Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: EcoTyler on April 24, 2008, 09:18:34 pm
here's a couple of my master pieces,lol jk ;D
Pretty good for a newb.
Nice apple, thinking of texturing it?
The ball with the lights, looks pretty cool, not sure what it is though ???
You've made the chain for the heart bracelet pretty well, did you use the torus plug-in, and could you show a wireframe preview?
Could you show the sword in another angle, and again, could you show a wireframe preview?
idk it's like an energy sphere thing,and i don't have the sword or necklace saved as object so......
Tanzim, the energy ball was made off of this tutorial by Mikeplus (
Good start on the objects there EcoTyler. It looks like you're starting to get the hang of the basics.
Going good, Eco! :)
The necklace is nice. If you get the main part and convert it to subdivided it would have a nice smoothed off look.
The energy ball is cool... could you do a blue and green one? That would look sweet! :D
Keep it up!
Thats good for a newb, I do agree with CydoniaKnight about the necklace though (It needs to be more smooth). I like the apple as well. Keep it up!
Eco, I'm just wondering... How long have you been using Anim8or?
Your models look alot like the ones I was making when I first began Anim8ing... but already you are using transmaps, made an energy ball thingy (which looks really cool) and made all the links in that necklace look linked properly, like a chain.
Keep it up, you have the makings of a very good Anim8or! :)
I must agree! The energy ball is ace, better than what I did when I first started. Eco, you do have the making of a good anim8or, keep it up!
Eco, I'm just wondering... How long have you been using Anim8or?
Your models look alot like the ones I was making when I first began Anim8ing... but already you are using transmaps, made an energy ball thingy (which looks really cool) and made all the links in that necklace look linked properly, like a chain.
Keep it up, you have the makings of a very good Anim8or! :)
I've had Anim8or for about a year but I don't use it much,and I'm a really good artist and I've won best in show at Halifax County State Fair(It's in Virginia)
I drew an Orthodox Church,The onion dome building in Mosow so I think that has something to do with me being sorta good. ;D
It figures. I was thinking you must catch on quick to anim8 like that. 1 year you say? I always go on anim8or, do some random models stc... Keep posting your images, they are a great start
I've had Anim8or for about a year but I don't use it much,and I'm a really good artist and I've won best in show at Halifax County State Fair(It's in Virginia)
I drew an Orthodox Church,The onion dome building in Mosow so I think that has something to do with me being sorta good. ;D
Wow, thats great how you won that. :)
I look forward to seeing any future Anim8or pictures you have...
Talking of which, lets see that picture of your lion! :D
i like the second energy orb image. If you get a cloud image as a background, add some sea, shadows, will look more whole and realistic :)
If you want some tips on material effects, such as bumpmaps, transmap, ambientmap, just ask away ... I have a few tricks of the trade ;)
Ive attched two images. One of a tester model i did ... Took me a day to model. Its just a 3d sketch basically. Barely no light effects, texture effects, etc ... I then did a similiar render using a developing final model set. You can see the difference - realistic textures, etc. Check out ... :):)
Also, check out (
its a topic i started about a month ago regarding a myst style game im designing, but it has a lot of advice given to me from fellow anim8ors in regards to textures, etc :)
Also has a way of creating leaves! which might b useful for your tree :)
I'm gonna start trying to model people from my favorite T.V. shows like Naruto and Blue Dragon,I could probably draw referance images to use and then scan them to my computer,I'll open a new topic when I start on that. ;D
Pretty nice! I guess that shows that you dond have to be pro to be awesome.Keep it up!