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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Olias on April 18, 2008, 12:57:06 pm
"Show me the Enterprise. No bloody 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'."
-Montgomery Scott, "Relics"
wow! bet that took a while to make :P the bottom four pics are the scene from ST:TMP, right? my only crit would be that the last pic seems to have a passthrough error - the right-hand edge of the hangar is cut off, presumably because of the camera's FOV and Z-Near settings. otherwise, though, awesome pics! if that's just a WIP (topic title says it is), then i'd love to see the finished product. :)
- colclough
well now that's an amazing model, looks exactly like it to me, i like that rig thing with the lights, it's a great way to show the whole model with atmosphere
Absolutely superb! Amazing model, and really excellent use of lighting. Because I am a picky b*****d I have just one crit. In Drydock4 the planet in the background is missing it's atmosphere, which I only saw because I felt the atmosphere simulation in the other pics was a little bit heavy. IMO it should be a little less solid and not reach so far out into space. But I am splitting hairs here and it's only the background, after all. Really fabulous work, mate!
thecolclough: Didn't ST:TMP use the NCC-1701A, a supposed "refit" that completely altered the shape of just about every part of the ship?
WOW, excellent model.
But I'm more impressed with the lighting, you used spot light's, right?
thecolclough: Didn't ST:TMP use the NCC-1701A, a supposed "refit" that completely altered the shape of just about every part of the ship?
ermmm... you're probably right! i'm not a massive trekkie or anything, so i can't remember exactly which ship is in every episode, it's just i saw TMP not that long ago, and i thought the hangar / dry-dock structure looked a lot like the one in the movie... ::) maybe olias has depicted what the scene would have looked like when Enterprise had just gone in for the refit, but they hadn't started metamorphosing its shape yet? ;D
- colclough
Thanks everyone, and good eye for details.
Thecolclough: Yep, I didn't notice it until you pointed it out, but that one shot is clipped off on the right hand side because of the camera placement.
Ensoniq5: Aye, I realized about halfway through the render that I had forgotten to re-align the atmosphere object to make it visible to the camera.
Tanzim: Indeed, all the lighting in all these scenes, whether its the accent lighting on the Enterprise, or the lights in drydock are all spotlights. I've since created emissive maps for the ship and I'll get some renders of that up soon. The drydock, well, I tried to cheat by just putting four lights around the ship - above, below, to the left and right. It didn't look very good, so I took the full plunge - there are 96 lights on the drydock model so I placed 96 spotlights. It took a few hours to do that but in the end I think it was worth it.
The scene in ST:TMP with Enterprise in drydock is certainly what inspired the drydock scenes here. It's also the moment I got hooked by Star Trek. The music swelling as the ship came to life, that was just an awesome scene.
As has been pointed out, that was the refitted version of the Enterprise and of course this is the original series version of the ship, so I was envisioning this as taking place before she departed for her oringinal five-year mission or something like that.
One other discrepency in the drydock shots is the red stripe thing is missing along the starboard side of the secondary hull in 'drydock4'. I'm not sure why that didn't appear. It doesn't appear in the black background shots but at that point I hadn't created it yet. Seems to work now, though.
It looks very pro
Olias you have done an amazing job. Keep posting.
I love star trek! And that looks exactly like the U.S.S Enterprise, Constitution Class Starship (The one Jame T. Kirk Commands). Sorry for bieng a Star Trek Geek! lol