Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: hihosilver on January 03, 2008, 07:41:29 pm
Lately I've been in the mood to create Anim8or tutorials.
I'd like to hear from everyone what they'd like to see tutorials on, or what they feel others would find the most useful with tutorials. It'd be nice to get a lot of input here as I could make some form of a list to work off of.
Thanks :)
Yea can you make a tutorial on swords and other kind of midevel weapons? Also a tutorial on make a human but not as complicated would be nice. Another would be making trees. If I think of any more ill post and when you fininsh them can you email them to me.
I'll put these down on a list. If I finish them I'll probably post them on the forums, but yes, I'll pm you with them as well if I get to them.
RnDr FOX, good list i would like to see those too
it seems like they all could be in one "mega" tutorial dubbed "Forest Medieval Fight Scene"
that could include all of your list, and some other things, like grass/terrain (<<my list contribution :)), skinning, sequences, and probably more.
Yes a grass tutorial would be a good tutorial. Some people were also intrested in plants but there is a program called plantmaker (which could be found under resorce link) ,but yes that would be a useful tutorial. Also what video format are you going to use for your tutorials? And will there be sound?
Thanks guys, I've added the new listings. You're right there may be a useful tool called plantmaker, but I'm also sure it can't do any plant you want. Plants can also be good to teach people the methods themselves.
As for video format, I wasn't sure if I was going to do videos or not.
I'm currently working on a simple sword tutorial, then I'll do a more advanced sword tutorial. Right now they're being done with screenshots and will be in a written format. Though you're probably correct that I should start making video tutorials if I want to make things easier on myself and probably others. If/When I go to video tutorials there will be sound, as I have a mic. Is there a video format you'd prefer for the tutorials?
Well Hi Ho u could always do a tut on making objects stay put on the ground when animating I think a lot of peeps would appreciate that ... are u gonna use camtasia ... narration is better with tuts as well as a well defined screen so you can see where u are heading! ... I hate those time lapse ones on youtube u can`t even see whats happening in half of them waste of time.
Yea im not real sure on a video format that is why I asked you. Kreator is right narration is very nice. And plantmaker your right you cant make a whole lot of realistic plants but is still a fun and easy program. Another tutorial that would be nice is a tutorial on different kinds of animals ex. bears, dogs, cats, ect. The reason I am asking for that is there are no tutorials on that. Another tutorial is box modeling and I believe it is called line extruding those would be nice. (testing out glow) ;D
Kreator: I'm not exactly sure what you mean by staying on the ground, do you mean in things such as walk cycles? I'm not exactly sure what I'll use for video capture. Is camtasia a good program for it? I plan on having narration, as I don't like time-lapse videos as much either. I may post them on youtube, but I'll be sure to offer higher resolution videos as well, as I hate youtube's quality. You can't see a thing.
RnDr FOX: The video format would probably be something that's more or less universally acceptable, such as a format and codec that's readable by "Windows Media Player" or perhaps useable with quicktime, as I know it's a format many in the 3d industry use. Mainly it's used because you can go frame-by-frame, and it's nice high quality. I'll add animals to my list as well. I already have modeling techniques written down, they will probably include: Box modeling, Poly-by-poly modeling, and edge extrude methods. I'll probably also include the facts and knowledge that these can be and are usually all combined to make the most efficient form of modeling.
Hm, for some reason the glow never seems to work on my computer... I just get highlighted text... unless that's what it's supposed to be.
Camtasia is a very good Program for doing tuts especially with narration... I got a free version of it ... would b very glad to let U have it if u Pm me
i made a whole group of swords and knives once if anyone would like to have them let me know
B3Dman I would love to have them just email them to me at (thats an underscore between travelin and texan)
B3Dman, i would like them too, my e-mail is
hihosilver when will these tutorials be completed? Also what about a tutorial on making fur (if that is possible)
How about a tutorial on making clothes for characters. Also when you animate them there clothes will move with them. Is there like a cloth effect on anim8or?
i would like a basic totourial. if you could tell me how to insert objects (i checked giudes and they didnt help) and also shape objects ( i havent checked but i havent really gotten off to a good start with giudes)
Sadly I can't come out with tutorials as fast as I'd like to. Since winter break is now ending, I wont have much time to work on these tutorials, but I'll still do work on them and hopefully get some out. This is going to be somewhat of a long term project. Right now I'm almost finished creating a basic sword tutorial. Next I'll probably switch to video tutorials, and I plan to do a complicated sword next. A fur tutorial would be possible, it would be a decently simple tutorial using transparency maps. As for a cloth effect in anim8or, no there isn't. You can simulate some cloth movement with morph targets, but that's about as close as you can get. I could still perhaps do a tutorial of clothing a character.
Remember that I may not be able to do every single little tutorial, though I'll try to get most of them done. I have other requests from people on as well, so I have to balance what I make first.
Thanks for all the input! :D
Can you doa tut on animating? especially with controller scripts How to use!
Sure! Animation tutorials are perfectly do-able. I'll add them to my list. I don't have any experience with controller scripts yet, but I'll be sure to look into them when I get to animation. :D
I am having a little trouble locating the sword file, but i should be able to email it to you by the end of the week.