Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: almost cool on May 11, 2008, 11:39:35 am
I was thinking about making a mansion.A big one, an elaborate one,an ABANDONED one.OoOoOoOh :D okay im done.anyway the camera will take you on a tour of the mansion,once i can get a start ill show yall. ;)
So ive already reached a problem.A normal render shows up fine,but in an ART render the lights dont work at all.BTW pay no attention to the lack of textures, i will unwrap it later.
ART default renders with shadows. Could it be that the ART render is whole black because of it?
This looks very strange... It would help if you posted an image that shows the scene setup (where the light are etc...)
alright here it is.the light is in the center near the roof.
I still think its the default light casting shadows. I have had some problems to with light when rendering with ART, sometimes it doesn't work.
It's strange. There is no object that would cast shadows... maybe a bug?
...btw. isn't there a wall between the camera and the rest of the room? I mean if there was a wall right in front of the camera, it wouldn't be normally visible because of the Z-limits settings, but maybe the ART renderer behaves differently and the wall is visible in the rendered image...
no there is no wall,i deleted those faces.Maybe the room wont be illuminnate by rays because the rays go straight through?Is there some sort of setting for that?
The faces normals are probably reversed. The ART raytracer does not render the backs of faces, because realistically you wouldn't since there's never a back of an infinitely small plane. If this is true, when you select faces, and you're looking from the outside of the model, they'll appear yellow. Normally you want this, but not for a room since you'll be on the inside of it. You want the normals to be facing inwards as long as you're inside the room. So select all the faces if this is true and go "Edit>Flip Normals" or press "shift + n"
hihosilver you are a miracle worker.THX for the help.BTW this is gonna be a house for my mascot of my flash games site.but thats for another topic
Glad you sorted out your problem, btw your mansion looks good. What's gonna be in your room?
Well thats not the entire will be 3 story,with maybe a tower.ill render and post a movie
how can it be a house for your mascot and be abandoned at the same time?
or will it just look abandoned?
Its abandoned because my mascot is a SKELATON :o!sorry were you expecting a puppy dog?lol.i have the first two floors and the camera is able to go to the top of the stairs as of now.i will texture,furnish and add more proper style lights.maybe even a chandelair(french for chandeleir,or so i guess?) with a local light source.all after i get the camera motions,and the whole house.cant render yet,i'm moving and this is the last computer*.im taking 30 minute interval turns with little sister.i cant even come near the computer when shes on .she watches sailor moon on here.Thats not entirely beside the point though because a movie render would slow down the comp,therefore throwing her on a tandrum.
*anim8or and all the files are backed up on a hard drive
Umm,It's "skeleton"
Eco, listen.First off,correcting my spelling does not add to the topic,help me,you,or anyone else on this forum.In fact, the old forum was shut down because peoples posts were shorter than their signature.All that you are really doing is working up a bad reputation and polluting steve's forum.Its fine to correct peoples spelling,but as long as you are helping the topic too ;) .Dont take this the wrong way.Everybody has to learn this lesson somehow.But I do think I remember quite clearly that hihosilver,who is not only a senior member, but also has always given me useful advice in the past,(just look earlier in this thread) telling you this same basic thing.No offence pal,just try to remember that this is not a chat room :).
Ok now i managed to squeeze in a render.The lights and all are glitchy but this is just a first render.
The mansion looks a bit empty, regardless it being "abandoned", so you'll have to work on that (duh ::))
But I liked the flickering light effect, though you might want to reduce the time between the first turn-off and the second one?
And finally, out of personal taste, I think you should use a better video compressor, I just didn't like the quality of the video :(.
Well tanzim um... the lights werent supposed to flicker :( glad you like my mistake though! Im using the intel or indeo or whatever.
Have you any idea on a better one.And i will build the house, get better lighting then furnish,texture,etc etc. It needs furniture so my mascot can kinda have something for me to animate.Im moving right now so as soon as i can get to my comp ill make an improvement and show yall. :) BTW there is only two in first room and one on second floor.
Sonds great and looking forward to seeing the final render.
Will have like scary stuff jumping out of wardrobes and ghosts floating round?
Like Luigi's?
Well uh, Luigi's what? pizza?Toilet?
No nothing will jump out...yet.Altough my mascot,(insert witty skeletal name here), will need a family.and next time Luigi's mansion is just the kids version of Resident evil 1 :o (and with less mustaches and middle aged plumbers)so Luigi's mansion has a wee bit less oomp.
Well tanzim um... the lights werent supposed to flicker Sad glad you like my mistake though!
Well, learn from your mistakes and exploit them
As video compressor, I always use Windows Media Video, and have quality etc at highest, unless I'm going to do some post-production or something, in which case I'd leave the video uncompressed and later compress it using the post-production program.
i can only use indeo because now tht i try sumthin else it stops at the end of the first frame.i will try to fix the lights, i will have too re-do the cam motions because they aseem to go too fast to be scary.ill get started right now. :)
Good luck, you might want to download more the K Light codec pack, some of your codecs sound dodgy, but then again, not all codecs works on all computers.
My own recommendation would be DivX. It was $20 if I recall correctly, but totally worth it. I was having nothing but trouble with Indeo and the various others, both in terms of file size and crashes while rendering, Divx has been smooth as silk, extremely efficient in terms of file size, and never crashes.
DivX codecs are also downloadable for free on the divx website: . But you don't get the full package then.
I think my dad already has somethin like that on his laptop.i think it might be divx.:)
Try using XVid in your post production. It is better than DivX and the quality is superb (you can't notice any difference between the original and the compressed video). Go to:
Its free and open source.
I never used XVid in the intermediate files, but I think it will do. I normally use Intel YIUV for that.
well im not really settled anywhere because im moving out of state.i will have to revive this topic from a gruesome grave in two weeks.
I dont have the time for it but i do want to see this project completed so floyd86 will you do the honors?I would like you to pick up where i left off.I will send it 3 u if you say yes.