Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: almost cool on April 24, 2008, 11:04:09 am
Hey this is gonna be great (I hope) :D I had made this egg,and i thought,i should make it hatch.So i split it in two and now...I DONT KNOW WHAT SHOULD HATCH.i want it to be cute and helpless.Any suggestions.
If it helps, heres the egg.
A little chick? A little puupy? What are you thinking on of?
A little....thing i mean, it does not have to be real,just cute and little.Maybe let it change color or something.i mean,I just need help figuring out what to make.Im kinda not used to this.
Do a furball. I know that there's a tutorial on how to do hair with anim8or and teranim8or somwhere and the example image is a furball.
If you would add feet and eyes that would be pretty cute. I think.
Heres what i have so scares me.It will come to you in your sleep.Fur would be wonderful :-\
There is a technique how to make fur, (It was in one of the DOTAN8 magazines). Only problem is I lost it, I think you can download the magazine on (they are free). I saw the fur picture and it looked ace! So realistic! Though I think the render took a long time
Cant find it,I dont think fur would be the best thing for this anyway.What do you think would be a good color.
I don't know. But how about some textures off the net. Textures can make things look realistic
Heres what i have so scares me.
yeah, me too :o
actually, most things that come out of eggs, aren't all that cute to start with. lots of birds are just downright hideous when they've just hatched. maybe you should concentrate on scariness instead? perhaps do a baby velociraptor, a la Jurassic Park, or something...
What do you think would be a good color.
either a reddish-pink (lots of hatchlings are that colour, they have no pigment yet, so the reddishness is actually caused by the blood vessels under the skin), or some sort of grey / brown. if you're aiming for realism, that is. otherwise, make it kingfisher blue, with green specular or something! ;D
- colclough
Actaully I agree with thecolclough, forget textures for the moment. What the thecolclough said is really realistic and gives the sense of a new cute but scary creature. try that and give us a render. I bet it will look good
Yeah i see your point,ill get started on that.ill make the eyes look more realistic by puttin a transparent lens with a subtle env map.and make it scarier,but cuter.
Heres a better eye color,and that newborn flesh a bumpmap for skin.Should i get started on the figure or does the head need more adjustments?
Should i get started on the figure or does the head need more adjustments?
depends what it's going to be? the mouth probably wants a bit of work (make it less square, and a bit darker inside), and it could use some eyelids. and depending on species, it may or may not want some ears. if it's supposed to be something scary, then slant the eyelids down in the middle to make it look more ferocious, and maybe add a couple of little baby fangs. :o as a general rule, things like eyes and ears, especially eyes, are proportionally larger in baby creatures than they are in the adults of the same species.
personally, i'd shift the colour a bit more towards pinky-red rather than orangey-red, but thats just a taste difference, i think.
and just as a little side issue, almost_cool, it makes your writing clearer if you leave spaces between your sentences.rather than doing this :)
sorry to reel off so many things at once - hope you don't feel too swamped! :P
- colclough
no prob 8), have it done in a few seconds. It shouldnt be ferocious I just want it to be scary and have room for it to be cute. (If I dont than the egg being golden would be kinda pointless.)
Done :P here it is,i redid the bumpmap 2 make it more lack of pigment,did i go overboard?
did i go overboard?
nah, it's alright. there's just one little bit under the left eye which is quite pronounced, but otherwise it's quite a nice wrinkly-skin effect :)
mouth's still a bit square? kinda depends how organic or how geometric you want to make it look, i guess, but i think a less square mouth shape would be a good idea. then you can move on to the rest of the body!
- colclough
Oh....My.....Strudelcake.This turned out terribe.A picture says a thousand words.PLZ Help.
Oh....My.....Strudelcake.This turned out terribe.
i'd have to agree... :P
i think cylinder primitives are probably the wrong way to go, to build an organic body. it would be better to use something sphere-based (if you want it to be fat), or else try box modelling, and subdivide the object (remember to use 'Convert to Subdivided', NOT 'Subdivide Faces'!!), which would probably look better if you want it to be a skinnier creature. if you go with the box-modelling method (see the infamous eggplant tutorial ( if you're not familiar with box modelling), then you can actually get away with having a comparatively simple mesh to make a nice, non-geometric shape. you just need to play around a bit with the wireframe in point-edit mode.
hope that helps :)
- colclough
ps. rofl @ the "strudelcake"! best OMG alternative i've heard in ages! :D
THX about the strudelcake :) i think ill just use a tapered sphere for the abdomen,box method 4 arms and see how that goes.
I agree with Colclough, organic modeling is much more difficult than placing a few primitives... You will usually start with a primitive shape (cylinder, sphere or cube... whatever you like...), but...
1. you have to spend some time experimenting with all the tools in point-edit mode to get familiar with it... Then you can modify your primitive...
2. at least 99.9% of good organic models are subdivision objects (as Coulclough said, use Build>Convert to subdivided command); that makes it much easier to get a smooth shape, which is easy to handle...
once you are able to use point edit mode and subdivision objects, you will want to learn the 'advanced' modeling... Then you will have to obey a few more rules to create really good organic models...
For example:
- almost all the faces should be 4-sided
- there shouldn't be more than 4 edges coming from one point; there should never be more than 5 edges per vertex!
- the mesh structure (edge loops, density of points...) should obey the basic rules of anatomy...
Hm... Maybe you should ignore all this for now... I think box modeling (as you said) is the best solution, just try to make it a bit more... uh... a bit more than just a sphere with 4 extruded faces!
Organic modeling is not a 5-minute work, it's not a shame to spend several days working on one model... The goal is not to have it done, the goal is to create a good model! Be patient!
...and good luck!
Well i tried----> [img=] (
In order to show your image, you must put the link in between the '[ img ]' and '[ /img ]' brackets. Like so:
why does it show up weird?
eco make sure you read the manual,and for the eyes you need to put a trasparent lens over the eyes, which gives them a realistic teary effect.
Here it is more organic.
Maybe weaken the bumpmap, because I don't think potatoes hatch from eggs, no offense :)
Because it's from an egg, focus on either of these: reptiles, fish, birds, platypus or echidna
Currently, I believe your focusing on birds, so you might want to elongate the face on the z-axis and add a small beak, but if it's no animal in particular, work on the facial structure (high cheek bones, low "mouth" bone, large cheeks), and push his eyes in, he looks stoned! :)
well i did all that...see how it looks.dont look directly at the eyes though,they maka-me cry :'( :-[ .
eco make sure you read the manual,and for the eyes you need to put a trasparent lens over the eyes, which gives them a realistic teary effect.
Here it is more organic.
dude it's a cartoon egg,so i made a cartoon puff ball lolz
EcoTyler, if you want your image to show up, do not put it in [img=URL] tags. That's not the correct format. Put the URL inbetween an [img] and [/ img] tag (just get rid of the space in the /img tag.)
dude it's a cartoon egg,so i made a cartoon puff ball lolz
If it were a cartoon egg i would not have gone through the trouble of adding an env map. 8) end if you have not read the manual then read just pointing that out.
I've read it ¬.¬
Eco's just trying to help guys, I'm sure he has read the manual. He even said so... I mean, the manual is really good, but you can't judge somebody on whether they have read it or not.
I never read it, and I consider myself to be fairly good at Anim8or.
I liked your picture, Eco :)
Heres one that I made with fur... looks kind of like a Koala:
how did you make the fur look like looks like particle effects,did you use blender?
Nope, fully Anim8ed!
Its just a trans-map applied to the mesh, and then the mesh duplicated and enlarged slightly each time.
I though the sides looked odd, must be ultra high poly!
BTW: koalas are Grey, have beady black eyes (I'm not sure about the mouth)
But it looks really good.
Heres one that I made with fur... looks kind of like a Koala:[/img]
looks kinda rabid :o give it red eyes and some eyelids, and it'd probably go quite nicely in a horror movie ;D
- colclough
I like it, I might just to make one myself. How is the Adorable thing going on?
Oh also earlier in the topic you wanted fur, correct? I know you won't want it now. But you can get the information on how to create fur from the dotAN8 magazines on (
thecolclough... I didn't give it eyelids, but it has red eyes, grey fur, sharp teeth and horns! :)
omg that's gonna give me nightmares!
What on earth is that! Anywayif I get around to it i will animate it into a cute little scene.OK i got around to it :P
CydoniaKnight, I think you just hi-jacked Almost Cools' thread, which is even weirder because your model is a "horror koala" while Almosts Cools' is an "adorable thing"...
and the horns are too shiny, if this is going to be a horror Koala (better name: Koala from Hell), it should have blood stains and evil stuff like that all over it, and maybe a chainsaw as well.
Heres an evil texture:
I kept it small due to its evilness ;D
thecolclough... I didn't give it eyelids, but it has red eyes, grey fur, sharp teeth and horns! :)
gah! now that's REALLY scary! :o *runs for the hills*
i still think some eyelids would help to make it properly evil-looking, though. just imo. anyways, here's a cheap mockup (MS Paint, anyone? ;D )...
thecolclough... eyelids look awesome! I should have listened to you :)
But if you guys thought that was scary... heres something I just whipped up...
Imagine that bursting into your bedroom at night!
Tanzim is right... I did kind of hijack the thread. I'm sorry, almost cool. I'll stop posting hideous evil monsters now :)
thecolclough... eyelids look awesome! I should have listened to you :)
i've been working with some vaguely-humanoid-but-nothing-like-accurate figures recently, and i've found the eyes and eyelids are some of the most effective things for conveying emotions and stuff in a non-human face. possibly even more so than the mouth.
But if you guys thought that was scary... heres something I just whipped up...
Imagine that bursting into your bedroom at night!
:o *dies of terror at the mere thought*
nice texturing and lighting though, the cracks in the wall are a bit wide, but they're a nice touch :)
- colclough
Almost Cool how is your adorable thing, any renders/animations?
Tanzim is right... I did kind of hijack the thread. I'm sorry, almost cool. I'll stop posting hideous evil monsters now :)
:) all is forgiven.if you didnt hijack the thread then whare would you post that?neway im used to it.
Almost Cool how is your adorable thing, any renders/animations?
werkin on it,i already found and fixed a problem.the legs were too close together and that made overlap-free movement impossible.ill make sumthin cute,maybe he puts part of the egg on his hopin that overtime i will make him bigger,give him actual flesh,and even new animations.they make it through my assembly line so fast :'( .
Imagine that bursting into your bedroom at night!
You call that scary, you haven't even had a glimpse of either of my brothers LOL
Nice use of lighting, but the blood is too shiny, maybe change its specular color to orange/red, and there seems to be some texture stretching on the walls, or did you plan for that to happen?
Also, (personal taste) I think the teeth shouldn't be the same color as the skin, the mouth should also be red to compliment the blood, and the blood shouldn't all be the same size.
Otherwise scary model!
Yeah, Tanzim all your points are valid... though I only whipped that one up in about 10 minutes so I didn't really put much thought into making it realistic...
I'll do your suggestions, but put them in my own thread... I've put enough of my pictures into this thread. :)
Almost Cool: Thanks for letting me know. Can't wait to see the skin textures and the actaul model itself
ynow i dont think i will be able to do this.I got other projects pilin up.if i can in the future i will animate it.