Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: thecolclough on May 22, 2008, 12:18:14 pm
hi all
i've been working on this little VB6 game for a few months now, i'm currently on version 4.2, and i just thought i'd post it here since versions 4.0 plus have some anim8or renders built into the interface - yet another different thing i've found to do with anim8or! ;D the program icon is also based off a small anim8or render.
anyways, here's the link: ClikEmDead download package ( cowjuice/ i've tested successfully on Win98SE and WinXP, and unsuccessfully on Vista. any feedback on functionality (or lack of) under other OSs would be much appreciated.
version 4.5 is already in development, i'll post the update when it's finished.
enjoy ;)
- colclough
The link brings me to the same page, i think there is something wrong with it.
This is the good link: .
The game is pretty funny althrough i didnt really get it the point of it XD. I just started clicking red tiles ending up with low scores. Then i read the help file and saw that i should avoid the red ones XD
Neither link is working for me. I tried right clicking and going "Save link as..." but the .zip file that's downloaded says it's corrupted.
the link worked fine for me, gud game btw :)
Nice little game colclough, I enjoy it, thanks.
thanks for the feedback, y'all :)
yeah, the gameplay's pretty simple: click a tile to 'kill' it, but be careful what colour it is - red is bad (i'm looking at you, floyd86! ;) ), green is okay, blue is pretty good, purple can be good or bad, the others are really good. the aim is just to collect points, there's no 'story' or anything.
spicy and lynn22, thank you both, glad you liked it ;D
hihosilver, sorry the link isn't working for you. :( i'll try uploading the package directly as a forum attachment and see if that works...
i'm hoping to have the next release ready in a couple of weeks :)
- colclough
thanks, the attachment worked for me. That's an interesting game, I found it. I don't think I ever came across one of the "really good" ones, but that's alright ;)
as mentioned in my previous post on this thread, here's the next version: ClikEmDead V ( cowjuice/ (i've also attached a copy to this post, so you can take your pick of download methods). there'll be no more upgrades until september now, at least, as i won't have access to VB6 until then.
agan, i hope you enjoy ;)
- colclough
i like see shots of you game..
I got 421728 on lower intermediate! is that good ? :P nice game btw.. addictive haha
Btw, with a high score like that, the text box for the score seems a bit too small, the first and last digit get cut off..
Still as always very good game and quite addictive! :)
neodelito: piccy attached :)
$imon: that's waaay better than any score i've ever got! and yes, i've noticed the issue with the digits getting cut off at the sides, i'm hoping to fix that bug in the next version (not sure when that'll be, though...)
spicy: thx ;D
- colclough
The way to get a high score like that is just to only hit white ones, so maybe you will want to do something about that.. its way too easy to just look where the white one is and click it, it will accumulate quite quickly then.
(got a score of 2114292 now.. couldnt see half of the digits ;) )
I think the squares should change quicker. That could help with the issue, then you'd have more mistaken clicks where you'd click a negative one. Perhaps you need more negative points? And the score could run down quicker as well, making people click quicker.
$imon: i'll probably alter the scoring on the white tiles in the next release, if you're getting 7-figure numbers then that's really too much. i was just wondering - are you playing multiple rounds one after the other, without closing the program? because i think there might also be a problem with it not resetting a variable in between rounds, which would lead to you getting massive scores in the later rounds.
hiho: the squares are supposed to regenerate a lot faster in the top level, but they're too slow in v4.5.1 because i made a change for testing purposes, and then forgot to reset it before compiling. i'll fix it in the next version, and i might also make the score drop faster too...
thanks for the feedback, guys, and i'm really glad you like it ;)
- colclough
nah these scores were just from one game, starting at 0. i figured it mustve been an error because it went faster on intermediate, and then slower on suicide, that cant be good. And yes, as hihosilver said, having the score run backwards faster might help too.
This is going to be a classic hahaha
hi all
i got an unexpected opportunity the other day to do some debugging work, and recompile the program. i've addressed all the issues that were raised here after i released 4.5.1, and as far as i can tell, 4.5.2 is now bug-free. if you do find any, though, let me know and i'll see if i can fix them.
you can download the new version from here ( cowjuice/, or open the copy i've attached to this post, so hopefully everyone should be able to get it one way or another.
this time i'm pretty sure ( :P ;D ) there'll be no more upgrades until september, partly because i won't have access to VB6 until then, and partly because i've run out of clever ideas for new features. New-feature suggestions welcome.
agan, i hope you enjoy ;)
- colclough