Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: startrekfan001 on May 04, 2008, 01:36:55 pm
Well, what'dya think?
it's my first successfully finished highpoly mesh.
( (
Looks amazing. Every aspect looks good and the lighting is awsome.
How long did it take to render that beast?
That looks great! The detail you modeled and textured in really adds to the overall model.
One thing that really stands out to me is the very white section on the bottom left. It seems a bit too bright to me, with a very prominent lack of any texturing or wear and tear that the rest of the model has. It's a bit like those old beat up cars I see with shining new rims. This is the same with the front panels. There's no wear and tear, just basic textures. Other than that it's looking really nice though. Keep it up.
Excellent attention to detail, and as the hiho has mentioned, that bit looks really light
Great use of lights, just one question, are the windows just textures, or is there something inside the ship
thanks for the comments guys! I'll fix the white area, i'll add some weathering to it. also, i have fixed the panels on the front section (someone on a other forum noticed that they aren't textured).
the windows are textured. someone suggested me that i make less windows, so i am going to delete a few. the model took a couple of weeks (actually a couple of months, but with pauses) to build and about 1 or 2 hours to render. it isn't even that much high-poly. in anim8or, i can rotate it freely without delays or jaggy movements. most of the ship that you see are big faces that are textured, and when lighted well it looks can download it so, see for yourself! (
That came out really well!
I really like just about everything to do with this model. How long did it take to make?
Been wondering what became of you after you had popped into our old AnimAnon site (no longer active).
edit: i indeed signed up on the animanon website, but i'm so busy with quite a lot of things (other forums too) that i cant find the time to be very active on all of them..... sorry!! and are too websites where i am only half active....... only websites where i am fully active are and....... ;D
heh i updated it. if you download the model now, you'll find it adjusted to look better.
the mesh took about a month to make. here's an updated look:
less windows, changed the engine fronts and better panel textures.
That looks terrific. Is it an original design?
no, actually it is the x303 prometheus from stargate :P
you heard of stargate right?
Very well done, excellent model. I absolutely love the textures, and the textured windows work really well. Using two light sources, one white (Sun) and the other bluish (reflected from Earth?) is a great way to reveal detail, but keep the shadowy areas truely black. Nicely done.
Only thing I would consider is perhaps a starfield backdrop, which would help to reveal the ship's shape and create the illusion of depth to the space. I am familiar with the Stargate series, but not so well that I can provide crits on the model's accuracy. At any rate, it is an excellent model. Would you consider animating it? Perhaps a fly-past?
Another fantastic piece of work! :)
Ace ship, how did you make it? Cos it looks ace, where did you get your textures from?
Wolven anim8or: are you friends with spicy, because you both use the word ace
Startrekfan001, personally I liked it better with the extra windows, also, if your a Startrek fan, then how come you made a Stargate ship, you call yourself a Startrek fan, you Sir are a disgrace!
LOL nah just kidding, you're cool, LOL
A bit off topic: Tanzim, I am friends with wolven anim8or, school friends. And yes, we both use "ace" alot.
Back to the topic: As I said before ace! I would like to know how you started to make it and where you got the textures from, though
yea we are friends from school
well, the blue light is the light that's emitted by the engines. i've got a local light set to blue, placed in the engine pod, where the blue thingy shines.
the model isnt at all accurate with the stargate series, quite a few things came from my own imagination. but it is based on that ship. so its not original work.
there is only one texture, which i found somewhere on the nets(some website dedicated to free textures.... ill try to look it back up). i created 2 other versions of that texture to fit every part of the ship, and voila. done. so i didnt even make the texture myself. teh windows are simply screenshots from startrek series, bundled up together. if i would zoom into the windows you'd see sickbay and a corridor. only those two things are represented in the windows. ofcourse, i changed the luminosity for each window, so that it all looks different. somewindows have a blue tint over them, as well.
i will soon post an image with background and environment.
what does ace mean? something like 'nice' or so?
Oh yeah, of course the blue light is from the engine! Sorry mate, my mistake. It doesn't matter how you create an effect, like using Star Trek windows, so long as the effect works... and your window effect works brilliantly!
Also, i'm pretty certain "ace" means "good", "excellent", "awesome", or at least it used to. And I agree that it certainly applies here. Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you, mate.
well i just finished this model, took me about a months work like i earlier said, so perhaps my next model will arrive in another month (maybe two).
thanks for all the compliments. i hope you guys will find it usefull and download it a lot :D
Thanks for letting me know. Hope you can remeber where you got the textures from. Also, ace means "fantastic", "awesome", "nice" and "good". Just to let you know. I am also guessing that you did not use a reference image, as you said it was not fully accurate and some things came from your imaganation?
well, actually i used a couple of references, but not schematics. i tried looking them up, but somehow i cannot find any pictures that i found a couple of months ago (what the hell happened to the nets?!) but i used images like this:
so my reference consisted mainly out of images that other people rendered from their own prometheus meshes. and screencaps from the show ofcourse. if someone wants to make their own prometheus, just say the word and ill render it from any side you want to view. maybe that'll help.
1 to 2 hours to render? Did you use Anim8or Ray Tracer, I am guessing you did
no..... it was rendered in anim8or 0.95 :P
i dont use beta versions for projects like this, sometimes they get unstable and all my work is gone. happened about 2 times with the prometheus. had to restart both times, while i progressed quite far.
it was rendered in scanline, using soft shadows. nothing more.
Wow, that suprised me. I use v97 preview, problems to be solved but I don't lose my work.
well i have 0.96 and 0.97 on my PC, but the real switch of use will be when v1.0 comes out. so my next official 3d program after 0.95 will be 1.0. not 0.97, 0.98 or 0.99. just for safety ;)
If you haven't tried .96 yet, I highly recommend it. In my own experience it's been every bit as stable as .95 but it packs the awesome UV tools.
97...I don't use that either, it's very unstable on my system. Even when it doesn't crash, it distorts textures badly in every render I have attempted.
Oh, and to answer your question...I've heard of Stargate, saw the movie. Never watched the series.
ooohhh you should reeally really watch the series. very very cool. even if you dont like scifi. start with season 9. gets really cool from there.
anyway, i tried both .96 and .97, im actually only really using 0.97 for raytracing, and for all the rest 0.95. i havent figured out the UV-tools from .96. is there a tutorial for that?
Found them textures yet?
looking! and the picture is getting ready almost..... i want it to be perfect so it takes a bit of time.....