Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Kubajzz on May 13, 2008, 10:56:27 am
hi Steve... I've got a simple question:
Why doesn't Anim8or support .chm help files?
I've recently spent some time searching for information about .hlp and .chm formats... And I've found out that the Anim8or manual (older versions) exists in both formats (on the downloads page).
However, Anim8or only supports .hlp file (when you click 'About>Help'), but I've heard that .hlp format is very old, worse than .chm, and it's not supported on Vista computers... I've searched the old forum and I didn't find out why is the .hlp format supported in Anim8or instead of .chm format...
I believe that if the .chm format was supported, it would encourage many users to create new offline versions of the manual in many languages... What do you guys think about this?
I like the idea. i was a little disapointed to find that the offline manual wouldn't work on my shiny new vista...
I'd love for users to make translations of the maual in their own languages.
perhaps steve could have a built in translation function for the program too. Anim8or could simply simply read a text file that would tell it what to display.
Please take a look at the lower part of the download page: (
There you will see a link to a copy of the v0.85 Anim8or help file in .chm format.
While it doesn't say this there, if you put that file in the same directory as your anim8or.exe file you will be able to read it with the About->Help command.
While it doesn't say this there, if you put that file in the same directory as your anim8or.exe file you will be able to read it with the About->Help command.
Unfourtunately it doesn't work, that's why I started this topic and asked that question... I had tried each of the help files before and only .hlp file worked... Now I've tried .chm file again and it really doesn't work...
That .chm file works OK for me. What OS do you have? What version of Anim8or? What happens when you say that it "doesn't work"? What directory do you have it in?
i have the same problem as kubajzz.
Windows no longer supports .chm files after windows vista. it's not an error, the file type is just out of date.
You can download an installer file or something from Microsoft so .chm works on Vista
Hmm. I think the .chm file wasn't really working for me after all. There was a.hlp file lurking in the dairctory I was running the anim8or.exe from and it was loading that. Sorry for the confusion.