Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Kubajzz on April 26, 2008, 04:53:02 am
Edit 21-08-2008 - I attached the script file instead of posting a download link...
I've just finished Diamond parametric shape script (the file attached).
It contains 7 different diamond shapes and several parameters of each shape.
To be honest, I don't think anybody will find all this useful... I just enjoyed programming and studying the geometry ;D
If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to post it here...
Have fun!
Demo image:
The read-me says that recommended material specular value is 2, does this mean that Anim8or's raytracer doesn't follow the Law of Energy Conservation?
Anyways, cool script.
The read-me says that recommended material specular value is 2, does this mean that Anim8or's raytracer doesn't follow the Law of Energy Conservation?
Anyways, cool script.
I didn't think of that... I think Anim8or doesn't care of the energy at all, you can enter something like 150 or -5 for specular and it will work 8) It means that Anim8or doesn't really obey physics, but who cares? You can get incredible results if you experiment with weird values ;D
btw. the recommended material settings are results of my experiments; it doesn't mean they are the best diamond materials. I bet you could find better materials if you did several test renders... So... Don't take my materials too seriously ;)
Nice Script.
Here's a Test render usinng ART transparensy.
Not the best. but not bad either.
Nice script Kubajzz, I like it. Maybe I should get into scripting
Yea I am thinking about getting into scripting, do you have any suggestions on what a new guy like should do first. Also what program language does anim8or use (like java)
I would guess it would be Java, but I could be wrong. I have always wanted to do scripting ( I am in July, I am going to John Leggot College to try out some scripting for the day, using Java). It should be fun. Hope people will let us know
Anim8or uses it's own scripting language (ASL means Anim8or Scripting Language). You can find it's specification here: (
It's really easy to write scrpts, I recommend you to download the plane plugin (; read the code and then try to create your own simple shape...
Also check this topic: (
- it will help you understand how the plane primitive script works...
And one more link:,777.msg7544.html#msg7544 (,777.msg7544.html#msg7544)
- the first post of that topic contains an attachment with 3 simple parametric shapes, maybe they will also help you to learn scripting...
Just try it, you will find out that it looks more difficult than it is...
btw. I'm glad you appreciate the diamonds... I created it for fun, to learn scripting... And then I thought I would post it :) Thanks
thanks Kubajzz for your advice and help
I know that anim8or uses ASL but what scripting language was used to create anim8or itself. Like did he use java to create anim8or and coded it where anim8or can use its own language. Can you explain this to me cause I am still a little confused on that. But right now am studing the ASL language.
As far as I know,here's how it is:
Anim8or is written in C++.I would guess around 400,000 lines of code.
The win32 API is used for the msg boxes and the menu at the top of the
window.The OpenGl API is used for rendering the viewport(working
view) and the buttons on the left and top.
Wow! This one's going on the scripst page, too, Kubajzz :) Was your image rendered using Anim8or?
Yes, it was rendered in Anim8or... Nice, isn't it? ART rocks (thanks for it ;))...
Ace work Kubajzz!
hey great work, i've been busy with diamonds and stuff lately, so this is really handy! thanks a lot!
i cant find the attribute thing!good code Kubajzz.