Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Olias on May 07, 2008, 03:40:17 pm

Title: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on May 07, 2008, 03:40:17 pm
Enterprise, Refit Version (From The Motion Picture and onwards).

Going high-poly on this one, like with the Original Series model.  Started with the warp nacelles, as I estimate they are going to be the hardest part.

The texture is just a carry-over from the other Enterprise model so far.

(Sorry for cluttering up the boards with all these Star Trek threads, I didn't anticipate doing all these ships right in a row when I built the original series model)






Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: B3dman on May 07, 2008, 04:47:03 pm
is that the entire thing it looks like its missing the main living area
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: thecolclough on May 07, 2008, 05:22:50 pm
"erm, starfleet?  we're having some interesting issues with that cloaking device..."

nice nacelles, though ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on May 08, 2008, 05:17:38 am
"erm, starfleet?  we're having some interesting issues with that cloaking device..."

nice nacelles, though ;)

- colclough

Heh heh!  Ok, that made me laugh!

Olias, don't apologise.  Your work graces these pages, in my opinion.  The level of detail, and the fidelity of the modelling is absolutely beautiful.  I had never realised how "Art Deco" the NCC-1701A's architecture is.  I have no crits, just admiration.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: startrekfan001 on May 08, 2008, 07:55:09 am
WOooowwWW this is one of the few times i see someone handle textures THAT well!!!! these look awesome! altough i would prefer if you'd take a generic hull texture (this is a bit blocky), the specular shine of this image is AWESOME!! i cant wait to see the rest!

edit: i just watched your earlier creation, the first Enterprise. Your shadowing made me drool  ;D

btw, im a huge startrek fan too (doh!) hehe  ;)
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: spicy on May 08, 2008, 11:29:44 am
Olias as you know I am a huge star trek fan, as before this is ace! The level of detail is fantastic! Oh and thanks for messaging me. It really helped. thanks
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on May 08, 2008, 04:30:07 pm
Thanks guys.

The following is the beginning of the build of the saucer section.  The top part is textured.

I wasn't planning on doing any serious texturing until after the build of the model was done, but as I was looking around at for a couple good angles on the bridge section, I stumbled upon an article about the actual hull plate patterns they used when building the first 8' model for the Motion Picture.  The guy provided shots of the patterns used on the ships for other modelers to use as a template for airbrushing ( deals in actual real-world models, not CG stuff).

I did my best to duplicate the pattern for my model here, and am rather pleased with how it came out.  The bump map seems to be functioning properly, in my Original Series model it never worked right and I couldn't figure out why - it was like inverted in places and in some areas seemed to fade out.

So anyway, here's the basic saucer section shape with the new pattern (The NCC-1701 and USS Enterprise are the wrong size, I know.  That part's just a cut and paste from my other model to see how it would look):



Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: kahlua17 on May 08, 2008, 04:48:06 pm
Very nicely done.  Would you be willing to post a wireframe image of the saucer and the nacelle?  I'm curious how you made the edges very smooth without subdividing (i'm assuming you didn't).   Also, the saucer texture looks fantasic.  What process did you use to create your own?
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on May 08, 2008, 11:16:25 pm
In my experience the most likely culprit for bump map problems is the model having reversed normals (where Anim8or kinda treats the object as if it is inside out).  I find that lathed objects are often reversed in this way.  You can see if an object is reversed by selecting one of it's faces.  The outside of the face should highlight yellow, the inside blue.  If these are reversed, select the offending object, click Edit and click Flip Normals.

The bump map fading out sounds like a UV mapping issue.  Version 0.95 has a few issues with it's UV mapper, corrected and much improved on the later preview editions.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: 5L1D3R on May 12, 2008, 06:06:26 pm
Definitely the best Enterprise render I've seen!  If you need some good source material, this has some of the best closeups I've found.  It's only a replica, not the actual filming model but I think you'll see they didn't miss anything. I half expected to see the footprints left by the crew as they walked out to meet V-Ger!   ...really shows the "Aztec" hull detail well.

Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on May 13, 2008, 08:04:24 pm
Thanks guys.  :)

Kahlua17:  I forgot to grab some wireframes for you today, I'll post some up tomorrow.  I actually did start a few pieces, like part of the nacelle, the lower bridge section, and the torpedo bay as a subdivide object to get the rounding on the edges, then coverted them to meshes.  For the saucer section it was just a matter of extruding the top and bottom faces and scaling that face down a bit.  I'll also post up the basic pattern I came up with to use for the "aztec"-ing.  Basically the process was creating a two-color square pattern by eyeballing the original pattern, then resizing it so it was three times (I think three) longer than it was wide, flood filling the image with the tile, then applying the distortion effect "polar coordinates" to make it round.  I'll show you what I mean in a forthcoming post.

Ensoniq, thanks for the advice.  I went back and checked it on the other model.  All faces were flipped the right way, but when I select them all some are brighter yellow than others, I think there must be some distortion in there some how, some of the points must have gotten moved just a bit.  I'll go back and fix or rebuild that one later.  I will say one oddity I am getting here with this model is if I load the bump map texture and apply it, it works fine - until I save and re-load the file, then it's doing much the same thing as the other model did.  If I then delete that texture and re-load it, it's fine again.  Maybe Anim8or is anti-Trekkie. :p

5lider: Yes indeed, Ketzer does some amazing work and if I'm not mistaken all of his stuff is scratchbuilt.  That's incredible if you ask me, taking sheets of styrene and melting/sculpting them into studio-quality models.  Unbelievable.  I referred to his site quite a bit for my Millennium Falcon model as well.

Here's some shots of the partially completed secondary hull, partially completed "neck" and torpedo bay (although I might redo that), and partially completed bridge section.




Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: B3dman on May 13, 2008, 10:41:21 pm
this is one of the best models ive ever seen nice work!!!!

Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: thecolclough on May 14, 2008, 04:21:39 am
... my Millennium Falcon model ...

you did a Millennium Falcon?  any chance of seeing piccies of that?  if it's as cool as your Enterprise models, then i definitely want to see ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: hihosilver on May 14, 2008, 04:24:55 am
thecolclough:,91.0.html (,91.0.html)
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: thecolclough on May 14, 2008, 04:54:25 am
hiho, thx for the link ;)

olias, i can only say that's yet another stunning piece of work!

- colclough
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on May 15, 2008, 06:50:37 pm
Thanks guys. :)

Rebuilt the whole bridge section. 
Created new texture of 50% opacity aztec layers of different scales.  The later shots are with a new bumpmap.









Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: kahlua17 on May 16, 2008, 01:41:09 pm
That looks stunning!!  Definitely one of the best Enterprise models I've seen built with Anim8or.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: falloffalot on May 17, 2008, 04:35:18 am
Wow.  :o
Incredible detail and the millenium falcon is amazing.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: startrekfan001 on May 17, 2008, 08:21:50 am
millenium falcon? excuse me?
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Tanzim on May 17, 2008, 09:10:59 am
I wont "report you to moderator" but can you not say that startrekfan001?
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: falloffalot on May 17, 2008, 12:12:54 pm
The best advice I can offer you would be: to read whole threads instead of just the last post, then maybe you would have seen this post by hihosilver:  ;)

thecolclough:,91.0.html (,91.0.html)

Now do you understand my post ?

Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: startrekfan001 on May 17, 2008, 03:25:00 pm
right. post fixed and brain injected with more information.

Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: cumesoftware on May 23, 2008, 02:28:12 pm
Stunning model! The way you applied the specular maps is superb!

And the Millenium Falcon model is suberb, with all the detail. I bet it took at least a month to do that! Did you do it from the model you have, or have you done it from some plans? I was planning to do a model of a Y-Wing, but I'm not sure if I don't break any copyright law by doing so. The plans are free on the internet, thats for sure.

right. post fixed and brain injected with more information.

Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: kahlua17 on May 23, 2008, 02:42:18 pm
How do you plan on doing all of the windows?  As part of the texture, or modeled?
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on May 30, 2008, 01:58:16 pm
Thanks everyone.

Kahlua: The windows, well, I don't know yet.  I'd love to make them modelled right in, we'll see how that goes, may well be a 'cheat' with textures like I did with the original series Enterprise.

Here's some shots of the torpedo bay/neck thing.  This is about the fourth version of that, I kept having difficulties in getting it to look right.  Also built as a subdivide object, then converted to a mesh:




Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: craksy on May 30, 2008, 04:22:22 pm
this is amasing (spell?) !!!!!
i would love to "borrow" it for some game project when your done!
i only wish i was that good at anim8or! but i think ill just stop dreaming, and stick to the coding part :P

keep up the good work! cant wait to see more from you!
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on June 03, 2008, 12:13:16 pm
Thanks Craksy. :)

This model wouldn't be particularly suitable for a game, as the poly count is far too high.  I'll probably throw together a low-poly version after this one is done.

Added the...thing underneath the saucer section.
(P.S. Please ignore the texture on the underside of the saucer, it's just a repeat of the top of the saucer as a placeholder.)




Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: kahlua17 on June 03, 2008, 02:00:16 pm
Your work on this continues to impress me.  Any chance we can get some wires?  I'd love to see how complex this is "behind the scenes".
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on June 05, 2008, 12:15:00 pm
Sure thing, Kahlua.  It's hard to make anything out in some areas because I've gone high-poly on this one, but here's some wires.  Much to my own surprise it's only about 35,000 polys, I thought it would be much more at this point.




Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: hihosilver on June 05, 2008, 02:54:00 pm
Why exactly do you convert the object to mesh after subdividing?  In my opinion it gives you much less control.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Tanzim on June 06, 2008, 10:20:16 am
Good GOD!!!
And your computer doesn't lag or just go unstable, that's so high poly it could be used for shading instead of having it rendered!
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: kahlua17 on June 06, 2008, 12:53:27 pm
Why exactly do you convert the object to mesh after subdividing?  In my opinion it gives you much less control.

I believe it is to get the necessary rounded edges, but then allows Olias to go back and make straight edge extrudes, cuts, etc.  The details on the bridge and nacelles are key examples of this.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on June 06, 2008, 02:13:36 pm
Hiho: What Kahlua said.  That about sums it up.  Also applying a texture with Anim8or's UV tools to a subdivide generally results in weirdness.

Tanzim: No, no problems at all - we're only talking about 35,000 polys here.  I've worked with models having several hundred thousand polys and even then the only lag involved has been in point-edit mode. 
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: hihosilver on June 07, 2008, 07:44:32 pm
Yeah, I figured it would mainly be the second.  Just so you know, if you want sharp edges with subdivision you just need to use the "Edit>Edge properties" and you can make sharp edges.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on June 09, 2008, 02:26:06 pm
Hmm, I might be missing something, but edge properties seems to have no effect whatsoever.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: hihosilver on June 09, 2008, 04:36:10 pm
The 'rounded' setting on a subdivision should have an effect for you.  Try different values, such as 2 or 4.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: Olias on June 09, 2008, 07:06:30 pm
Yup, tried all that.  Absolutely nothing at all.
Title: Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
Post by: hihosilver on June 09, 2008, 08:16:48 pm
Are you selecting an individual edge?  It's best to do a loop, or at least a few edges in a loop.  You also normally want to put in a number less than or equal to the subdivision level of the object.