Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Tivoilos on May 06, 2008, 10:01:24 am
Hello all!
Well, I've decided that I can not do the Art for my game so I am looking for 3D Artists.
Project Information:
Able to customize your Character(Name, Hair, Race, Tattoos)
Able to make Gangs, Motorcycle Clubs, Organized Crime Family(Mafia)
Able to Steal, Buy cars
Able to buy clothing, weapons, & other things
The Game is based in a few Cities; New Mark City, Los Heaven, & Las Vegus
That is a basic overview of the game, I hope to have a very simple version out by this fall
What the project needs:
3D Modelers(Character Design)
3D Level Editors(Design the Cities)
3D Misc Editors(Items, Accessories, etc)
Team over lay
Andrew(me)Project Manajor/Programmer(Soon to get a full time programmer)
Thats about it so if your interested let me know
I am working on a Website where all this information will be displayed
Forbidden Studios[Non-Paid]
Does your title imply that you expect everyone willing to give up their time - and a lot of time at that - for free to design your game.
If my understanding is correct - and correct me if I'm wrong - have you ever heard the expression "There is no such thing as a free lunch" ?
I can not offer any payment to anyone I give up all my free time to do this also, I understand some people don't want to work for free, but sometimes you have to do volenteer stuff to get better jobs this is just a project to get my portfolio better, and anyone else also. I am paying for almost everything, 'Server' 'Webhosting' 'advertisements'
So before you turn me down better think about what I am giving up, so it's not that much, I am sure there are bound to be people out there that are wanting to help me, infact I know there is, not everyone expects payment.
Have a nice day
True, but you forced yourself into this, we didn't, we don't even know you, when you put up your site and prove to the world that your not just random that wants free models, we'll (as well as many other CG Communities) will be more willing to help
BTW this game sounds like a rip-off of GTA.
Well maybe not a rip off of GTA but it is inspired from it.
Hey Tivoilos, I am not bieng funny, but... If you want people to help you in a game. First, you must give us the full story, backgrounds, images. You can't just "tell" people to do what you want to do. You have got to get to know people in this forum, get to know the creator a bit, browse around. Get to know people. We don't know you, we could do your models and you could dissapear. We need the full information. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture. I agree with tanzim on this one. Plus not every one will want to give up thier time to help you, unless you provide a story.
You can read all that on the site, once it is up and running, I am trying to get it running by tonight hopefully, but all there will be is a simple website, story line, and some feature ideas(Nothing written in stone:P)
But it should be ready by tonight or tommra I'll repost when it's ready
i'll work on it ... for my name in the credits and maybe some story addtions and if later you sell the game and make lots of money you share some ... however money not important ... if you are serious about making a game....
I have to disagree with some posts made here. At the level of everyone here, you should not be looking for money. I'm not looking for money either. First, you want to build up a portfolio and learn and get experience along the way. If you contribute to a game project and it actually finishes (sadly I've seen many many projects fail as the people that start the project don't follow through,) your name will go in the credits and you'll have a great example of portfolio work. People don't hire for money until they know that you're reliable and are able to complete a project and do good work.
So I encourage joining projects, but it's always good to get an idea of how much drive the person has that begins it.
Tivoilos, my question to you is how much programming/game-making experience you have, are you qualified? if you have any examples of your work, can we seem them? and of course, do you have the drive to follow through with this? Game projects are very long time-consuming endeavors. They can take years to finish, and I think the users should know if it's worth it for them to put time into this.
Personally I can't help as I have plans over the summer working with another game project. I hope this information can help others though.
I have 2-3 years programming, game experience. I've never really done a game that can be shown since I had a problem an everything had been destroyed. I do know what I am doing, but I need help
my thinking exactly hihosilver... i want to work on a game i have been using anim8or for about a year and a half .... i've made some models i'm learning as i go still ... but i have about three years finished on a fine arts degree and a pile of ideas ... i'll work on the project
Yea I think that the game sounds cool and would love to help but right now I am working on the Anim8or Newb Project and that is priority 1 for me so when the project is through Ill give you a call. A few questions though, how experienced of modelers do you want exactly. I agree with the others some more info would be nice, also hihosilver is right this is just something to build up our portfolios and I know most of you are better anim8ors than me but I dont think we really need to be paid since we are all not professionals and if he was to pay his workers he would hire real professionals that went to collage and use programs like maya, 3ds max, ect.
Really think about it, he is not some CEO from Blizzard Entertainment asking us to work long hours for no pay and to make advance models or animations for World of Warcraft ;D
I think that the game wont get me anywhere with what I want.I really dont like these gangster style games.I like games like bioshock, where the rich plot and intense storyline make you want to keep playing to the end.not some shoot people till you get bored of it, committing crimes cause you feel like it type game.So this wont help my portfolio.I want the creative game makers like Bethesda, 2K and Valve to find me.Not some company that sell games and makes money off nothing but senseless violence.
Almost cool:
I understand that you don't necessarily like the gamestyle, but that doesn't necessarily have to do with the art in my opinion. If you were ever to become a freelance artist, you wont turn down a job just because you don't like their idea. If I were hired by rockstar games, I'd jump right in, even if I didn't like the gamestyle. He's not asking you to play the game, he's asking you to create art that would go in it.
But it's your opinion in this case of course. If you don't want to commit time to something that you don't agree with I perfectly understand.
Ok, so I can't keep up with all these posts, so if your interested please pm me or email me does not make a difference to me.
Also I've decided not to work on a website since it would be more then usless atm, so I'll send you information upon request, a lot of stuff is still being worked out
Thanks to everyone that has been commenting on my project
A side note-If this game gets finished(most likely will)I do plan on getting a ESRB Rating an market the game, and Pay to Play so in the end I most likely will try an pay but can't pay till I know how the game goes, if you can understand that
I'm curious: do you plan on working fll time on this game? It kinda sounds like you do.
One warning: I've developed a few games ( They were relatively simple in the art department, but taught me a lot about game making. It is a long, complicated process, and I've abandoned plenty of ideas quickly just because they didn't seem interesting enough in the early prototypes (I've probably started 10 or so projects, finished 2).
I think it would be a lot better if people could see you finish a game before you ask for help on another one. There are large gaps between a 'good idea' and a finished game. I honestly think yours sounds too big and complicated for a first effort, mostly developed alone.
Well if you set up a website and put it on there it doesnt need to be pay to play,because youll be rakin up cash with the ads.
Well i am sorry if i seemed a bit harsh earlier, too bad your team died on you. I think should set up a website, and what online game is it or was it?
first, explain why you NEED pay to play on your server configuration.
an don't really want to talk about it.
second, this is a bad excuse. sorry, but if you want people to volunteer, you gotta give info. lots of info. like, did your team screw you over, or didn't you organize things well? did you give them enough information? why did they screw you over?
i dont want to force you into talking about traumatic things, but how traumatic can an abandoned project be?
edit: the point is, that we are objective. we dont know your situation. we just want to hear a good reason to join your project. we know nothing about you, or your ex-team. see? its kind of hard to judge you with this little information.
No. he deleted his post, it had a full on swear word on it, sneaky you. But we know you did, and don't play stupid. or a moderator deleted it
Everyone, don't argue about bad language here. Simply click on the "Report to moderator" link and we will take care of it. Arguing and flames lower the value of these forums