Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: CydoniaKnight on May 01, 2008, 04:27:38 am

Title: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: CydoniaKnight on May 01, 2008, 04:27:38 am
Some of you from the old forums may remember this post that I made under my old alias of "Sega".

What kind of Anim8or are you?
This means what do you specialise in modeling? Environments? Buildings? Spaceships?

Personally, I love to model airliners like the Boeing 747-400 and I also enjoy building environments with water. Water is very challenging and fun to get it looking perfect.

So what else do we, here in the Anim8or community, like to model?
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: thecolclough on May 01, 2008, 05:17:59 am
me, i do geometric stuff - buildings, vehicles, even stylised alien charcters, anything where i can get away with using simple geometry!  ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on May 01, 2008, 06:00:28 am
colclough: Yup, me too.  It's relatively easy to make, say, a spaceship that looks really cool, but I am yet to see anybody, on any platform, make a CG human that actually looks like a human.  Sure, Beowulf comes close, but they still look artificial.  My personal interests tend more towards machinery and technology than plants and animals anyway, so I suppose my animation follows suit.

My modelling background is parametric (latheing, extruding, etc) and this whole wireframe modelling caper is kinda new to me.  Seems to me that there is a whole art just in edgelooping.  I also have little interest in gaming, so my models are built more for accuracy than low poly.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: im not a people person73 on May 01, 2008, 07:47:13 am
i model very simple characters,random objects,and simple pc is slow so i can't really animate anything accurately.i haven't really tried the scene editor much.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: spicy on May 01, 2008, 08:21:54 am
I am the same with thecolclough. I love to model cities, vechiles, people, aliens etc...
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: hihosilver on May 01, 2008, 05:53:43 pm
I feel I'm mainly a modeler at this point, though I aspire to become an animator as well.  Mainly, I tend to model organic things using subdivision modeling and focusing on edge loops.  My style is mostly stylized cartoons, but that doesn't limit them to simple (as it never should.)  I've also gotten into a good deal of lowpoly modeling in the past.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: xalener on May 01, 2008, 06:57:04 pm
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Deraga on May 01, 2008, 07:49:52 pm
Rigging is my main department
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: RnDr FOX on May 01, 2008, 11:37:44 pm
Im still experitmenting with anim8or and trying to master it, but I still lean toward modeling and I will model anything thought will like to get better at modeling organics
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: almost cool on May 02, 2008, 12:02:09 am
I do anything I can, I try to present myself with new challenges everyday and find a new way to do it,i will do anything from block modeling, to high poly organics.and I try to take it from object to scene, instead of focusing on one.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: lynn22 on May 02, 2008, 02:43:49 am
I'll try my hand at any modeling technique as long as it produces the object that I want in an animation for that is my goal, making animated stories.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: CydoniaKnight on May 02, 2008, 05:26:01 am
We have quite a diverse range of Anim8ors here, I see! :)

You know what would be neat? Like, an Anim8or party! All of us, a high powered computer lab, access to unlimited resources (food/drink/textures etc) and 24 hours to Anim8 something really cool! :D
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: falloffalot on May 02, 2008, 05:28:50 am
Modeling scenes / buildings is my thing,
but I'm just getting into the animation which is very cool.  8)
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 09:50:56 am
You know what would be neat? Like, an Anim8or party! All of us, a high powered computer lab, access to unlimited resources (food/drink/textures etc) and 24 hours to Anim8 something really cool! :D

I wish that came true CydoniaKnight :)
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: thecolclough on May 02, 2008, 09:56:32 am
You know what would be neat? Like, an Anim8or party! All of us, a high powered computer lab, access to unlimited resources (food/drink/textures etc) and 24 hours to Anim8 something really cool! :D

it'd have to be using Anim8or 0.97 Stable Release, of course, so we could do ART renders without any beta/preview bugs.  wouldn't be much of a party if things kept crashing on us!


- colclough
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: baxter on May 02, 2008, 10:12:40 am
ahhhh..., I love anim8or, its sad how its looked down upon by the others that can afford 4000$ software

I use it mostly for blades and swords, sometimes I'll throw a gun in thee too.

organics,hmmmm...., not really me :P,texturing,mmmm, sorta good but not really

animating, I HATE animating :(, its just not something I enjoy doing.

so what kind of anim8or am I in a nutshell?, blades and swords knifes etc.., anything thats sharp,..OH! and dragons, I love dragons :D
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 10:15:43 am
We have a large selection going on here! Blades and swords, I wish I could make them. I am not that good at making swords and guns
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: almost cool on May 02, 2008, 04:45:10 pm
ynow what.I wonder if there are talent scouts looking on anim8or for animators in a nutshell to hire for  game companies like valve, bungee and 2K! If i ever get in the golden business, ill tell my boss whare to look.why look for the pros when you can look for potential AWSOME!
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: spicy on May 03, 2008, 12:57:25 pm
Yeah! I love valve, bungie and besthesda. All good companies! We have potential! Plus to add from earlier-I love making planets and adding textures
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: EcoTyler on May 07, 2008, 08:44:15 pm
Got that right.

I'm more of a modeler but when I get Good enough at modeling I'm gonna start animating and posting little cartoons on youtube  ;D
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: thecolclough on May 08, 2008, 03:45:50 am
... when I get Good enough at modeling I'm gonna start animating and posting little cartoons on youtube  ;D

make sure you post the link here, and i'll make a point of watching them ;)

- colclough
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: B3dman on October 06, 2008, 10:56:44 am
im a modeler
im ok at rigging
i like doing animation but one thing i don't understand is why it is different moving the bones in scene mode then in figure mode?
ive posted one vid on youtube my channel is in" the great youtube directory"
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Jaw Jaw on October 07, 2008, 02:08:19 am
I mostly like making characters . I can make swords to!
I also like making random objects that you see every day.
Im not to keen of animating, but i dont mind it.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 07, 2008, 12:31:01 pm
I prefer Non organic still scenes / images.

Probably since rendering and animation work very slowly on my pc.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Mactetra on October 07, 2008, 04:51:22 pm
I like to model high-detail realistic objects, but sometimes take a break and maybe make some cell-shading or something :)

That is why i really like that the anim8or renderer is becoming more and more realistic
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 07, 2008, 07:36:40 pm
The same applies for my feelings towards Still...

eg. A knife can look ok in 0.95, but add a little glint, some reflections and a bit of blood... Amazing.

I just watched sweeney tood, it has given me inspiration (not the murderous barber sort of inspiration, inspiration to model.)
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: KiwiNM8OR on October 09, 2008, 02:16:34 am
I mix and match with Object and Scene mode. If I don't anim8 I still put object in scene mode to see what it looks like rendered.

Mainly I'm an abstract type person which basically means I have no real skills. Lately I've been focusing a lot on ART mirroring but for now I'm experimenting with subdivision modelling which is fun as it is a bit like starting with a ball of clay and manipulating and experimenting. I also take ready made objects like the torus and mobius scripts and use modifiers on them. As for anim8ing I haven't really done anything special but there is a link at the bottom of my post for them on youtube. My comp is slow at rendering so the clips are very short.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: VBSmiles on October 09, 2008, 02:39:06 am
I uh...... do it all.

but mainly just play around. I think theres still alot anim8or needs to be taken seriously as both a modeler and animator. It can do it. but its like building a fire with a stick and fast hands.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: sagedavis on October 09, 2008, 03:09:57 am
Wow, great posts and a lot of diversified talents going on.
For me, it's all about movie making. I haven't made one, but that's what it's about. I've made animations of small items, different objects, organic and non. Humans I don't do much of though :-( but want to learn.

Generally, the objects are just there to see how camera motion and lighting can work. I've done some really interesting work arounds for lighting effects, glowing objects and so on.

I don't generally stick 100 percent to anim8or. I tend to render the avi in anim8or and do as much as I can with the lighting, but, I tend to do a little bit of post processing in wax or jahshaka to add to it.

Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: floyd86 on October 09, 2008, 06:43:30 am
I used to make alot of simple animations, but i grew over that^^. Now my main focus is making of scenes/stills.
I like to models lifeless objects, dislike to make organics/characters. Because I'm not very good in edgeloops and because i don't like rigging.
Making a good character takes hours to do and the result is a 5 sec movie, not worth it for me. I also spend hours on a scene but then I'm more satisfied with the result.

What i most like in anim8or is tweaking. Tweaking the setting of light, materials/textures, attributes. I can spend days and days on tweaking the setting untill there just right. Sometimes i open an old project and start tweaking those setting and rerender the whole project once again.

Like this project: Dead End Road. I made it when two days after v0.97 was released. Now a few months later i opened it again a tweak with new setting for materials and lighting. Check out the difference: pic1 is the old one, pic2 is the new one i recently made.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: huhftyuu on November 01, 2008, 06:51:02 pm
We'd have to have a render farm too!

EDIT: Oops, I forgot there was more than one page, I was replying to an earlier post.
This looks kind of out of place.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Francesco on November 01, 2008, 07:44:35 pm
Uhm, having a decent machine underhands everyday, that would be my "meanwhile" dream.
Having some power station and a render farm is quite too much of a dream for my poor customs.

As for what I would do with all that gear, I would grow on Anim8or, mainly. Although I'm not a kid, the time I spent staring at the screen was focused on coding and, of course, gaming, so modeling 3d is quite a new thing for me - always known the basics, but never really made anything.

I tried to make something on the UT editor, though then I lost my mind on scripting AI and abandoned modeling to work on someone else's artwork.

Well, in few words, a newcomer to Anim8or and similar, but really happy to be here.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Champio30 on November 01, 2008, 08:53:35 pm
I make 3D movies with Anim8or
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: huhftyuu on November 01, 2008, 09:42:29 pm
Hmm, mainly I model a bunch of stuff,  put it in a scene, and render still images, although I did make a few really crappy movies (which I unfortunately lost). By really crappy I mean really crappy, a bird was a cylinder with some rectangle wings and some drawn on eyes/beak.

I also enjoy texturing stuff.
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: yetipenguin on November 02, 2008, 05:01:19 am
im not much of a modeller, i try to make something, but then it goes horribly wrong... :-\
Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: captaindrewi on November 03, 2008, 11:29:49 pm
I have always had a dream of making a real animated film and anim8or has provided me with that
opportunity.I didn't really consider what i might do beyond making the film though.
i tried to make 10, 1 min episodes sort of comedy with figures, speech and narration.
Turned out due to lack of ability only good enough for you tube,loads of work done 80%
The project slowed down at the audio stage, having to do voices myself. with poor equipment.
but was slowly and surely getting there.
Then lost hd with ALL edited episodes,vocals,sound effects gone which i had organised with 'lumiere''
that was a tough time.
i still have the original video clips, models etc but cant face going back to it.Quality wise i think i have moved on.
I have made a new 3 minute short that needs a licenced music piece[i have a piece of music but haven't got to grips with how to obtain a license yet] to accompany it before i can release it,
I'm hoping to submit it somewhere in some professional way. That doesn't mean i expect to get any money for it though.
quite the reverse i'm thinking at present.
There is a complicated route for submission to the bbc. whereby, if they like it, i would have to make
a beta tape copy[not sure what that is] at my own expense and i would hand over all rights to the film for 5 years.
If i elect to go that way i cant pre broadcast.
i haven't discovered any easier avenue as yet.
so in answer to your question .........i am a would be animator.

Title: Re: What kind of Anim8or are you?
Post by: Water Music on November 05, 2008, 12:58:05 pm
Amateur game making when I can; too many hobbies, too little time.  However, I also make medieval armour and weapons and so occassionally find it useful to use anim8or for pattern drafting.