Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: mrbeaver.07 on September 13, 2022, 06:59:10 pm
After 2 months it's finally ready
Nice one mr beaver.
Perhaps if you put a slight curve in his fingers his arms won't look quite so 'robotic'. I saw an interesting animation tutorial, which i can't find right now, but it showed a nice keying trick to make arms more fluid. (for this to work, you need to have a slight swing in shoulders, elbows and wrists, resulting in all these joints being keyed). Basically, if you look in your timetrack at the keys, the keys for shoulder, elbow, and wrist, might all be done in the same frame number. The trick is to seperate the frame numbers for each joint. EG: the shoulder move fwd frame 2, then the elbow frame 4, then the wrist frame 6. (just for example sake). It gives a more natural swing to the arms. (shoulder moves, then elbow, then wrist) Hope i explained the idea ok.
The jump can be improved by timing, like the bouncing ball tutorial. 'Faster down than up'.
All in all, well done. :)
Thank you for this constructive review. :D