Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Stinky on May 22, 2008, 05:10:47 pm
Hey guys, The "subject" is self explanatory...keep giving me feedback please.
I really appreciate it.
much better with the radiator. now i'd say you want to focus on the lights, it'd probably look best if you make them very transparent, and model a bit to go inside them, with a high-specular silver material.
- colclough
Could we see some more views on parallel projection (non-perspective)?
It looks like a sub-division object. because the side-mirrors look too round. Also add lights, work on the wheels, and add doors.
Otherwise, intense ride, homie!
nope, no subdivision here...i modelled the entire thing with face extrusion and tweaking points
... But thats for the critisism guys. I'll get to work as soon as i get a chance.
The rims look to flat, like a piece of paper with a drawing of a rim had been stuck on the tires instead of actual rims. Also the lights need a big fix, they're black, but letting off light? That needs tweaking, otherwise a nice job. (I know, better than i can do)
The front looks very cool now. Devilgames is right the arches need to more flared and the wheels need a little work. But still a very nice model.
ok... so i havent really made any changes to the car ... just experimenting with reflections here :P
Looks good! What kind of reflection did you use? Also try to make the car itself reflect, this will give a nice effect and more realism.
in Anim8or 0.97, i used the "glossyreflector" attribute and set a "Kr" of 1... set a Diffuse value of 0, so that the lights wouldn't put a glare on the surface :) and then rendered using the ray-tracer...