Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: xero11213 on April 18, 2008, 08:50:25 pm

Title: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: xero11213 on April 18, 2008, 08:50:25 pm
I'm currently working on a bathroom sink, using the new reflection and refraction features of Anim8or. I don't have a file to show you yet (it's rendering currently, and taking forever), but I'll repost with a picture or something soon. The countertop is slightly reflective with a low roughness value, and the mirror is obviously completely reflective. Also, I made the faucet resemble chrome. And finally, I added a liquid soap bottle on the counter for something for the counter to reflect (because you can't see the faucet's reflection in the counter very well), as well as the mirror. I plan to add a toilet complete with toilet paper in the future.

If you have any ideas for my bathroom, let me know  :)
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections
Post by: Tanzim on April 18, 2008, 09:52:33 pm
You could add a bathtub, have tiled floors, towels, flowers, a deo can etc.
BTW, mirrors can't reflect 100% of light, it's usually about 95%
Good luck with the raytracer! :)
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: thecolclough on April 19, 2008, 06:59:38 am
you could put in a bathtub (as suggested by tanzim), add a shower curtain, and a person or two, and animate a Psycho Shower Scene!!!  i've seen several remakes of the infamous Shower Scene, but not an anim8or one...  that'd be pretty cool ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: xero11213 on April 19, 2008, 07:26:32 pm
Thanks for the tips! I already added a tiled floor, and more recently a toilet. I'll probably add a bathtub later. Here's some screens!
Reflections test (
Reflections test 2 (
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: Tanzim on April 19, 2008, 11:04:54 pm
thecolclough: What's the infamous shower scene?
xero11213: Nice renders, for Ref1, the toilet seat cover and the (water holding bit) don't usually reflect light as well as the bowl
For Ref2: The walls look plain, add some color or tile them as well, and work a bit more on the sink, maybe round it out
Otherwise, it's coming out great! :)
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: xero11213 on April 20, 2008, 01:46:45 pm
Yeah, I'll change the lustre of the seat and the back of the toilet, and the counter is an older picture--I rounded the counter off a while ago. :P
I'm working on a texture for the walls right now as well.
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: xero11213 on April 20, 2008, 03:02:08 pm
Alright, the toilet and walls are pretty much done, here's some pictures of what it looks like at this point in time:
Reflection test 2.1 (
Reflection test 2.2 (
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: Tanzim on April 21, 2008, 04:59:39 am
Looking better , though I can't see the toilet in the mirror, they are in the same room, right?
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: thecolclough on April 21, 2008, 05:04:54 am
thecolclough: What's the infamous shower scene?

it's the bit in Hitchcock's Psycho where the leading lady gets stabbed to death in the shower - but it's very cleverly done, as you never actually see a single stab would, nor do you see anything 'private' (i think).  apparently it's one of the most infamous scenes in any horror movie ever, despite how little is shown per se.  i think the soundtrack has something to do with that...  anyway, it's[/youtube]]viewable online, courtesy of youtube (http://uk.[youtube).  and no, i'm not actually a horror aficionado!   ;D

here's some pictures of what it looks like at this point in time

really good!  just a little q. - does that bottle label say "Caveman Soap"?!!  interesting brand name...  :-\  8)

- colclough
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: xero11213 on April 21, 2008, 05:20:16 pm
Looking better , though I can't see the toilet in the mirror, they are in the same room, right?
Yes, but the toilet is in the other corner. Looking into the mirror from that angle, you can only see the opposite corner.

really good!  just a little q. - does that bottle label say "Caveman Soap"?!!  interesting brand name...  :-\  8)
Yes, it says "Caveman Soap". I needed a texture, so I seareched "soap label texture" on google, lol
Title: Re: Bathroom Sink w/ reflections (WIP)
Post by: almost cool on April 22, 2008, 12:35:53 am
Hey man, love it!!The textures are cool.The mirror should be taller, and have like wooden or plastic lining.Possibly lift it a little from the sink.Oh dang the toilet is cracked!!!Bad omen. :o