Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: mikespitzer on December 09, 2022, 07:29:02 pm

Title: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: mikespitzer on December 09, 2022, 07:29:02 pm
I have imported some objects from cgtrader, rigged them , sequenced and scene them.

I would like to composite the animation into a real world video footage

what software do you find easiest for this ?
Title: Re: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: Kevin Gales on December 10, 2022, 10:09:43 am
As far as I know anim8or an8 format is not compatible with any other software out there...
1.So let's say you want to do something basic...
Render your animation from anim8or into a flat color usually green...
Then use chroma key(often associated with green screen) which is supported by a dozen software including the basic ones(try Filmora or VSDC)
Or if you want to go pro..I'd recommend after effects or Natron..

2.The other method is use the import video script in animator and then if you know the angle of the camera and FOV try to position the scene to fit the FOV and the camera and angle..
This can get difficult if the camera is moving around a lot...unfortunately for that you will need motion tracking

3.If you are going to be working with 3D animations and video footage you better start learning more powerful tools...
I had to learn blender and cinema 4D for that...
Title: Re: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: mikespitzer on December 10, 2022, 03:51:15 pm
thanks I  was thinking that if rendered and exported the 3d animated video from Anim8or
 I could import that video to something like Magix Movie Edit Pro or even  Open Shot video editor to do the chromakey and compositing the animation with live video

But you think even a short 30 sec "jurassic park" type film clip using a high polygon model may be too much for Anim8or to handle ?
Title: Re: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: Kevin Gales on December 11, 2022, 04:56:29 am
That will depend on stuff like number of polygons,vertices or your samples also anim8or only uses CPU rendering that means it will most likely take much longer to render that 30 seconds
Title: Re: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: johnar on December 12, 2022, 03:33:34 am
 Give it a go rendering into .avi using anim8or. (uncompressed .avi) You're PC just might handle it ok.
 Various, (most?),  video editing software will take uncompressed .avi. (best quality, large files)
 I started long ago, and have stuck with 'sonic foundry vegas video. (now sony have taken over and i'm not sure if there's a free version)
 If you can get your hands on an old 'sonic foundry vegas video 4', it has unlimited video and audio tracks.
 Problem with using old sonic foundry program is compatability issues with some newer video and audio formats, tho if you stick with uncompressed .avi you'll be right. (format can be changed/video compressed, after final production.)
BUT, Times have changed, and a google for 'free video editing software' shows a whole lot of more recent programs.
 None of which i recognise!! Lol (
Title: Re: What software do you find easiest for compositing animation from Anim8or?
Post by: ianross on December 12, 2022, 09:46:02 am
Thank you Mike for this question, also I agree with all the above answers from Kevin and Johnar.
Probably the simplest place to start would be OpenShot video editor.

Also I recommend shotcut, the interface can be a bit awkward at first, but there are plenty of YouTube video tutorials.
It is a free program with some upmarket features, and I have had alot of success with it.

I have done an enormous amount of research into making the anim8or scene editor into a live action movie studio, and thank you to Raxx, Steve and Hindsight.

Please review my web page

I really enjoy using anim8or scene editor as a movie studio please review the pictures.
Please Steve ???(http://) is it possible to import a series of pictures into the scene editor without using Raxx (etc) script, maybe this can be done via the material editor?