Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: craksy on May 26, 2008, 08:55:20 pm

Title: converting an8 files to .x files
Post by: craksy on May 26, 2008, 08:55:20 pm
i want to know if an8 files can be converted to .x files!

i am asking because i have started working with DirectX and i will proberly be making a small game in nearest future!
its been a while since i have been here, but this forum used to be full of entusiastic animators who wanted to use there skills for something usefull.
so if/when i am making my game i would love to have some of you guys moddeling for me, if you are not to bussy making your own games with the public release of polly  ;)

there may be some dudes with some expensive program like maya, or 3ds max, but since this was the place that maked me started modeling (though ive never been good at that :-\), and programming, i thaught that i would dedicate my first game to anim8or.

i dont know if ill be maiking a game (got problems with my compiler atm  >:()! i just wanted to know in advance.

i hope you can help me!
in advance: Thanks
Title: Re: converting an8 files to .x files
Post by: Olias on May 28, 2008, 03:09:05 pm
I don't think Anim8or exports directly to the .x format, but there's a number of free or cheap programs out there that can bridge the gap for you.

I did some modding a while back on a game which used .x files.  I exported the file from Anim8or as a .OBJ, opened that with Ultimate Unwrap ($20), then exported from there as an .x file.
Title: Re: converting an8 files to .x files
Post by: craksy on May 29, 2008, 12:10:49 pm
i found out that, i can export it as 3ds, and use microsofts .x converter to make it a .x
but thanks for the help anyway xD