Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: lynn22 on May 01, 2008, 04:14:27 pm

Title: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on May 01, 2008, 04:14:27 pm
As part of my museum project and for next Xmas project I made this animated book.

Starting with a closed book (image 1) in frame 0 over 240 frames, the book cover slowly flips open showing the first page which in turn curls open from the bottom right corner (image 3 is frame 239). Then with some video transition we'll move on to the next scene.  The book will of course be placed in the right background setting.

What's the verdict ?
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: kreator on May 01, 2008, 04:16:08 pm
might be nice to see the anim rather than a few stills lynn ::)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 01, 2008, 04:17:37 pm
I like it, ever seen Shrek? Right at the start with the book (A bit like that?). Anyway i like that! I think that it will be good. What background do you have planned?
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on May 02, 2008, 03:04:39 am
kreator, I haven't rendered all the frames yet but I'll put up a link as soon as it's done.

spicy, thanks. One background might be a table, the other a bookstand
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: thecolclough on May 02, 2008, 03:58:49 am
i can't help thinking the position of the cover hinge seems a bit odd - shouldn't it be at the point where it joins the spine?

the spine and pages have quite a strong curve on them, more than i'd have used, but i'm guessing that's just a stylistic choice, it's not a prob :)

- colclough
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 09:43:20 am
Yeah, I just noticed that too, you need to amend that mistake. But it is good! Can't wait to see the full render with the background
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Olias on May 02, 2008, 10:01:33 am
Hmm, I think the hinge looks like it's in the right place, the thing to me that makes it look a bit unnatural is that when you open the cover of a book, the whole binding is going to sort of tilt and bend to the left.

Overall it looks very good, and the bending page looks great.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on May 02, 2008, 10:03:09 am
thecolclough and spicy, I have seen very old books where the hinge is slightly off the corner of the spine.

Anyway, the animation is online so if anyone wants to see it it's at : (
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 10:04:23 am
What do you mean Olias? Sorry, it's just I don't get you. I still think the hinges are a little bit out of place to be honest, but that's just me
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 10:07:01 am
lynn 22, I must say that animation  is really good! i liked it when the pages turned to the left.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: thecolclough on May 02, 2008, 10:15:06 am
spicy, i think the attached diagram basically shows the movement olias is thinking of.  if you open and shut a hardback book a few times, and look at how it moves, you can see that the whole thing deforms a bit when opened.

lynn, very nice animation!  ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 10:17:18 am
Oh I get it now! Thanks thecolclough! I really should eat breakfeast in the morning!
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Olias on May 02, 2008, 12:13:09 pm
spicy, i think the attached diagram basically shows the movement olias is thinking of.  if you open and shut a hardback book a few times, and look at how it moves, you can see that the whole thing deforms a bit when opened.

lynn, very nice animation!  ;)

- colclough

Aye, that's exactly what I mean. :)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on May 03, 2008, 09:14:37 am
Thanks everyone for having a look and for your nice comments, it makes it all worthwile :)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: spicy on May 03, 2008, 01:19:48 pm
When will you have the render with the background lynn 22? Because I would really like to see a render of that.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: bryce-i-m8or on June 03, 2008, 07:43:42 pm

Love the book!  I need to do something similar, but with a calendar instead, with the pages flipping up...

I just "found" anim8or last week, and think it looks pretty awesome.

Here's my newbie question:  how do I draw a "flat" object like a calendar page?  Then how do I "anchor" the top of it, so it flips up?


the bryce
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Orange Pickle on June 04, 2008, 03:54:07 am
This is nothing about the book except for saying it is great. ;) This is an answer to Bryce-i-m8or.

if you wanted to make it flat like a calender, you could double-click on a cube, before you convert it to a mesh, Set the Z-dimension to something like 1 or 2. note: 0 will make the z-dimension disappear.

My guess is that you haven't read the manual about bones and morphing for the flipping calender bit. So once you have read that bit about the manual. what you would need to do is attach a bone to the calender page and anim8 it!

Sorry about my grammer ::)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: bryce-i-m8or on June 04, 2008, 09:47:28 am

Thanks for the response.  You're right, I haven't quite gotten to the part about bones yet.  I have some experience with 2d animation, so conceptually I get it...I'll go read that part and give it a whirl.

Thanks again!

the bryce
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: cumesoftware on June 04, 2008, 10:52:51 am
Great book! Excelent use of textures and specular maps, and some fine textures, I would say. However, I have my disagreements, as I've seen some old books. I have a dictionary from the beginning of the 20th century (a true treasure and very rare).

What do you mean Olias? Sorry, it's just I don't get you. I still think the hinges are a little bit out of place to be honest, but that's just me
I think that too. They should be about 5mm from the spine. That looks like 15 to 20mm.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on June 04, 2008, 03:31:53 pm
Thanks to all who watched the animation and liked it   ;D

cumesoftware, I did not use any specular maps and as for the spine; what happened to artistic freedom ? It's not because they don't exist that people shouldn't model aliens  ;)

bryce-i-m8or, the page is just a cube with all but one face deleted, then put in figure mode and bones attached to it.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on June 25, 2008, 02:17:18 pm
I finally got around working on this project again, so here's the scene  - not yet fully complete, I want to include something with NickE's Chain Link Maker script, thank you NickE - the book is on the little table.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Lachie Dazdarian on June 25, 2008, 02:32:13 pm
Man, I'm eons away from something like this. I wanna learn! :P
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on June 25, 2008, 06:32:53 pm
Lachie, practice, practice, practice   ;)

Spot NickE's chain link  ;D  shouldn't be too difficult.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Lachie Dazdarian on June 25, 2008, 06:44:57 pm
Heh, that's cool. Although, flowers and chains? :P
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: Tanzim on June 26, 2008, 07:20:02 am
No, can't seem to find it... though I do like your chains, looks nice :D
Lachie: it won't take you too long, one of the KEY things to CG is passion, your usually better at things you want to do.
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: CowTail on July 03, 2008, 02:43:30 pm
i think what still makes it look odd is that the sheets shouldn't extend past the binding! even if there was excess binding like in thecolcloughs sketch, the sheets start at the corner where the cover starts to fold! otherwise it'd start to rip when you open the book all the way and started reading toward the middle!

but that aside, your animation is nice, and you've got an interesting idea going with the museum project!
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: flametiger74 on July 04, 2008, 01:01:31 pm
where could I get that chain plug-in. By the way some nice renders here. Keep it up. :)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on July 04, 2008, 01:46:29 pm
Thanks flametiger74

NickE's script is at :

Do take note of his description on how to use it ;)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: piotrsofts on July 04, 2008, 04:31:32 pm
lynn, you're great at it, you would be wicked if you worked in 3DS MAX (try it). one question, are you a girl?
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: lynn22 on July 04, 2008, 05:08:02 pm
Thank you piotrsofts but I'll stick with Anim8or, sofar it can do all I want to do.

No, I am not a girl, that would be too young for my age, but I am a woman  ;)
Title: Re: Animated book
Post by: cooldude234 on July 05, 2008, 12:42:15 am
Nice work. looks good so far but just wondering how did you post the pictures, I tried but it just didnt work.