Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Stinky on May 28, 2008, 11:47:20 am

Title: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on May 28, 2008, 11:47:20 am
Hi again everyone...
I've once again diverted my attention to a different project.
Just cant seem to stick to one, lol.
But I think for what it is (seriously low poly)...
I have a right to be atleast a little proud :) to introduce to you...

The first movie i've ever made-

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="
"> </param> <embed src="
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

Ps.- I've never embedded a link before so i dont know if this will work. I guess i'll find out :P

Oh yeh ... almost forgot ... lots of comments, feedback, critique, suggestions and advice are always more than welcome  ;D

For all who are curious of about how many polys are in the model, i've uploaded a pic of "flat shaded" view...
If anyone knows, how can i find the exact number of poly's in my model ?
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: thecolclough on May 28, 2008, 02:35:58 pm
well, the embed didn't work, but you can click on the link and see the vid anyway.

not a bad start, but i'm really curious about that strange little object moving away from the tyre in the last shot - what on earth is it?  also thought the choice of music was interesting - not what you'd expect with images of a car, but i thought it was good, as the 'contradiction' makes you want to keep watching and find out what's going on.

like i said tho, good start.  hope you can beat the A.D.D. this time ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Mactetra on May 28, 2008, 03:50:53 pm
OMG :P so sorry. i had several tabs up, and thought this was my own subtopic. I am really sorry! xD
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on May 28, 2008, 04:00:14 pm
To thecolclough...

The little object moving away from the tyre is a pebble being thrown out from under it in slow-motion... Hence the choice of music, which is also intended to help capture the essence of the video...

did it work ?
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on May 28, 2008, 04:34:49 pm
No prob Mactetra...
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: thecolclough on May 28, 2008, 07:31:20 pm
The little object moving away from the tyre is a pebble being thrown out from under it in slow-motion... Hence the choice of music, which is also intended to help capture the essence of the video...

did it work ?

yes, it does work, more or less, now that i know what it is.  i probably didn't get it the first time because it's moving in a perfectly straight line (the red line in the attached pic), whereas i'd guess that in real physics the trajectory should have a slight downwards curve (blue line).  it might also look better if you had a few more stones - if there's gravel on the road, then it's likely that more than one stone would be kicked up - but it's prob. best to perfect the first one before adding any more, as it'll only make more work if you do it the other way round.

i'm still liking the contrast between the powerful-car imagery and the gentle classical soundtrack, there's definitely something good going there :)

- colclough
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on May 28, 2008, 11:09:49 pm
Thanks alot colclough...
yeh i know the trajectory would be parablolic but i was hoping to give the effect that it was being flicked out very quickly.
  But I think you're right. It might have a bigger impact on the viewers if it followed a smaller parabolic trajectory.

Thanks again
(now I have to RE-render...  :(  ...)
so time-consuming....
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Tanzim on May 29, 2008, 06:22:37 am
Nice for a first video!
I liked the rims, also, unlike thecolclough, I think that if that video was a car ad, then it would go perfectly, but only for European cars (I'm sure that's the stereotype)
You might like to know: saying that "this is my first video" or giving credits at the end of a video that doesn't even go for (longer than) 5 minutes makes you look really stupid (though you didn't do the latter), that is my personal opinion.
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Dosser on May 29, 2008, 08:04:55 am
yeah, not bad. I'm Australian, and my first thought was that it was a car ad too: they seem pretty standard with rotating /panning shots of a car and that sort of background music.

One criticism, not directed at you particularly, but there just seem to be a lot of anim8or animations shot in slow-motion. I know in your case it was the effect you were going for, but there's just so many that are a little too slow (about 1.2 times slower, just enough to be annoying). As said earlier, the super slow-mo made the 'car starting' effect look a little weird. On that note, perhaps change the colour of the pebble, or make lots of them going slightly faster to make it stand out more.

But on the whole it was a good movie: the model itself was great. How low-poly is it? Regardless, it definitely has a look of an excellent low-poly model. The tyre close-up looked good too.
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: spicy on June 01, 2008, 11:05:36 am
But on the whole it was a good movie: the model itself was great-Dosser
I agree with everything Dosser said, the tyres looked very good
Title: Physics with the pebel
Post by: onespirit5777 on June 01, 2008, 11:23:49 pm
In a short distance the peble will travel in a straight line because of volocity. The higher the volocity the longer straight line. Weaker volocity is only curve. As the wheel begins to spin you have weaker volocity which makes the paritcles curve, but as the wheel speeds up - Do the math. Hope this helps
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: hihosilver on June 01, 2008, 11:54:11 pm
My criticism on the pebble and that portion of the scene is this:
*You should have more pebbles and/or dust.  You can achieve dust with a transparency map, but realistically there would not only be one single pebble flying up.  If one flew up, it's likely there's more around that would fly up as well.  Some would be under the wheel correctly to fly straight out, some would only get nicked by the wheel and perhaps go in a slight curve.  Take that into account.
*That portion of the scene is MUCH too slow.  It takes forever, and honestly bores me.  It's a fun idea, but you need to speed it up slightly, and/or not run it so long.
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on June 03, 2008, 05:28:59 am
thanks for the compliments on the wheels and tyres :) ...
Just thought ya'll should know, it just a picture of a wheel/tyre UV mapped onto the side of a cylinder :P
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Dosser on June 03, 2008, 08:07:25 am
you can see how many points / edges / faces are in the model by options -> info
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: Stinky on June 03, 2008, 10:54:11 pm
Thanks Dosser...

222 poly's on the car, and

62 poly's on each wheel.
Title: Re: Pretty sure I have A.D.D.
Post by: flametiger74 on June 03, 2008, 11:13:49 pm
Wow that's a nice car.\
Now if you do the math there are exaclty
Nice work. I would like to see more shots of the car or an outer shot showing the car all at once. Instead of panning toward it.