Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: PLanAhead on April 25, 2008, 11:59:03 pm
I have been working on this for the last month and its still very much in its infancy.[/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube)
BTW can I embed YouTube videos on this forum (if so how)?
That's looking very nice so far PLanAhead.
I believe I remember that you had two figures, one that was transforming, and one for the final transformer so that you could animate him. Right now that transition is not smooth. There seems to be a jump where you switch between the two figures. Other than that it's looking very good though. There are a few other jerky movements here and there, but I like what you have so far.
As for your youtube question, no, that's not possible here, just on the .org forums.
That was a very good morph target animation, but was the Transformer one object or several.
(I'm assuming it's morph targets because I've never been able to pull that off in sequence mode)
Anyway, you might want to work on the movement at the end, it looks like he's sliding on the floor, but his wheels aren't turning.
Here is a small update
I actually used sequencing with bones if you can believe.
Made the car then chopped it up. I plan to use morph targets to make it look more complex. i.e. basically filler (engine, seats, etc.. morphing into... nothing really, just eye candy)
I know the transition is not smooth trans to bot.. Actually 3 models so from car to trans is smooth enough I guess.
Well this is a new update. It makes me sick that there now 20 or 30 new transformer animations on You Tube. All better than mine >:(.
Guess I'll just have to keep working.
I'm pretty proud of this one though.
That last video is great.
.... I'm pretty proud of this one though.
And so you should be, it's very nice indeed.
Wow. I'd be proud of that as well. That is realy good