July 08, 2008, 06:55:53 am
the front (part without the poles and such) needs to be worked on,
don't worry, it's on my to-do list!  ;)

and the back needs texturing so it doesn't look like a bunch of poles and boxes (no offense),
i'm planning on doing a lot more work back there.  i've barely started on revising the trailing gear yet, it might take a while to get it all done, but i am planning to do quite a bit to it.

and as the Taurus-57 is a cargo ship, it's going to need a 'thing' (I forgot the word) from where it can give/receive cargo...
all of the docking equipment is built into a part on the top of the ship, at the rear of the crew area.  i'll post a separate piccy of that bit once i've finished adding detailing to it.  (i think the docking equipment was marked on in the first pic i posted of the test model, a page or two back up this thread...)


- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on July 08, 2008, 07:58:13 am
yea the white glowing thing is gonna be the window (gotta make the interior), there are 2 more windows right behind it on both its sides, i'll point out where exactly in the next picture i post. it does look simple, but that's because i haven't textured it yet. and i did not make any detail. i just wanted to make sure everyone (especially spicy) likes the design for a fighter this way. the two red glowing things resemble torpedo tubes. ofcourse, in this series they'll be different things, since i have no idea what kind of weapons spicy wants. i only read about the nuclear turrets or something, but i don't think they fit on a fighter of this size. how about particle weapons? we're gonna have those right? then i can start model the emitters. there's also gonna be a communications array and a docking port (essentialy, a door). and the engines (the blue glowing things) can be rotated up so that the ship can land without destroying the engines. i'll also make some landing gear (like the ones from voyager), retractable ofcourse.

the main idea with my design is that in the rear compartiment, all the heavy stuff is (reactor, computer, torpedo storage) and the front compartiment has the cockpit and a few crew quarters (2, suited for a total of 6 people). if you look careful, you can see there's a tiny extension on the top of the rear compartiment. that is the release hatch for the reactor. just as in star trek, it can be ejected.

as a reactor, i'd imagine a diamond splitter. it kind of works using the E=MC² formula. split an atom, and get a whole lot of energy. why diamond? cause diamonds have the most atoms in the least space. so they're very effective for energy storage. the splitting of atoms seems very crude, but in the future, when it can be contained much better, i'd imagine someone would use it as energy source. using antimatter for every little thing gets boring...
maybe the larger ships will use antimatter, and shuttles and fighters will use diamond splitters. spicy?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 08, 2008, 11:49:24 am
Startrekfan001: In the new and improved PDF File I have many technical terms for the weapons, engines, main reactor core etc... The actual weapons are produced using some type of antimatter weapon system. And the engines are called "Tripulse Engines", I dont know where I got the name from I just made it up. Also in the PDF File you shall learn other technical terms such as the UTE Condiuts and more. Good work on the ship though, I see you have improved it loads! But what texture are we going to use? Each shuttle and starship MUST have the same texture like it does in Star Trek.

And for the technical terms antimatter is made at CERN (This European antimatter develepor thing), out of all the antimatter they have produced they could light a bulb for 3 minutes. It costs millions of pounds to get a milligram of the stuff. So in the future we have go to imagine they have developed a way of processing the stuff for weapons and propulsion. We could use some type of futuristic deuterium-tritium fusion power to power the main reactor on teh U.R.S Prometheus ( deuterium-tritium fusion power is a a type of propulsion that modern day scientists could use, but only at the advent that its cheap and an actual type of this thing could work). Here is a little scientific explanation of how much energy it burns off:
...performed with hydrogen or deuterium plasmas in most cases. For years, radioactive tritium was not added, because remote-handling requirements complicated the experiments. However, in 1991 the first tritium-deuterium reaction was carried out. The “burn” lasted for two seconds and released a record amount of energy, approximately 20 times that released in deuterium-deuterium...

But we dont have to go all spacey about it though, and you can use the daimond splitter thing startrekfan001 :) And yes, we must have particle weapons! :)

EDIT: Oh and startrekfan001 just remember the milky way is about 70,000 light years across. We must have some pritty good engines to accomplish that feat! (Star Trek Voyager: 70 year journey to home). And besides they have different quadrants to there galaxy. But cool starchart though! :)
And you also missed out Nuetral Space, that should be in the middle :)

Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: startrekfan001 on July 09, 2008, 07:06:23 am
allright! now there's some clearing up! the tripulse engines sound cool, the diamond splitter thingy was just an idea, haven't modelled anything for it or something. So the fighters will be using tripulse engines too, i guess.

One question: should all ships, large or small, use the same engines? in star trek they do, but since you pointed out that smaller ships need gates to jump, and larger ships dont, maybe we could give teh smaller ships..... bipulse engines? nah that sounds like nothing. i'll leave all that stuff to you.

anyway, i will just focus on modelling and make the particle emitters and shield emitters and stuff like that. do you want some deployable weapons too? like a big gun that needs to be deployed before it can be used or something...... or should i save that for the prometheus?

And for that galaxy and engine stuff: i guess someone has to go and make a speed scale chart hea? like the warpscale. that way we can start estimating how fast the ships will be. You're right about the galaxy map. I will design it again and make better borders so everything will be more in proportion. how about we spread all of the species only across the alfa and beta quadrant? maybe a tiny little bit in the gamma or delta, but that's it. then the distances will be smaller, so that teh crews wont need years to just visit their mom.

looking forward to the pdf!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: yetipenguin on July 09, 2008, 07:30:12 am
a big gun that needs to be deployed before it can be used or something......

how about sum sort of thing that like makes really big things(like guns)fit into a really small space? so small fighters and stuff can carry huge weapons.... it would probably be really hard 2 make on anim8or and its only an idea.

by the way this whole series idea is gr8t!!! ;)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 10, 2008, 07:18:41 am
That would be pretty simple to make i think, have a box maybe with a flap, that is really big. Put an object in it and press a button on the side then scale the box down. (You wouldn't need to scale the weapon or whatever). Also, weapon's aren't big, but you could put like a whole ship in. This could work into the story line. (I think) Yeah, the engines shouldn't be the same. Maybe for the big ships, you could have Tripulse [Something] which are more powerful than basic Tripulse. Maybe you should scale the map down, and up the actual galaxy. So that each quad takes up less space and you can have unexplored areas of space. Neutral space in the middle? Where the big black hole is. That is actually a good idea! (I'm not actually joking)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 11, 2008, 05:39:50 am
Hi guys, sorry for the long wait. I am nearly on the verge on finishing the pdf file, I noticed the forum got hacked. :(
startrekfan001 we wont be using shields, we shall be using a type of hull plating instead. We have to think realisticly. I am at school now, the only reason I havent been on lately is because my dads computer has been bust, the harddrive is wrecked but the actaul computr brain is working, I dont know why I only visited and a few other sites. Luckly its still on warranty!:)
I might consider the bipulse engines...maybe...
And one other thing startrekfan001 could you make the next star chart a little brighter?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Mactetra on July 11, 2008, 07:53:49 am
Could i take some part in this project?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 11, 2008, 08:13:13 am
Of course you can Mactetra! Not sure what you could do though, what are you good at?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Mactetra on July 11, 2008, 05:07:09 pm
prefer modeling.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 13, 2008, 09:17:40 am
Mactetra, I shall add your name to the pdf. dont know what you can model know but I will let you know :-)
And what software are we going to use for the soundtracks and music? I am looking for freeware, if anyone knows just let me know
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 13, 2008, 06:37:34 pm
There is basicly two choices for good sounding music. (Unless you do it live) Garage Band. (Freeware with mac) Or Guitar Pro. <- Never freeware, but i've already got it
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on July 14, 2008, 08:19:37 am
Well, who's going to make the music, I'm assuming devilGames can play guitar.
Spicy is there someone you have doing it for you, or do you have musical talent?
Anyway, here's a ship I've been working on (it's got heaps of work left to do), not sure where it will go, maybe some speed racing challenge in the background when the characters are on a planet.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: jonny on July 14, 2008, 05:43:45 pm

Sorry I have joined this thread a little late but I am willing to help. I have sent Spicy a PM so I am waiting to hear back from him.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 14, 2008, 09:43:18 pm
Spicy has gotten slow, so it might take a while... And yeah, i can play guitar. But that's beside the point
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 15, 2008, 05:45:57 am
Yeah sorry I have got a bit slow. And I dont have a singing or music talent...sorry! Jonny I read your PM and I am willing to to accept the offer you gave me. This will make results more faster and efficent. Mactetra I was wondering if you would start to model a Stadard Type of Phaser Pistol, could you do a few designs and then I could see which is best? Thanks

Tanzim, I cant see the picture you put up because I am at school and its blocked (Dam), and my dads computer is broke, so it will be a while before I can view it

Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 18, 2008, 08:41:22 am
Just to let you guys know, the PDF File is finished and I shall send it to you as soon as I can :)

I have watched some of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier its very good, they use animation and virtual sets. Got the link from jonny, very impressed

How's modelling and hows the website?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on July 18, 2008, 08:47:33 am
THANKYOU! Finally its finished and I can read and digest all the information! he he he
Yes, and how is the website? Any pics?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 18, 2008, 08:50:39 am
Pictures would be lovely but I dont think he is that far...yet. And yes you will be able to digest all the info soon, I will send it to all involved very soon :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 20, 2008, 06:53:13 am
Hey, i've had a problem with computer recently... I havn't been able to work on the website, and i just got on it again today and i noticed that the website along with like 50mb of data has gone missing! I might have been using a virtual drive though so i'm gonna go on a search for it. Sorry guys, but the site won't be up for a while unless i can find it. I FINALLY HAD THE FORUMS WORKING???!??!!?!?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on July 23, 2008, 03:16:15 pm
The site? No, come on! Too bad, I suggest you get a memory stick to make sure all information and data is kept safe (It's what I do), and you got the forum's working? Ahh this is mean. Just a quick question devilGames, what did you have in the forums, works in progress, general talk etc...?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on July 24, 2008, 10:08:03 am
well i hope you can get the site to where it was, if you can recover your work :(
hows the ship, thecolough?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on July 25, 2008, 07:26:55 am
I didn't have anything like threads etc, i just had it so you could start them, lock them, delete them and sign up users etc. Including post counts!!! I'm so annoyed, i'm finding more and more things that are missing as well, like a home network i'd set up to transfer files that no longer works!?! Anyway, from what i've seen the ships that have been modeled look pretty awesume!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 01, 2008, 07:30:32 am
This project seems to have died...

Nah, jokes, so what's going on, anyone doing any work for the project are we all waiting on Anthony.
Anyways, I thought that I'd tell you guys that we've now changed our Studios name to Spicy Animation Concepts, nothing to do with Anthony's username.
Spicy=Hot---Hot=must watch!

This was agreed several days ago, just neither of us had the time to tell you guys until now, or we forgot :D!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 01, 2008, 10:52:01 am
... Spicy Animation Concepts, nothing to do with Anthony's username.
Spicy=Hot---Hot=must watch!
well, it sounds good to me ;)

i'll try and find the time to finish off that cargo ship sometime soon!

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on August 01, 2008, 04:29:21 pm
i'll try and find the time to finish off that cargo ship sometime soon!
really? gooddy!!!
just to let you know spicy has accepted me as a character in the series, I am playing the charcater "Kortas", the Kormek Empire Ambassoder
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 01, 2008, 04:55:03 pm
just to let you know spicy has accepted me as a character in the series, I am playing the charcater "Kortas", the Kormek Empire Ambassoder
I sure have  ;)

Anyways, I thought that I'd tell you guys that we've now changed our Studios name to Spicy Animation Concepts, nothing to do with Anthony's username.
Spicy=Hot---Hot=must watch!
This was agreed several days ago, just neither of us had the time to tell you guys until now, or we forgot :D!

Yeah, sorry I was on holiday, I have been to Norfolk and it was on the lines of spicy animation concepts or something like that.

Glad the ship will be complete, and just a quick question is anyone here an ace at Blender?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: devilGames on August 02, 2008, 06:34:01 am
I'm sorry, no good at Blender. Also, i hate slowness. So im leaving this forum, perhaps forever because it takes a couple of days for a new post to come through
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 02, 2008, 11:32:18 am
... So im leaving this forum, perhaps forever ...
well, it'll be a shame to see you go.  :(  it's always sad to lose someone.

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 02, 2008, 01:05:48 pm
It is a shame to see you go devilGames, but I have a hinch that we shall see you again in the anim8or forums some time again in the near future? And it is upsetting to see you go :-(
But I have your email in case of emergancies :-)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on August 02, 2008, 01:08:15 pm
thats not gud. c ya devilGames!
but is he still helping with the project, website at all? well glad your gonna finish off the ship thecolclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 03, 2008, 02:47:05 am
See ya dG, I doubt he's still helping, if he's leaving this forum I think he's also going to leave the project.
But let's hope for the best, but just in case, anyone else know html and website design?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 03, 2008, 09:20:58 am
I would say I know 55% about HTML, so I know the basics and I am in the intermeddiate stage. I will give it a shot but this is gonna be hard as well as my other projects at home that I have started. So it looks like its up to me
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 04, 2008, 07:59:18 am
When I'm free from all my projects, I'd like to learn a few programming languages, so in the future I might help you out.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 04, 2008, 11:14:07 am
Ah thanks Tanzim! It would be nice to have someone I know by my side helping with the website, maybe that might happen sometime in the future like you suggested
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on August 04, 2008, 01:00:39 pm
well it is sad to see devilGames go, tanzim hows the anim8or movie project and when is it finished?
oh and about blender, i am leraning it spicy you know I am! :-)
we were helping each other out on it, remember? :-)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 04, 2008, 08:29:21 pm
For The Anim8or Movie: Once we get the voice-acting done (shouldn't be long now), we just need to animate and we're done with the first scene.

It'll be a while before we finish the movie :(.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Destroyer on August 05, 2008, 05:48:11 pm
Is it too late for me to join the project? it looks pretty fun and im pretty good at modeling things in anim8or, heres a ship interior that i made, im hopeing it will be in the series.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 08, 2008, 12:10:12 pm
hey all
progress on the Taurus-57!  :)

front-end detail pic attached.  i've added glowy rings around the three dock ports (the smaller one at the front is a bi-directional crew access dock, the two larger rear ones are for cargo, one input and one for unloading.  they look the same outside, but i was thinking there are probably different mechanisms attached to them on the insides), and a couple of other places.  i've also added a detail for the bridge window at the front, and done some work on the textures around the front and forward-top areas.  i'm planning to add one or two more bits around the dock ports, but i'm mostly going to concentrate on fixing up the rear equipment now.

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 11, 2008, 06:01:53 am
Wow! I love the Ship interior, destroyer and I love the updated Cargo ship it will fit perfectly in the series. Oh Destroyer it is not late to join the project at all, glad you want to be involved.
thecolclough I like that view there and plus I love th eshap of the docking/hanger bay as well as the Bridge. Good work both of you
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 15, 2008, 05:16:52 am
Hey guys just to let you know I have started development on the website and I can tell you when it's finished it will be ace! Also I have come up with a name for the space series, it shall be called Star Thyme. Thyme means something more significant in the series as you will later find out (I hope!). I will also be giving you screen shots of the site as it progresses
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 15, 2008, 05:57:46 am
Hopefully, we will find out, but I think 'Star' is overused (Star Trek, Wars, Craft [game]).
Unless the Star part is also significant in the series I'd suggest changing it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 15, 2008, 06:01:50 am
Well Thyme is very significant but if you have a better suggestion then go ahead, it's the only thing I could think of. What could replace "star" then? You are right (like usual) Star is too common, we need something that is cool and rare or not widely used in a name, im thinking....
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Destroyer on August 15, 2008, 12:33:56 pm
Hey spicy what ship is the interior i made going to be the interior of? i need to know so i can make modifacations to it to match that ship, or if you want i could make a ship for it instead. 
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 15, 2008, 01:21:40 pm
Well Thyme is very significant ...
'thyme', as in the herb?  well, if you say so, Master Spicy.  "ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die," although i think i'll skip out the 'and die' part...

... What could replace "star" then? You are right (like usual) Star is too common, we need something that is cool and rare or not widely used in a name, im thinking....
Night.  as in, "Anim8ion Studios presents: Night Thyme".

...what?  what are you all staring at me like that for?  what's so funny?!!  seriously, depending on the tone of the series, it could actually work, i think.

okay, half of me thinks that.  the other half admits that it is a bit of a weird title.  but you never know!  ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 18, 2008, 09:36:16 am
Well i would like Thyme to be in the main title, its very significant for the series. And yes as in herb, plant, healing. The night thyme has a good thing to it, it makes it feel dark though it reminds me of shakespeare for some wierd reason, sorry but I am looking for something thats sounds more "spacey" and get's people's attention, good idea though.  :D

Below is a screenshot of the website. (Remember it's only a sample and will NOT be the final result):

Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 18, 2008, 10:05:21 am
...okay, how about Space and Thyme, or Space-Thyme Continuum?  again, i'm just throwing things out here, making puns... :P but you never know.

just to clarify - are we now working under the name Anim8ion Studios, or Spicy Animation Concepts?  your sig says one thing, and the new piccy says t'other.  :-\  for my part, i prefer SAC over AS.

anyways, here's another piccy of the Taurus-57... ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 18, 2008, 10:09:43 am
Good piccy! It's alot more detailed now and I love it, now one question are you going to leave the side of the ship with the texture or are you going to add some windows or not? I love the back! And yes for now it's, spicy animation concepts. I like Space-Thyme Contimuim, it's catchy but reminds me of doctor who, I am liking these words your throwing at me though!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on August 18, 2008, 10:22:26 am
*snip* are you going to leave the side of the ship with the texture or are you going to add some windows or not? *snip*

most of the ship is the cargo hold, basically a huge tank for fluids, gases or ores, so windows would be A) a bit of a waste of time (i mean, the gas won't exactly appreciate having a good view of the passing galaxies, will it :P ), and B) a weak point where the hold could get damaged a lot more easily, compared to the metal parts, so most of the ship will be windowless.  i'll probably add a few more windows around the crew area (the front-top bit, which you can see in the previous pic), and i might add some lettering on the side, but i'll probably call it a day after that.

anyways, glad you're liking it :D

and i'll have another think about the series title...

- colclough
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 18, 2008, 10:27:21 am
A, well you gotta point it made me laugh and B, in the future the strength of the glass will be increased to super levels allowing protection from such metal. I did know that it was the cargo hold and that the gas and metal would not appreciate the view of passing space. But I am glad you are going to add some more windows around the crew area.

Series title? "thinks"....
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 19, 2008, 12:20:58 pm
Oh destroyer I didnt see that post you put on, for the U.R.S Prometheus's interior I would it to be a meduim grey/dark grey texture with little chrome, with all the controls, and maybe with lights bits as well (I Do not want it to be dark, quite light please). I hope that as answered your question and startrekfan001 is going to modelling the U.R.S Prometheus, we agreed this earlier. I hope you understand how I would like the interior to be, thanks
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: almost cool on August 25, 2008, 08:42:46 pm
OK i think i could sporadically pop out a mediocre model.Can I help?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 25, 2008, 09:01:11 pm
Are there gonna be sorta, old rusty industrial ships? it would add a lot more realism, people don't really appreciate the shining decks and perfection of ships like in startreck, nor the constant damp darkness in films such as "Aliens"... So, try to keep it real, people still work for businesses in space, unless it's set at the first venture into space...

Intergalactic Garbage Truck.

Pan Dimensional Pizza Delivery.

Ah, the first 2 words set it up... but the last 2 knock it back down.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: emuman4evr on August 25, 2008, 09:52:07 pm
Sign me up as a modeler.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on August 26, 2008, 02:59:58 am
Lets see your work.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on August 29, 2008, 05:01:52 am
What Tanziom said, work all around! Just to get an idea of how good you are with anim8or.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on September 01, 2008, 11:02:12 am
i cant wait to see the final result of the website, especially if we have are own forum. i understand Tanzim is to be a moderator. gallery, home, downloads its gonna be ace
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on September 02, 2008, 03:35:42 pm
Yep the website is coming along good, a few problems that I am fixing at the moment, a few errors. but it shall be fixed
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on September 30, 2008, 12:26:50 pm
hey guys just to let you know don't give up on the project, spicy is coming back in december. by december the rendering will start, so members who know/like spicy such as tanzim, thecolclough, etc don't thinbk the project has gone dead. infact he has mopped up the story a little better and his artist has done some good drawings.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: jonny on October 06, 2008, 11:20:17 am
I am still on board to help when ever I can with rendering, editing, promotion of. I will update the Goldline Pictures website with the new information that Spicy sent me.

I am working on a live action project at the moment with Goldline Pictures but when you have a trailer for the space series I would like a copy if possible please so that I can put it on the Goldline Pictures website as well as putting it at the beginning of the feature.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: thecolclough on October 08, 2008, 06:10:11 pm
infact he has mopped up the story a little better and his artist has done some good drawings.
that's good to know :)

when do we get to see the artwork?

- c
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on October 09, 2008, 12:15:04 pm
that's good to know :)

when do we get to see the artwork?

- c

Soon I would have thought
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Boywonda1 on October 09, 2008, 01:00:49 pm
Hey spicy i am in just send me the pdf too!You thought of the perfect idea exactly what i love: SPACE STUFF!!!Dude i think making anim8or known by people would be good so we'd be called "THE ANIM8ORS" of anim8or studios.Anyways looking forward to workin with all of you!!!!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on February 24, 2009, 01:51:09 pm
Hey guys big update:

As you know I am still doing a star trek fan film for jonny (Goldline Pictures) but I have not given up on this project. I am just wondering who's still onboard? At the moment I am refining all other information to do with the space series. Help is still much appreciated. Thanks
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on February 25, 2009, 04:04:05 am
Hey, that's great to know, I'm still here if you need my help.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on February 26, 2009, 04:41:44 pm
Thanks Tanzim. Its good to know your still with me on this project  :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 26, 2009, 06:55:01 pm
I'd like to help as well when it comes back on track.
Just by the number of pages before now, i'd say that there will be no lack for support later on.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on March 02, 2009, 04:30:44 pm
Thanks 3D Joe Wiltshire! Progress is slow, I must admit due to other 3D work and real life (Exams). I'll buff up a new PDF (Breif Intro) File for people.

Tanzim, any chance you still got that old PDF File I sent you? Because I lost mine and I lost the PDF Editing file (I got a new computer and alot of info was lost). thecolclough have you got it too?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on March 03, 2009, 04:17:24 am
Sorry mate, I can't find it anywhere, I must've deleted it.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on March 03, 2009, 11:46:16 am
:( Ok thats alright. I will just have to remember everything by memory, try the best I can. So then Co-Creator Tanzim, I would like your input and anyone elses to make this project any better. Thanks

EDIT: I set up a forum, its nearly finished
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Tanzim on March 04, 2009, 05:04:51 am
Not sure how much input I can put into this, your story seemed really good if I remember correctly and I believe that a few members had started a few models.

I just want to know if you have any musicians making music for the project, Huiku seems like a good person to start at.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on March 04, 2009, 06:30:40 am
Huiku does seem reallt good however I asked him to help out with Goldline Picture's Fan Film at the moment.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 11, 2009, 01:22:33 pm
Just another quick update for you guys who dont visist the forum/and/or who was interested.
We have about 20 Models made now. I also have support from some Blender Forums.
If anyone does want to help, PM me or join my forum

Just a quick update guys. I hope your all doing well and anim8ing at your best ability. Thanks
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 11, 2009, 04:25:30 pm
Well why don't you show a few screenshots or renders here for us?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 11, 2009, 05:23:23 pm
Because the renders and models were made using Blender, and this is a Anim8or Site. However all 3D programs can be used in creating models for the space series. :)
If know one minds, I'll post a few renders :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 11, 2009, 07:26:52 pm
I don't mind!  And look how big this thread is, I think it's worth seeing results, regardless of the program... just because... I wanna see!  :P
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 12, 2009, 08:54:38 am
Well Arik_the_Red wanted it and here it is.

Here are some ship models. All human ships (Universal Republic). Comment and feedback is nice. We have about 20 Models done, so this is small piece. :)

I hope this images are sized down because they are big, and they were done in Blender 3D and not anim8or. Some parts of the ship used anim8or for corrections though.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: floyd86 on June 12, 2009, 02:00:31 pm
Nice ships jake! Keep me informed on the progress!
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Mreenav D on June 13, 2009, 04:16:54 am
yeah, this is a good project to start .I would be happy to help.
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on June 14, 2009, 04:31:49 pm
Haha. Thanks guys!

Im glad your liking the ships, we should be animating very soon. Say, is anyone interested in doing any voice recordings for the space series? You will be credited of course, but I will be unable to offer pay, its just for fun. :)
Just give me a shout if anyone is interested.

I also might post a few more renders soon. :)
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: Wolven anim8or on May 14, 2010, 04:40:19 am
any updates to this great topic? its sad to seem that this has faded away to what it has. is anyone on the team still working on this?
Title: Re: Space Series Idea
Post by: spicy on May 14, 2010, 01:19:06 pm
The project kind of transformed into something else. I am now the head of a Animated Star Wars Fan Film, Star Wars: Nocturnal. The team hopes to present this to the official star wars fan film awards. We use Blender, Maya and Anim8or to create the models. If you'd like I could upload some pictures. But I would have to create a new topic.